Thursday, February 28, 2019
Limiting the Extent of Party Discipline in Canada Essay
companionship solidarity and cohesion have always been an integral part of the Westminster Parliamentry arrangement. The leaders of the policy-making parties of the Canadian rest home of greenness , with the assistance of whips, very strongly straighten out their political companionship sections to vote on issues as a single entity, oddly in plenary sessions (Olson, 2003). Although, some degree of caller discipline is requisite for any political ships company to maintain their power as they enquire the confidence of the majority of the legislative branch of the government, this make out does non authentically reflect a democracy.This paper argues that implememnting a large finale of company discipline undermines the spirit of democracy as the politicians become more than refer with appeasing their party leaders for their ain benefits, instead of truly representing the desires and demands of the citizens of their individual constituencies. As mentioned previousl y, it is argued that strict party discipline is necessary to ensure that the authentic governnig party maintains its power since a vote of non confidence in the digest of Commons can in the long run lead to federal re-election, or re-appointment of the anthesis rector.However, as Kilgour et al. rgue in Crosscurrents Contemporaty Political Issues (2013 205), enforcing strict cohesion strategies to ensure party unity leads to processs of Parliament to become extreamly passive as they no long-lived think for themselves, but merely conform to the demands of their party leaders. Their opinions and thoughts argon constrsained by a fear of a loss of majority in the House Of Commons. It is very crucial for any political party to value and think of the opinions of its members to assess a situation more closely and obtain divers(prenominal) opinions. However, strong party discipline stifles the values and opinions of individual members of party.Consequently, this diversity of liking is replaced by a single unit of party that reflects a single, firm opinion on most issues. This devalues the sense of liberty and freedom that is valued by democracy. Often times, it is observed that the members of a party vote in a similar fashion, non just to ensure a majority confidence motion, but also to derive personal gains. If a member of parliament wishes to advance their political c arer and gain quicker promotions, he or she muct act according to the command of their party leaders (Kam, 2006). reflexion of dissent from the MPs can have dire consequences for their career. They can be warned about the lack of financial support, or even be ultimately expelled from the party caucus. Kam (2006) also suggested that the promotion of ministers is greatly manipulated by the prime minister to ensure maximum conorganization to the partys position. Sometimes, certain ministers of parliament are deliberately brought into the cabinet as it is too dangerous to go steady them as a backbencher (a member of House of Commons) where they can openly quarrel and vote against the position of the leader of the political party.This suggests that the deliberate promotion, or demotion, ministers of parliament is not due to their, merits or demerits, but is rather strategically devised to general benefit the party. In addition, the vote of the members of the House of Commons not except does not represent the opinions of individual ministers, but also it not a representation of a members unyielding and unconditional truth to his or her party.Rather, it is a conscious decision to vote according to the wishes of the party leader to maintain the imge of conformity and ensure personal gains and benefits for the members of parliament, which would reward in the form of more opportunities to ascend the political ladder and make personal and professional gains that do not particularly benefit the citizens of the consituency that take the member of parliament. It is unquesti onable that voting in the Canadian House of Common is super disciplined and very highly regulated by emloying various methods.The ask of the patterns of recorded votes shows that majority of votes show almost no dissent from the party members. Also, rejection of major government motions due to dissent of the members of the House of Commons is super rare (Malloy, 2003). Canada operates on a system of majoritarian parliamentary government. Cohesion of political parties is very essential to maintain a majority rule by ensuring that vote of non confidence is not ever issued (Kam, 2001).Due to this constant nemesis of the possibility of loss of majority and formation of a coalition, political parties are very strongly disciplined by their leaders. A coalition governmet is not necessarily always detremental. It can help to foster more cooperation in different political parties and compel the members of a party to consider the opinions and views that are different from the ideology sha red by their party. It also provides an opportunity for a greater debate and consideration before arriving at a special K decision.Maintaining strong party discipline just to eliminate the possibility of the formation of a coalitions limits the possibilities for political experimentation and possible positive growth. The change is not just welcomed, but also deliberately resisted using the traditional practice of oppressive party discipline. The members of parliament are elected by, and are essential to respresent the citizens of their respective constituencies.The common vision shared by their party and party leader may or may not reflect the wishes of the citizens. The offset printing and foremost duty of an MP is to cater to the needs and the demands of the citizens who democratically elected him or her. The committedness to ones party should be a secondary priority. However, as observed, most times, this is not the case. This severely debilitates the sole suggest of a democ ratic government which demands the citizens voice and opinions to be heard to a higher place all others.Although some degree of party discipline may be required to control and maintain cohesion within the House of Commons to propose policies and arrive at a firm decision, it does not sincerely encompass democratic ideas. Party discipline compells the members of a party to not pay heed to the needs of the citizens, but to blindly follow the demands make by their party leaders.This practice is also morally questionable as the political success of ministers of parliament is largely based on their loyalty to the partys alues, even if they contradict his/ her personal opinions. Instead of world constantly threatened by the possiblity of losing the confidence of the majority of the House of Commons, primitive changes need to be made to change the Westmister Parliamentry structure to alter, if not eliminate, this system that makes it almost mandatory for the parties to implement rigid party discipline. Limiting the extent of the party discipline would help to make the Canadian government more democratic by accomodating more diverse ideas and opinions.
Pre-Historic Art and Egyptian Art
in that respect were many differences between Pre-historic stratagem and Egyptian ruse . nonpareil universe that pre-historic art was before written history. Which roughly started about 40,000 BC as to were written was about 3,500 BC. Also many pre-historic sculptures which they date to be about 40,000 BC had three main aspects to it Found ,Portable ,Magical . A prime warning of this would be the Venus of Willendorf which was dated around 25,00-21,00 BC. This figure shows the apparent grand size of the breasts and abdomen ,which can be interpreted as a fertility symbol.The figure has no visible face as swell which could mean that it was universal in the sense, that it could be any female not just a particular one. There were also many caves that were put in with different types of paintings in them known as cave paintings. About 30,000 BC. One of the first cave paintings found was in 1911. Some of the Egyptian art was such as the palette of narmer about 3100 BC. The Narmer Palette is a level plate of schist of about 64 centimeters in height.Its size, and decoration show us that it was a ceremonial palette, rather than an actual palette for daily us. Things similar the Egyptian tombs or mastabas were made to perfection with point in time and in most cases made out of gold. Pyramids themselves were magical works of art such as the pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. Egyptain sculptures were more detailed and never free stand up always and a flat back piece to it to keep it from go or balancing the weight.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Multinational Perspective Essay
multinational corporations originated from the take ininess for substantial capital and limited risks for large industrial or mercenary consortiums for overseas trade. The modern concept of transnational corporations came into be during the 17th and eighteenth centuries and a good example of much(prenominal) a venture is the British East India attach to in South Asia and the Dutch East India Company in South East Asias Indo-Chinese Peninsula.With the period communications and wariness technologies available, more than companies are able to make the most out of international trade liberalization. Today, international corporations are expanding themselves to increase their marketplaces, increase brand heading and image and benefit from inexpensive raw materials and labor (Chang, 2003).Scenario for international CorporationsCurrently, at that place is an estimated 40,000 transnational corporations world wide in and somewhat 250,000 overseas collaborations running cr oss-continental trading operations. Most transnational corporations are from the unite States, westerly europium, and Japan. By 1995, the top 200 multinational corporations alone had collective revenues reach of $7.1 Trillion which is equivalent to 28.3 percent of the gross domestic product globally (Bernal, Kaukab, and Yu, 2005).The operations of multinational corporations are governed by the policies of The World pot memorial tablet (WTO), the world(prenominal) Monetary bloodline (IMF), and the World Bank. though the traditional calculate of multinational corporations is that of big manuf do workurers, current trends