
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Ken Kesely's novel, "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest ". Talks about peoples' ability to use power to control and manipulate situations

        Peoples ability to use major condition to wangle and elude situations and volume is a acquirement not many people have. Unfortunately this skill can lead to conflict as it did in Ken Keselys novel adept Flew Over The Cuckoos snuggle when McMurphy and halt Ratched meet each(prenominal) other.         McMurphy has been subsequently Nurse Ratcheds power right from the beginning. After the first group confrontation he pointed come forth that the meeting was like a pecking party. The Nurse starts it with pointing out something wrong with some unitary and then the men marry in with their criticism. Her book was the same idea. The men would listen to each other and when one said something that they shouldnt have they write it shovel in so it can be brought up for therapeutic reasons, however when McMurphy came all(a) that changed. That made the support furious, that was her way of holding perfect control and power over the patients.         McMurphy had complete power over the patients from when he first came in. Nobody like him had constantly been in the hold before. He came in singing and laughing, something that no one had perceive in a long time. He walked around the means shaking hands, introducing himself to everyone, even the chronics. He taught the acutes how to play cards and he taught them to gamble. His very first bet though was that he could chance the best of nurse Ratched within the week, and he did. She wasnt dismissal to hind end down though.
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To try and snatch all the gambling going on she rationed th e cigarettes, so they no long-term had anyt! hing to bet, but that never stopped them, they used money instead.         The patients admired McMurphy because no one had ever stood up to her before, and he would do things for them... This essy is pooly written, it looks as though it was not even proof read. There is soem reasoned insight into the novel, however lack of proper grammer usage makes this take on witness hard to follow. If you want to get a unspoilt essay, influence it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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