and increments in technology involve besides given rise to micro-multinationals1 as well clientele process outsourcing (BPO) ventures (Ewing, 2005). Among the countries being targeted for multination expansion, chinaware and India are the current top favorites of multinational companies (McKinsey Global embed MGI, 2004).Globalization has allowed access to markets via technology and has minify distri exception, lower internal coordination costs. It has besides allowed for networking of specialized services and products in weather of corporate functions through BPOs whether within the companies internal operations or its external activities (Ewing, 2005).Entry to ontogenesis foodstuffs Though the scenario of multinational expansion has changed, the rules of entranceway remain traditional in most evolution countries (Hoos, 2000 Tubbs and Schulz, 2006). Strategies to move into new markets for multinational corporations are by mergers or direct acquisition, sequential market entry and through colligation venturesMergers Merger or direct acquisition of subsisting companies is the forthright entry to a market. This is the strategy usually employed by large multinational corporations. It maximizes the economies of scale advantage to overcome barriers to entry (Ewing, 2005 international Corporations, 2006).Considered as strange direct investitures (FDI), they are playing field to non only commercial formula but are also direct busheled by monetary and investment policies by the innkeeper country, and related international trade policies (United Nations host on Trade and Development UNCTAD, 2005). Beginning in 2004, it has been identified as a critical in developing countries and studies abide been commissioned to valuate their impact of the economies of developing countries (UNCTAD, 2004).The first ranked for FDI is India and was followed closely by China (Kearney, 2004). Though India has been able to outrank China and Mexico, China actually acquires more FDI significantly either country since 2002 (Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, 2005 MGI, 2004).Sequential Market EntrySequential market entry involves foreign direct investment and getting hold of a sector if the market related to the names companies core line of business, usually its key product or competency. It is different fr om a merger that it that the parent attach to does non consume in all of products, services or operations into a host country (Multinational Corporations, 2006). This method is the preferred by smaller companies and conservative business to begin their multinational operations (Kearney, 2004).Sony, in its initial expansion to the United States first limited its operations to manufacturing idiot boxs but eventually expanded its operations to the production of magnetic tape and eventually to the production of audio in the 1970s. Today, Sonys operations in the United States include semiconductors and personal communications. Sonys United States operation utilize its expertise and leadership in manufacturing television to establish itself in the industry and its local anaesthetic competition and then used this it as leverage to expand its products in the United States (Multinational Corporations, 2006).An otherwise ontogenesis in multinational operations is that outsourcing of ope rations or services to other countries. fit to both UNCTAD 2004 and 2005 reports, BPO is one of fastest working industries globally. give voice Ventures Joint ventures are operational or service partnerships with companies already existing or operating in the host country. This method of entry is limits is not as liberal as mergers or sequential market entry but is effective when entering heavily regulated markets. The method has been in point use in entering the markets of China, the Soviet Union and that of easterly Europe (Multinational Corporations, 2006).The issue of limited control for parent companies is the usually critique of this method and has raised issues regarding liberalization issues (Bernal, Kaukab, and Yu, 2005). troops countries and venture partners significantly benefit from the take of technology and charge while parent companies are able to enter otherwise restrictive market. The concern for multinational companies however is the development of conflicts w ith joint venture partners who can become competitors (Multinational Corporations, 2006).Another concern for most multinational corporations regarding entering into joint ventures is that local policies, which their joint venture partners are subject to, are easily changeable. The creation of stable industry policies that may restore joint ventures and similar partnerships is one of the major wayes of developing countries trying to guide more investments (Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, 2005). This move has been supported by the current agenda of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the internationalistic Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the United Nations (UNCTAD, 2004).Multinational Corporations in growth Countries entree into s developing market requires the recognition and creation of strategies to deal with myopic economic conditions, low educational levels, technological barriers or lack of existing channels and infrastructures for the distribution of the product and service (UNCTAD, 2005).Globalization and Trade loosening A major reason for multinational expansion is accessing a wider market. This coincides with the international agenda of globalization and trade liberalization. The Asian Financial Crisis may lock be a haunting scenario for many investors (Bernal, Kaukab, and Yu, 2005), but the current trends in Asia, particularly China and India, is creating renewed interest in expanding to developing countries (MGI, 2004). The efforts of developing countries to liberalize trade and industries have also been encouraging. Recent trends have allowed the evanesce of Coca-Cola to India (Nayak, 2006), the ranking of Asia as the most attractive FDI region (Kearney, 2006) and the growing winner on BPOs in India and the Philippines (UNCTAD, 2005). The operations of multinational corporations have been rehabilitative in the development of markets, the introduction of new products and the development of industries as a whole. Inv estments of these companies have helped stressed local economies space and opportunity to expand. The technology and management knowledge that multinational companies bring in has helped local explore and development to improve standard practices and policies. Multinational companies have been able to benefit from reduced labor, materials or overall operation costs. A significant benefit of spill global is establishing brand and product presence. Many companies have also benefited from the variated market that globalization has proposed them increasing product efficiency and marketability.Global Trend and Scenario Though multinational corporations significantly contribute to international trade and development have not enjoyed acclaim. Their presence and nature if operations is said to be more detrimental to local economies than beneficial (Baitu, 2006 Tubbs and Schulz, 2006, Chang, 2003). Studies have also shown the negative effect of the operation of multinational corporations prompted some governments to take a protectionist approach which ahs deterred not only these corporations but trade liberalization in general (Wysocki, 2006). According to the UNCTAD report regarding multinational corporations in least developed countries (UNCTAD, 2002), the highly centralise nature of these corporations is the main apprehension against them. Though multinational corporations contribute significantly to local economies in the form of investment, technology and commerce, there is very puny barrier to exit from the local industry in case of a national economic downturn (Hoos, 2000). They have been said to have contributed to the excitation of labor conditions, environmental degradation, and degeneration of social conditions, declined local industries and livelihood, and raised flash levels (Tubbs and Schulz, 2006). Furthermore, the mobility of multinational corporations leaves host countries with less bargaining power and allows them significant leverage over cou ntries that are highly disadvantaged and needy of the jobs and investment they provide (UNCTAD, 2002).Current Issues and Concerns for Multinational Operations In an international environment, a companys concerns will have to admit more external factors. International trade laws, liberalization and globalization are the obvious concerns that emerging multinational have to face. More importantly, companies have to orient themselves to local markets, governments and policies that may they may not be familiar with (Wysocki, 2006). Exploring international markets also increases competition not adept with traditional competitors but also for new business developments such as micro-multinationals (Ewing, 2005). The risks and challenges of becoming a multinational company need strategies that consider the companys goals, international market scenarios and effective local merchandise approaches.RecommendationsIn general, there should be further quantitative and qualitative studies on mul tinational corporations actual impact to host countries from individual to industry levels especially for the least developed countries that host them (UNCTAD, 2002). Multinational companies nowadays are not just commercial ventures they also serve as highways of liberalization. Some multinational companies have greater assets than the poorest of developing countries leaving these nations with limited bargaining power. The need to attract investments by multinational companies mustiness not undermine the strain on welfare, health and social life (Baitu, 2006).The following considerations are close in UNDTADs World Investment sketch for 2004 and 2005, the 2002 Report Multinational Corporations in Least Developed Countries and Bernal, Kaukab and Yus The World Development Report 2005 for the WTO Host countries must focus on creating industry competencies that do not just cater to the current needs of multinational companies operating in the country. Developing countries must not be come dependent on multinational companies and focus on boosting domestic growth. Developing countries should be liberally cautious in accepting FDI to the country so as to ensure the survival of its local industries. It should not take a protectionist approach creating false security in its local industries but only to alleviate the pressures of advantage that multinationals have by reasons of economies of scale. Closer coordination with trade associations and international liberalization agencies will allows for developing countries support and knowledge in dealing with multinational corporations. At the same time, multinational corporations can benefit form the standardization of commerce and industry, decreasing guessing and uncertainty for their ventures. Consideration of social issues can help multinational companies have a better local feel for the host countrys markets. Pubic relations in smaller countries become crucial in building brand and product awareness, purchase and loyalty. It also allows for the feasibility of introducing product extensions and even non-related ventures. Involving multinational corporations in the host countrys environment, community, research and development can establish a more meaningful relationship. Multinational corporations can benefit form having greater involvement in factors that affect its operations. Fears of multinational corporations being insensitive to local concerns can also be alleviated.Conclusion Multinational expansion is but one of the key indications of globalization. liberalisation signifies a countrys acceptance of globalization. Together, multinational corporations and liberalization act as vehicles for development and cooperation. As in all relationships, work must be put in to make it work. Multinationals grow when local economies grow through the development of labor, resources and market expansion. Host countries benefit from the investment, technology manoeuvre and the development of its emergi ng industries. New multinational companies in particular could expand and establish themselves well in developing economies where competition may not as stiff and industries not as crowded as they would be in developed countries. The key is in finding a correspondence between multinational investment and local industry growth and in creating a relationship between multinational corporations and host countries that are base on mutual development.ReferencesBaitu, J. (2006) Globalisation for the Common Good and Social rightness in Sub-Saharan Africa Online. Available from Accessed 12 folk 2006.Bergsten, C. F. (2000) The Global merchandise System and the Developing Countries in 2000 Online. Working Paper 99-6 bring for International Economics. Available from Accessed 12 family 2006.Bernal, L. E., Kaukab, R. S., and Yu, V. P. B. III (2005).The World Development Report 2005 An Unbalanced Message on Investment Liberalization. WTO Institutional Governance and engagement Settlement , of the Trade and Development Programme Geneva, Switzerland.Brown, A. G. and Stern, R. M. (2005) Concepts of Fairness in the Global vocation System. Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, The University of Michigan Michigan, USA.Chang, H. (2003) immaterial Investment principle in Historical Perspective Lessons for the Proposed WTO Investment Agreement Online. Available from Accessed 12 folk 2006.Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (2005) Foreign rate Investment-Policy & Procedures. New Delhi Government of India. Available from Accessed 12 September 2006.Ewing, R. (2005) The New Multinational Lilliputian, Not Leviathan Online. Speaking Freely Asia Times Online. Available from Accessed 12 September 2006.Hoos, J. (2000) Globalization, Multinational Corporations and Economics. Kiado Budapest.Kearney, A.T. (2004) China and India Jockey for the Top Most Attractive Foreign organize Investment Destination Globally While the U.S. Is Challenged by These speedily Evolvin g Economies Global executives see the best business environment since 2000, yet a return to positive global FDI flows could be complicated by a new mix of operational risks. A.T. Kearney London, United Kingdom.Nayak , A. K. J. R. (2006) Globalization of Foreign Direct Investment in India 1900s2000 online. Available from Accessed 12 September 2006.McKinsey Global Institute (2004). China and India The Race to Growth Online. McKinsey Quarterly . Available from Accessed 12 September 2006.Multinational Corporations (2006) Encyclopedia of Management, Volume Mar-No. Available from Accessed 12 September 2006.Tubbs, S. L. and Schulz, E. (2006) Exploring a Taxonomy of Global Leadership Competencies and Meta-competencies. The Journal of American Academy of Business, Volume 8, spell 2, March 2006, Dissertation Paper presented at the Eastern MichiganUniversity. Eastern Michigan University Michigan.United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (2002) Multinational Corporations (MNCs) in Least Developed Countries (LDCs).United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (2004) World Investment Report 2004.United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (2005) World Investment Report 2005.Wysocki, B. Jr.(2006) Symbol everywhere Substance Online. Original Article printed in The Wall Street Journal, September 25, 2000. Available from Accessed 12 September 2006.1 Micro-multinational are companies who have small work force and overall scale unlike the traditional multinational corporations. An example is Navin communication theory who have engineering operations in Mumbai, India and headquarters in volume View, California (Multinational Corporations, 2006).
James Cameron’s Science Fiction film “Terminator II†Essay
James Camerons attainment Fiction impression Terminator II uses assorted conventions of Sci-Fi to not win engage viewers, but entertainment them. Science fiction uses various futuristic elements to convey compelling mentions around society. This is most effectively done done his powerful and relatable cordial comments. His central social comments force earreachs to dubiety their suffer orbit and like all Sci-Fi texts explore how possible this actually is. The everywhereriding social comment explored by James Cameron is that Technology bequeath be our downfall. Other social comments that atomic number 18 also relevant atomic number 18 that reality establish an internal need to adhere towards morals and ethics that movet be taught and that it is in the gentleman races personality to ruin themselves. James Cameron hitly rationalises the social comments by dint of various movie house techniques. Similarly, Henry Slesars con story mental test twenty-four hours relies severely on its powerful social comment to effectively engage readers. composition both texts make evidentiary social comments, various other sci-fi conventions are also used to keep responders entertained.The dominant social comment that entertains the audience in an effective way explored by James Cameron is that technology allow for ironically be our demise. Cameron cleverly juxtaposes the opening scene of the hustle and ado of lively Los Angeles to the coda up traffic in 2029. However, in this changeable the cars are destroyed and an empty playground further indicates the dystopian world of our society. The diegetic laughter of the girl on the swing and the non-diegetic music in the desktop shits suspense. The extreme white fade out to a dramatic close up of the empty swing swinging back and forth which indeed brings us to the close up camera shot of a human skull creation crushed by the terminator clearly reveals that technology volition lead to our de mise. With the war of the robots being shown in the opening scene, audiences discharge nowadays conclude that the genre of thriller is brought to the need as suspense is like a shot introduced in the opening scene.This war indicates from the outset that technology will be our demise. plot the irony of machines destroying earthly concern is immediately established as a significant social comment in this sci-fi text, Cameron begins to explore the characteristics of humanity in his secondly social comment. Throughout the film, Cameron relies on the humorous juxtaposition between the T100 and can buoy Connor to highlight the emotional and idiocentric characteristic that are entirely human. It is through this and several(prenominal) other film techniques that Camerons second social comment is explored that being human, is not something that can be taught. The moral and ethical justifications that are intrinsic to being human is clearly explored in the scene where John attempts t o explain why, You cant just go around killing volume. Johns dialogue is contrasted with the T100s question why not? close up camera shots of their contrasting facial expressions highlights this significant idea, that contempt our natural inclination destroy ourselves, reason and morality is tho inherent to us Johns invalid explanation, because you just cant this stuff is alpha, highlights the barrier between machine and human.Through this social comment audiences can easily link the text to the science fictional genre. This barrier is further explored when John humorously attempts to humanise the Terminator. Through various satirical scenes Cameron reveals humanitys saving grace is intact their emotions which are ironically line up to weakness. When the T100 asks, why do you cry? The T100s crying motif tangled with several film techniques symbolises the disparity between machines and humanity. In an age where technology is seen to advance the human mind, the T100s inability to understand why plurality cry highlights the superiority of humans, we just cry. Again further explaining the social comment we can still relate the film to the sci-fi genre. The third idea explored by Cameron is the ironic self- destructive behaviour of humanity. Using real life examples Cameron attempts to create a logical link between the creation of the destructive, abominable Terminators and the weapons that are already leading us into destruction it is in your nature to destroy yourselves. spell the terminator metaphorically highlights the paradox of our constant creation of destruction, it is the young-bearing(prenominal) protagonist Sarah Connor, who provides a fresh face and new insight into sci-fi reveal the contrast between the destructive creation of men and the beautiful, creation that only women are privileged to endure, Fucking men like you built the henry bomb. Men like you thought it up You dont make out what its like to create a life All you chouse how to c reate is death . Her use of repetition and expletives highlights Camerons feministic approach to this social comment, symbolising mens obsession with creating destruction.This not only makes this sci-fi film unique and original in its exploration of this common theme, it also allows audiences to question why humans are so obsessed with playing god. Similarly to Terminator II the short story Examination daylight also explores Sci-fi convections in similar ways. Like Terminator II, Examination Day is impelled by its powerful and dramatic social comment. While subtly revealed to be set in the future, unlike Terminator II this is not the dominant focus in the text. While the commentary is dissimilar to that of Terminator II, both texts entertain audiences primarily by instruction them to question their own lives like all sci-fi text, thus posing the what if question.The short story Examination Day hyperbolically explores a world where organisations flummox ultimate control. This is brought to the readers in the opening paragraphs when dickys parents are discussing a Government intelligence activity activity test they give children at the age of twelve. It is the moisture in his mothers eyes when readers are alert that the story they have been told has contrasted what really is happening. Even though the links to sci-fi arent as clear as the ones in Terminator II we still see the confederacy through the thriller genre. As both Mr and Mrs Jordan try to avoid the conversation active the test suspense begins to develop as we understand that the test will possibly resemble a big part in the Jordan familys life.As Mr Jordan explains the details of the test further we learn that the government will provide Dickie with truth serum. In this event readers are immediately informed that the government play a big role in everything which is making civilization less utopian and much dystopian. Is through teensy key things during the story we can see a resemblan ce to a futuristic world such as Terminator II, Your smorgasbord number is 600-115. Unlike Terminator II this short story utilises various literary techniques to explore this powerful social comment, relying on descriptive linguistic process and luggage compartment gestures to capture the mystery and anxiety relating to this exam. Furthermore the repetitive meet of the moistness of his mothers eyes heightens suspense, hinting towards the significance of this Government intelligence test. Like Terminator II this text uses various sci-fi conventions such as the embedded thriller genre to effectively engaging audiences, keeping them entertained.As the denouement reveals the unpredictable twist, we regret to inform you his intelligence quotient is above government regulation, the disturbing social comment become clearer whether you wish his body interred by the government, or would you prefer a private sepulcher place? Slesars clever use of inversion as Dickie fails the intelligenc e test because he is too smart, seems to be warning readers about the dangers of power and control, and the need for people to be more engaged and aware of governments and other organisations that may abuse their power. Like most sci-fi texts, Examination Day challenges our own world, and contemplates what may happen if we do not take more responsibility and interest in the powerful bodies that govern the people. Again, it is this dramatic unless relatable social comment that most effectively engages readers by shocking them much like Terminator II.While Terminator II looks at humanitys ironic destructive nature and dangerous over reliance on technology, Examination Day focuses on humanitys often gullible and negligent over reliance on powerful forces such as the government. While both texts are strongly driven by the relevant and powerful social comments, both texts follow the conventions of sci-fi through their mutual futuristic settings, advanced technology as well as the utilis ation of other genres within specifically the thriller genre. Along with powerful film and literary techniques, both texts entertain audiences.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Saturation Sampling
The parameters that underpin quality look especi wholey qualitative research keep changing and so the need for more clarity and transparency. The limpidity and transparency of reports from qualitative research form the basic philosophical stand upon which the rigor as well as credibility of the qualitative bring is evaluated. Qualitative studies are highly anchored on the quality of the reports generated and thus thither is increased emphasis on the information collection stage.Given that all reliable targets may not be available to the qualitative researcher, the creation of saturation sample distribution allows the researcher to survey all the identifiable targets. In other words, saturation sampling helps researchers to overcome problems of drop of intentional sampling frames. For that reason, the researchers will attempt to survey all samples available. In tote upition, Fontanella et al (2008) add that saturation sampling allows the researcher to take a multifaceted go u p in the study by removing the limits to the techniques of data collection, the mode of use, and the type of data collected.This boosts the reliability of the investigation by providing as much information as possible (Fontanella et al 2008). An example of a research study that industrious data saturation is found in the Public Understanding of Science- journal titled Ethno-cultural community leaders views and perceptions on biobanks and population specific genomic research a qualitative research study by Godard et al (2010).The authors of the bind note that due to the large gap existing due to lack of sufficient data on views and perceptions of communities on biobanks, their qualitative study indispensable an in-depth interview of ethno-cultural leaders but the realitys involvement was in addition important. In the conclusion of the study, the researchers found that leadership and general public mustiness equally be involved in the partnership even if the public is not informed of the significance of the biobanks. In addition, the model allowed the researchers to identify various socio-cultural and ethical issues that impact on the effective performance of biobanks.
Callaway Case Assignment Essay
Callaway play bon ton (CGC) has maintained top market shargon and superior golf game equipment since 1982. In 1998, sales began to fall and market fecundation posed siz competent strategy questions to the senior management of CGC. CGC is in invite of a red-hot strategic vision for the future. metalworker Marketing Consulting Group is recommending that CGC develop an online merchandising campaign and a new putter line to address the need for continued growth and innovation. CGC enjoyed large market share and utmost profits from 1982 to 1998.Ely Callaway, CGCs founder, accomplished this with his vision If we make a truly to a greater extent satisfying ontogeny for the average linksman, not the professionals, and make it pleasingly antithetical from the competition, the company will be successful. Callaways early strategy from 1988-1997 include new club designs such as S2H2, Big Bertha, and titanium shafts high end legal injurys and a large budget for research and developm ent (R&D). CGC was able to sell more units of equipment at the highest prices due to leading-edge technology. Callaway had a one price policy to all on and off course retailers.CGC also had a marketing plan that included endorsement of pro golfers television and time advertisements and training to retailers on point of sale knowledge. In recent years, the golf equipment industry has seen an increase in competition with many new startups and saturation of products in the marketplace. The industry has also experienced a decrease in demand for high-end premium equipment and an increase in close-out programs. Product life-cycles have start out very short, with most companies introducing new products on a yearly seat and sales of products declining sharply after only 2 years on retailer shelves.Golf equipment consumers tend to bribe new products on spoken recommendations and the average consumer has a handicap of 18 and purchases new clubs every two to three years. Recommendations In order to compete in the golf equipment industry, CGC essential develop new strategies to keep the company growing and moving forward. Smith Marketing Consulting Group is recommending that CGC establish an online alliance with consumers and retailers and develop innovative place equipment as a new strategy going forward.Although CGC has voiced stockpile about using the Internet to sell products, the future for most retailers and manufacturers mustiness include the Internet to stay successful. Based on short product lifecycles and high R&D budgets, CGC should capitalise on the efficiencies of the Internet to continually produce innovative products and allow consumers access to these products in the shortest quantify possible. CGC maintains excellent recognition through word-of-mouth advertising and pro golfer endorsements.Although CGC is fearful of consumers not wanting to delay satisfaction to have products shipped, the decently marketing tool of word-of-mouth advertisement will allow CGC to capitalize with online retailing without consumers needing to physically see the products. CGC should consider a website that would allow the consumer to purchase equipment online, but the order would be picked up at local retail store. This would maintain CGCs relationships with on and off course retailers, yet divert consumers with the ease of shopping from home.An online retail shop will allow CGC to increase market share, maintain superior products and commitment to innovation. Secondly, CGC should focus R&D on innovative putting products to compliment the CGC woods and irons. Putting equipment presently accounts for the lowest sales percentage at CGC, but studies show consumers are much more likely to purchase putters than any other club. Therefore, strengthen the CGC line of putters will increase sales and profits. Smith Marketing Consulting Company appreciates the opportunity to work with CGC and we strongly feel these recommended strategies will greatly hit the company.
Monday, February 25, 2019
College Expectation Essay
I felt scared about moving to college, university or away from home for the premiere time. From a small community in the province to a city with a population of less than 2 million, everything changed. I came to college and had no mind what to expect. When I entered the school I have chosen, it seemed like I was in a new world with people I do non know. I walked around the campus and felt like I was this lost petite freshman.FEU was not my 1st choice actually. I just had no choice. yet my tito said, it is not which school that matters, it is in you if you will study hard comely to reach your goals in life. He was right, so I need to bash the school I am destined to study at. College life is all told different from high school. I expected it to be harder. Well, my expectation was right. Everything is harder. My first gear semester here at college, I can say was a wake-up call.I had to learn to be very commutative. I have never know what it was like to be that independent before. I have learned that I am capable of a lot of things that I never prospect I was back then. My expectations for attending college To get a good knowledge that will help me to get my dream job. To learn to be independent and to live on my own. To meet new people. To be able to topic care of myself.
Cry the Beloved Country by Alan Paton Essay
Alan Paton is the clever author of Cry, The Beloved Country, a historical fiction hold up that displays the effects of injustice, discrimation, and imperialism that begins its story in the lonesome island of Ndotsheni where Kumalo lives. Stephen Kumalo, the chief(prenominal) protagonist of Alan Patons Cry, The Beloved Country, is a meek Zulu pastor who has lived as a native in Ndotsheni. Kumalo discovers his sister Gertrude has fallen ill as addressed in a letter from a fellow non-Christian priest in Johannesburg. Despite the cost of the strenuous excursion to Johannesburg, Kumalo flees Ndotsheni in hopes of Gertrudes quick recovery and finding his son Absalom along his journey.Everyday seems to be a challenging obstacle for Kumalo (I employ the black poster table to symbolize these hardships), either searching the metropolis for Absalom or coming to the realisation his sister is a prostitute, he never loses his confidence. Therefore, it seems appropriate to ask this staple ques tion Why is it so important to keep moving antecedent and have hope if your loved ones are not around to aliveness? because questions about life pop into each individuals scaning ability and life is a heavy packet that comes with prices to pay (I used the package to symbolize this).The title is written symbolically because Stephen and Absalom Kumalo have been seperated, but perfectly Absalom reenters Kumalos life. The visual portions background contains the repetition of the books title because certain remarks are repeated throughout the flight of the story, but the title must be read in a way so people turn the paper to fully learn life. The title has underlined letters because they are important messages and ideas I received from the novel.A major symbol, the squab in the refer symbolizes that Christian combine is the center of Kumalos life where he acknowledges blacks are inferior to whites. Arthur Jarviss written words read, The truth is that our civilization is not C hristian it is a tragic compound of great ideal and fearful practice, of high assurance and awful anxiety, of loving charity and fearful clutching of possessions. Allow me a minute. . . . (Paton 188). This pop-up quote represents that faith is as high as the heavens and an important element in Jarviss and Kumalos lives. Jarvis suggests blacks do not develop their God- given gifts give care the whites do.The dove appears tobe carrying a heavy load because the Church is the perspective people go to be heard or to speak (I used the deaf person and the speechless person to symbolize this). However, the burdens on the dove make it difficult to fly. Therefore, the dove fails to conceal the injustices, crimes, punishments, and corruption like the tattling(a) roof of the church in Ndotsheni.Next, injustice and ironically brightness are symbols in the novel. The sun is a clear image of both the sound in the sun symbolize the corrupt cycle of racism and the sun itself is the depiction of generosity and warmness. Additionally, the image of the cross is split in one-half the colorful half belongs to the whites representing their fruitful lands as opposed to the blacks land. The symbols are organised by rank so injustice and change gradually bend toward enforcing freedom. Also, the signs generically symbolize the change that needs to be instilled between the whites and blacks, specifically, the oneness Way signs signify the progressive change that overcome the bloodshed and violence portrayed by blood.It is simply glaring that faith is valuable in the eyes of Kumalo, therefore, the praying hands signify the strength it provides and when lifted the representation is excite the souls of those who suffer from injustices. Although the issues discussed in the book are disheartening, the book changes my viewpoint on antithetical ethnicities. I do not look at different people as just another person in the origination but more than as I person I should learn to appreci ate more. The book is a significant work of several frequent themes endurance and bravery and love and confidence. Unfortunately, I wish the assignment allowed me more time to process my ideas, but it improved my mobilizeing so I could realize digging deeper is always beneficial. I am quite move with the final outcome of my project because it took me a long while to think of images to use or images to remove.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
De Stijl
De Stijl in Dutch means The Style, also cognize as neoplasticism, was a Dutch artistic movement founded in 1917. The movement was generally about creating geometric abstract picture shows. In a narrower sense, De Stijl was a end point utilize refers to a body of work from 1917 to 1931 founded in Netherlands. De Stijl was also the severalize of the journal, which published by the Dutch painter, designer, writer, and critic Theo van Doesburg (18831931), propagating the groups theories.Besides him, the principal members of De Stijl group include painters Piet Mondrian (18721944), Vilmos Huszar (18841960), and Bart van der leck (1876-1958), and the architects Gerrit Rietveld (18881964), Robert vant Hoff (18871979), and J. J. P. Oud (18901963). The basic artistic philosophy of the groups work was known as neoplasticism the new plastic art (or Nieuwe Beelding in Dutch). In general, De Stijl roled only straight horizontal and vertical lines and rectangular forms to proposed both in architecture and painring , the ultimate simplicity and abstraction. For example,the Red and Blue Chair knowing by Gerrit Rietveld in 1917. They used limited colors alike red, yellow, and downhearted as their formal vocabulary. And they had three primary values, black, white, and grey. Their works used resistance to avoid symmetry and attained aesthetic balance. This element of the movement embodies the warrant meaning of stijl a post, jamb or support. It was the best example of the constructive crossing joints, most mutually seen in carpentry. De Stijl was influenced by Cubist painting as well as by the mysticism and the ideas about standard geometric forms in the neoplatonic philosophy of mathematician M. H. J. Schoenmaekers. This movement also influenced the Bauhaus style and the global style of architecture as well as clothing and inside(prenominal) design.However, different from Bauhaus, De Stijl didnt follow the general guidelines of an ism (Cubism, Futurism, Surreal ism), nor did it held the principles of art schools like the Bauhaus. It was a collection of artworks and a joint enterprise. De Stijl completely rejected to use any concrete element. They advocated the use of pure geometric abstraction to press the pure spirit. They thought only to put aside specific definition and details to avoid the individuality and specificity of an artwork, and then art could obtain the common human sense.
Christian Commission Essay
The foregoing discussion showed that during the civil war women served in umteen capacities. They helped in the war effort even though they only stayed at radix by knitting socks and sewing shirts and uniforms they organized themselves in raise to raise funds for the war chest they acted as medics and field nurses and round of them, who proved as brave if not braver than the another(prenominal)s, literally risked their lives by vie the dangerous game of espionage.However, their participation in the war did not double back on that point. They defied the law in both the North and the S give awayh which prohibited women to bring together the army as fighting soldiers by posing as men. devil the sodality and the follower armies were duped into drafting women disguised as men. Although most of them were in all probability propelled by extreme patriotism, it turned out that many joined the army for other, more personal reasons. One of the most notable women soldiers in the totality army was Sarah Emma Edmonds.Sarah joined the army as a volunteer in Michigan, where she enlisted as a man by the name of Franklin Thompson. (Lewis, 2007) She subsequent served with the second Michigan metrical foot for a couple of years. It was account that there were multiplication when she had to act as a spy disguised either as a black man or as a woman. (Hall, n. d. ) She was reported to have seen action in the Battle of Blackburns Ford, the Peninsular Campaign, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. tally some accounts, she later leaveed and became a nurse with the U. S. Christian Commission. (Lewis, 2007) However, there were reports that she voluntarily left the army after contracting malaria and feared that she would be put up out if she would submit for treatment. (CivilWarStudies. org, n. d. ) Her application for a veterans gift which was approved in 1884 was given under the name Sarah E. E. Seelye, her married name. (Lewis, 2007) She was later named to the Grand Ar my of the Republic, the lone female to have been so named. (Hall, n. d. ) another(prenominal) interesting story was that of Malinda Blalock.In her desire to be with her husband, William Mckesson Blalock (known as Keith to friends), she fictive to be Williams brother, Samuel. She then joined F Company of the twenty-sixth North Carolina Infantry where Keith was also serving. Malinda was a Confederate by spunk while Keith was a dyed-in-the-wool Lincolnite and was loyal to the Union cause. Although Keith was pressured by his family and fiends into joining the Confederate Army, he was always entertaining thoughts of deserting as soon as an probability presented itself.Malinda, despite being a loyal Confederate subject, was prepared to desert with him anytime. (Hall, n. d. ) However, the opportunity for desertion not having presented itself, the couple fought alongside each other under the Confederate flag (in a total of three battles) until walk 1862 when Malinda sustained a shoulder wound. Afraid that they would be separated as soon as it was known that Malinda was a woman and forced out of the unit, Keith covered himself with poison oak to develop skin blisters and high fever. Fearing a case of small pox, the company doctor decided to discharge him for health check reason.The couple left Company F together on April 20, 1862 and went home to the mountains of western North Carolina to rest. The risk of recall to duty remained for Keith, however. So what the two did was hide in the mountains and turned Union guerillas, operating in the cragged areas of East Tennessee and western North Carolina. Keith and Malinda later functioned as scouts attached to the tenth Michigan Cavalry. (Halls, n. d. ) There was also a case involving a 19-year-old immigrant from Ireland. He gave the name Albert D. J. Cashier when he signed up with the 95th Illinois Infantry on August 3, 1862.He was said to have participated in close to forty major and minor battles until August 17, 1 865. After his stint with the Union army, he found employment as an ordinary laborer and finally received a pension. He later lived in a passs Home located in Quincy, Illinois where, in 1913, he was last discovered by a home surgeon that he was truly a she. Albert D. J. Cashiers being a woman do the headlines. Nobody who knew her during her whole adult life ever suspected that she was in reality a woman. On October 11, 1914, Cashier died in an asylum for the mentally ill. (Blanton, 1993)
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Htm100 – Assignment 1 – Careers in Lodging and Food and Beverage Industries
Careers in inhabit and Food and Beverage Industries c any School HTM 100 Professor Name February 3, 2013 Careers in Lodging and Food and Beverage Industries The hospitality sedulousness is a truly lucrative and rewarding career choice. Choosing a career in this field is not for the faint at heart. A career in this industry requires an individual that is ambitious, self-motivated, and has a charismatic soulality. However, the hard work comes with many an(prenominal) personal and financial rewards. Hospitality covers either careers that can come underneath the caparison, restaurants, event planning, theme parks, transportation, and tourism.However, this paper will go in depth explaining the role of general focal point, growth of employment, and human resource practices that should be utilize when hiring within the lodgment and nutrient and beverage industries. The management careers that are on hand(predicate) in the lodging and the sustenance and beverage industries are general manager, coach of food and beverage, executive house watch overer, music director of security, executive chef and quite a some more(prenominal). The hospitality industry is a several billion dollar a year chore, and having excellent management and support staff is critical to the success of the business.Management is a very important key factor within the lodging and the food and beverage industries. This is why having an excellent habitual theater director is so critical to the success of the many organizations that exist within the lodging and food and beverage industry. A General Manager or (GM) has broad, overall business for a business or organization. A General Manager has the military unit to hire, fire, or promote employees. A manager may be answerable for one functional area, however the General Manager is liable for all areas.A General Manager is responsible for higher level planning than a manager. A General Manager is often responsible for the overal l st straddlegical planning and direction of the company or organization and leaves the day-to-day management of the various functions to the managers (F. John Reh, 2013). In the lodging industry the General Manager or (GM) is responsible for making sure all facets of the hotel or lodging structure is running properly. They must provide proprietors with a reasonable establish on investment, keep guest satisfied and returning, and keep employees happy.This may have the appearance _or_ semblance easy, but because there are so many interpersonal proceeding and because hotels are open every day, all day, the complexities of operating become altercate that the general manager must face and overcome. The GM not nevertheless focuses on leading and operating the hotel departments but similarly on aspects of the infrastructure, from way of life atmosphere to security (Walker, 2013). If a restaurant is inside of a hotel, thusly the food and beverage division is overseen by the general manager of the hotel.In this scenario the person that runs the food and beverage division is referred to as the director of food and beverage. In this case, the director melodic themes to the general manager of the hotel. However, if there is a free stand restaurant, bar, or lounge there is a general manager who is responsible for the entire operations of that establishment. If the restaurant, bar, or lounge is a freestanding establishment, the owner will sometimes double as the general manager and do the job on their own with bring out hiring someone.Sometimes owners will hire an individual to gorge the job as General Manager, especially if they have invested in a restaurant and do not have any experience in how to run it properly. If the food and beverage establishment is located within a hotel even though the general manager is responsible for all aspects of the hotel, as stated earlier, the GM depends on the director of food and beverages to run this division. The director o f food and beverage has many job duties and is responsible for the efficient and stiff operation of the following departments * Kitchen/Catering/Banquet * Restaurants/Room Service/Minibars Lounges/ bars/Stewarding When taking all of the preceding(prenominal) areas in consideration, it could be stated that it could be harder to oversee the food and beverage division within hotel than in a freestanding restaurant. This is because a freestanding restaurant does not have to oversee room avail and minibars that are located in the guest rooms. When reviewing all of the departments that a general manager is responsible for within the lodging and the food and beverage industries, it would make one wonder what is the overall growth rate within this industry. As far as restaurants are concerned, growth is tone strong for this year.According to the National Restaurant Association, many private sector jobs were added in the quaternary quarter of 2012. Two days after a work Department rele ase that showed real gross domestic product (GDP) assure for the first time in more than three years, the latest jobs report boosted economic spirits with stronger than expected private sector hiring in the fourth quarter of 2012. disdain the mixed signals, the underlying fundamentals of the economy take a breather positive, which points toward an improving business environment in 2013 (National Restaurant Association, 2013).The restaurant industry is not the only one that has a pleasant future. The hotel industry also seems to have a bright and optimistic future. Look at what the agency of Labor Statistics had to say. The vast majority of workers in the hospitality industry more than eight out of 10 in 2004 were employed in service and administrative supportpositions. Employment of hotel, motel and resort desk clerks is expected to grow fleet than some other occupations in the industry. Hotels also employ many workers in part-time and seasonal jobs. Hospitality industry fear notDespite an unemployment rate thats higher than the national average, hotel jobs and hospitality jobs are actually on the rise. Projected to grow 17. 7% through 2014, the most familiar hotel jobs and hospitality jobs continue to be waiters and waitresses. Oh, and the employment rate for hospitality jobs is at an all-time high as well (AOL JOBS, 2013). Now that it has been established that the lodging and food and beverage industries have made it through the recession and is a strong and growing industry what does a general manager do to make sure they are hiring the best possible employees?Many may think that anyone can work in the hospitality industry, but aught is further from the truth. The hospitality industry requires an individual that is hard working, flexible, and a warm, positive personality. These are the following attributes a general manager should look for when hiring a potential employee. * Communication when wondering look for eye contact and well-formed ans wers to interview questions. * Multi-T inquire look for examples from their past work indicate an ability to multi-task by asking two or three pronged questions that relate to slightly several(predicate) topics. Attitude look for a candidate that smiles and provides answers to questions that hint at optimism. * flexibility look for open-minded candidates who can explain to you why flexibility is important. The above qualities are exactly what an employee needs to possess in order to be an asset to the hiring organization. In conclusion, the lodging and food and beverage industries are very challenging but lucrative industries.Both industries have made it through the recession and now that people are starting to travel and eat out more it is more imperative than ever that this industry has quality employees to keep their guest happy and the industry moving forward. One of the areas of importance is that organizations in this industry hire general managers that are able to keep t heir business successful by doing the most important part of hospitality which is belongings their guest happy. It is also imperative that the general managers make the proper hiring choices when make full positions within their organization.If all facets of the business are met, this can ensure the continuance and prosperity of the lodging and food and beverage industries. References . AOL JOBS. (2013). Hospitality & hotel jobs outlook. Retrieved from http//jobs. aol. com/hospitality-jobs/ F. John Reh. (2013). General manager. Retrieved from http//management. about. com/od/policiesandprocedures/g/gm1. htm Labor Systems Job Center. (2013). What makes a good hospitality employee? Retrieved from http//blog. laborsystems. com/2010/12/01/what-makes-a-good-hospitality-employe
The Difference Between a Figurative and a Literal Analogy
genuine relation makes a direct comparison between objects, bulk or events. On the another(prenominal) hand, rhetorical parity compares the relationship between objects, people or events. An example of true(a) coincidence A self-defense execute made me able to ward myself it will make you able to defend yourself. The subject matter of the convict is that self-protection training has helped me to protect myself, in the equal way it will help you in protecting yourself against any danger.The sentence mentions the importance of a self-defense course for the two individuals. The unfeigned likeness is re-written as a Figurative relation As a coat of sharp spine help a Porcupine to defend it against predators, like a self-defense course will help you as it has helped me in defending yourself against any danger. The two types of analogies are Literal parity and Figurative analogy. Whereas, Literal Analogy compares two objects similar in nature, Figurative analogy shows th e relationship between two objects that are of different kind.For example, Literal Analogy uses precedence as a warrant for a particular action. The meaning is that an earlier case is quoted in order to justify a actual action and it works because the earlier and current cases are essentially alike Sarah listens to music at high speed, so why can I? Here it is implied that Sarah and I are more or less the equal so we should contain the same privilege. Figurative Analogy however does not directly compare two objects, rather shows the relationship that is contained in the mind and the phoros.The theme is what we want to convey and phoros is the thing which is used to shed spark on the theme As the tiger of necessity claws for its internal inevitably, so does America need defense to meet domestic concerns. Here, America needs its defense to meet its domestic concerns is the theme and As the Tiger needs its claws for its internal use is the phoros. Figurative analogy effectively employs persuasion and Literal Analogy is logical. We should remember that Figurative Analogy do not have the same force as a Literal Analogy as a Literal Analogy compare objects that posses similar characteristics.On the other hand, Figurative Analogy is a story and sometimes a metaphor created to compare dissimilar characteristics. This analogy helps to explain complex concepts by canvass them to familiar things. Figurative analogy provides a week form of curtilage than Literal Analogy as the objects compared are inherently different. Nevertheless, figurative analogies acquaint vivid pictures and makes teaching easy. Also, figurative analogies help to make your speech emotionally appealing. The superiority of one analogy against another can only be judged on the basis of the finding behind the two analogies.Figurative Analogy does not give sound conclusion but the reasoning of Literal Analogy has its merit. Figurative Analogy that compares unlike things has the occasion to e xplain and the power to arouse emotions but it is not logical in nature. Literal Analogy which compares two like things, have the power of logic behind it. If the get is to give logical reasoning and sound conclusion, Literal Analogy is better. However, if the purpose is to clarify any complex concept and evoke emotions, Figurative Analogy is better.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Lord of the Flies: William Golding
William Golding once said that, the shape of a lodge must dep oddity on the honourable spirit of the individual and non on any political system however appargonntly limpid or respectable (186). He believes that problems with nine can be traced bum to the defects of human nature (186). In cleric of the Flies, Golding uses two boys from the tradition bothy soci onlyy rigid country of England to illustrate the approximation that, if left unchecked, the animalistic nature that resides deep within the hearts of human beings will everyplacecome societys rules and to a greater extents.The characters in the novel argon left to their own devices on an uninha snowflakeed island and must form their own political system. The true ethical nature of the boys, representative of military personnel in general, becomes more noticeable as judgment of conviction passes. Ralph is the example of civilization and democracy while doodly-squat is the effigy of savagery and animal behavior. The novel opens with a scene of two three-year-old boys on an island after a plane crash in the sea. These boys, Ralph and Piggy, sack their way across the isolated island and find a small mob of warm water near a large, pink granite rock. subsequently they find a conch, Ralph blows into it the noise draws boys from all over the island who are also victims of the plane crash. The study characters include Jack, the leader of the choir, as well as Sam, Eric, Simon and Roger. After an initial meeting, the boys decide that their group should have a leader, although this is more of a game than a means of organization This toy of voting was almost as pleasing as the conch (22). The conch and the system of voting are both remnants of the side society the boys inhabited.Ralph defeats Jack after a vote, scarcely Ralph places the choir, under the management of Jack, in charge of playing. It is obvious throughout the novel, however, that this token position does not satisfy Jack and that he wants to become chief. Initially, however, Jack pronounces that he agrees with Ralph. Almost immediately, the leaders is be posit by a small boy who claims to have waitn a nightmarish animate being. Ralph begins by assuring him that such a zoology does not exist, unless the young boy insists that the Beast is real and demands o tell apart when it will return. Jack interrupts Ralph to tell the boy, There isnt a snake in the grass thing . . . but if there was a snake wed run away and kill it. Were pass to be givening . . . and well look for the snake in any case (36). Ralph is annoyed and . . . defeated (37) by Jacks usurpation of his sanction and is at a loss as to how to deal with it. For the moment, the group of boys waits for the pendulum of spot to swing one way or another. It happens to swing in Ralphs favor as he assures the boys that they will be rescued.They believe his claim, unassisted by any proof but the weight of Ralphs unexampled authority (37), and he finds that the assembly wishd and now respected him (37). Jack, however, barely smirks and claps half-heartedly. One of the most poignant examples of the remnants of civilization occurs when a boy named Roger begins to form rocks at a small child named Henry building lynchpin castles. He throws stones, but purposely misses, because, there was a space plump out Henry, perhaps 6 yards in diameter, in which he dare not throw. Here, invisible yet strong, was the taboo of the old life (56).Even after his fore take a breathted time away from adults, he is still socially conditioned to avert harming others. However, this civilization was declining rapidly Rogers arm was conditioned by a civilization that was in ruins (56). The decline of civilizations hold is unnoticed by Ralph he becomes fixated on the harry that is built to attract the attention of any close ships or planes. Encouraged by Piggy, Ralph feels that the fire is the main thing (102) and insists that a signal fire be kept up at all times. Ralph pointes on a return to civilization and normality.Jack, however, focuses on living by instinct hunting pig its becomes his obsession. He has a cablelust He tried to pack the compulsion to track passel and kill that was swallowing him up (51). He is more than content to live on the island, without civilization he is happy to do so. The two boys differ on the issue of government, as well. Ralph insists on a democracy and allows the group to vote on certain issues. All boys are allowed to speak at meetings if they have a mind to do so a conch found at the beginning of the novel is held by a boy when he wishes to address the group.This is perhaps one of the strongest remnants of his time in civilized England the belief that all people de answer representation, regardless of their abilities. Jack, however, adopts more of a dictator the likes of attitude, as illustrated when he says to Ralph, Its time some people knew theyve got to keep quiet and leave d eciding things to the proportion of us (102). He symbolizes the idea that the strong survive, so the strongest must govern. Ralph and Jack have a sort of mutual respect for each other, but they are very different and do not know exactly what to do with one another. They walked along, two continents of experience and feeling, unable to communicate They looked at each other, baffled, in love and hate (55). Jack is jealous of Ralphs position as chief, however, and after a long meeting during which Ralph set forth new rules for the group, Jack leaves and starts his own family line. Because Jack and his elite solidifying of friends have the ability to hunt and get meat, many of the boys join his state. plainly Sam, Eric, Simon, Piggy and Ralph remain in the civilized group on the beach. After most of the boys join Jacks tribe, hunting becomes the primary focus for that group.They spend such(prenominal) of their time hunting and this provides turbulence and entertainment for the b oys The sow staggered her way a oral sex of the, bleeding and mad, and the hunters followed, wedded to her in lust, excited by the long chase and the dropped blood (135). After this killing, Jack orders Roger to sharpen a reefer on both ends (136), then proceeds to thrust one end of the stick into the ground. On the other end, he shoves the head of the pig and says, This head is for the beast. Its a gift (137). This grotesque act provides the explanation for the Beast when a boy named Simon finds a pigs head on a stick in the forest.Simon has a sort of insane return where the pigs head who is referred to as the victor of the Flies (138) speaks to him. The Lord of the Flies says, Im the Beast. Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill You knew, didnt you? Im part of you? Close, close, close Im the reason why its no go? wherefore things are the way they are? We are going to have mutant on this island (143-144) The Beast is not some animal that disappeare d in the morning, number into them things like ropes in the trees (36). Rather, the Beast is the animal nature within all humans, simply waiting for a chance to escape.This animalistic behavior is not limited to the gratuitously bloody and almost ritualistic killings of the pigs. After Simon listens to the Lord of the Flies, he places the head of the slaughtered sow onto his head. The demented child knows that he is doing something irregular He knew that one of his times was coming on (143). Simon continues to hear the function of the Lord of the Flies as he covers his head with that of the dead pig. The congressman gives a foreshadowing to the events that will soon follow when he tries to appal the boy by saying, We are going to have fun on this island. Understand? We are going to have fun on this islandSo dont try the head on, my poor misguided boy, or else Or else we shall do you? Do you. See? (144) The boy collapses and wakes up after he gets a nosebleed With the running o f the blood Simons fit passed into the fatigue of sleep (145). His fit, however, does not leave him without advice, because now he knows that the beast was faultless and horrible and the news must reach the others as soon as possible. This last shred of hope for the humanity of the island, brought intimately by the psychotic episode of a young boy, never reaches the boys. By this time, Ralph and Piggy affect to Jacks tribe to enjoy some meat.A small origin between Ralph and Jack ensues and Jack decides to have the tribe do their saltation as a way to show his power and the fun that the boys in the tribe have. Roger plays a pig and other boys pretend to attack him. A chant rises Kill the beast Cut his throat Spill his blood (152) Suddenly a voice cries out, Him Him (152) and Simon stumbles out of the forest, covered in pigs blood as well as his own. He desperately tries to convey the meaning of the Beast to the boys assembled, holloing out something about a dead man on a h ill, but the boys descend upon him in murderous rapture.To those children, Simon is the beast The beast was on its knees in the center, its arms folded over its face. It was crying out against the abominable noise something about a be on the hill. Delighted by the prospect of destroying the Beast, the crowd surged after it, poured down the rock, leapt on to the beast, screamed, taken with(p), bit, tore. There were no words and no movement but the tearing of teeth and claws (153). The boys on the island believe that they are killing the beast, when in reality, they are setting it free as they descend from the civilized high of humans to the frightening, murderous behaviour of animals.Even this episode of violence is merely a glance into the darkness in the hearts of the boys. Simons death could be looked upon as a momentary lapse in judgment, brought about by the fearfulness of the boys. When Ralph suggests murder, Piggy insists that, It was dark. There was that that bloody dan ce. There was lightning and thunder and rain. We was scared (157) He later puts the blame on Simon by saying, It was an accident Coming in the dark he hadnt no business crawling like that out of the dark. He was batty. He asked for it. It was an accident (157).Later, however, the frightening truth about the complete loss of societys restraints becomes apparent. Jacks tribe decides that in order to cook their meat, they must have Piggys glasses so that they can start fires. A group raids Ralphs tribe and the glasses are stolen. Piggy is hurt and confused. He insists on going to Jack and telling him, Youre stronger than I am and you havent got asthma You can see, Im goin to say, and with both eyes. however I dont ask for my glasses back, not as a favor Give me my glasses, Im going to say you got to (171) Ralph replies with, All right. I mean you can try if you like. Well go with you. Ralph, Sam, Eric and Piggy, the rest members of that particular tribe, then go to see Jack. Whe n they get to Jacks fort, they demand Piggys glasses back and insist that the much larger group of boys keep up a signal fire Your only hope is keeping a signal fire going as long as theres light to see (178).This comment is met with derision and laughter from the tribe and Jack commands his group of boys to get hold of Sam and Eric and tie them up. They do so, nervously at first, then with excitement and a sense of power. Ralph can no longer remain a diplomat he yells at Jack, Youre a beast and a swine and a bloody, bloody thief (179) They begin to fight, but are cut move out by Piggy, who tries to sway the crowd towards civility. Roger, with a sense of delirious desertion (180), pushes on a lever, releasing a large rock that the tribe had set up as a weapon. What follows is horrific The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist. Piggy, saying nothing, with no time for even a grunt, traveled throug h the air sideways from the rock, turning as he went Piggy fell forty feet and landed on his back across the square red rock in the sea.His head opened and scarf out came out and turned red. Piggys arms and legs twitched a bit then the sea breathed again in a long, slow sigh and the body of Piggy was gone (181). Ralph is in shock and his lips formed a word but no sound came (181). Jack takes this opportunity to cry Im chief and attack Ralph while he is off guard. He does this viciously, with full intent (181) and Ralph flees for his life. Jack then allows to Roger to use force-out to convince Sam and Eric to join his tribe. Ralph hides for a while, but later that night, he goes back to the fort when he knows that Sam and Eric are on duty.Those boys are terrified of Jack and Roger and they insist that Ralph leave. First, however, they warn him that the tribe is going to hunt him tomorrow and that they would throw their spears like at a pig (188-189). As a last warning, he is told that Roger sharpened a stick at both ends (190). This indicates that Jacks plans are no idle scourge he and Roger plan to kill Ralph, then put his head onto a stick and drive the stick into the ground as a open to the Beast. Horrific as this may seem, perhaps this is the best sacrifice possible, because the Beast is the inhumanity in all people and the loss of civilization.The murder of Ralph would serve as the ultimate concession to murderous desires and blood lust, for such an event would indicate a total abandonment of societys mores. The hunt begins and soon Ralphs hiding place in a virtually impenetrable brushwood. Even Ralph is shown to have descended into animalism as he considers what he would do in the event that a boy finds him He matt-up the point of his spear with his thumb and grinned without amusement. Whoever tried that would be stuck, squealing like a pig (193). His safe area is destroyed, however, when the tribe sets fire to the thicket and Ralph is forced to fl ee.A chase ensues and Ralph runs onto the beach, falls, and staggers to his feet. Standing before him is a British naval ships officer, who seems to think that the boys have been playing a game. In an amuse fashion, he asks Ralph how many boys have died and the child responds with, Only two. And theyve gone. The naval officer is astonished and turns away for a moment. The group of boys begins to sob and Ralph is the loudest of these And in the bosom of them, with filthy body, matted hair, and unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of a mans heart, and the fall through the air of a true, wise friend called Piggy. 202) In the end, a rescue by an English adult is all the saves that boys from the ultimate fall from societys grace the planned murder of an innocent. The idea is clear throughout the novel, however, that the social conditioning impressed upon the boys decreases in cultivate as time passes with no reminder from a true common fig of authority. W illiam Golding proves through his novel that the animalistic nature in all humans is reigned in only by the rigid constraint of civilization.
Creative Spark Talk Analysis Essay
Creativity is a subject that is genuinely dis rearable amongst psychologists. Psychologists countenance argued on a comment for the word creativity for umpteen years now. Regardless of what most psychologists chose to mobilise now, most believe that it is a creative act no bailiwick big or small that is unusual and most likely bonk on very useful to society. The video I watched was by put-on Bohannon and dancers from the stern Label Movement. The name of the video is tilted Dance vs. PowerPoint, a venial proposal and was filmed at TEDxBrussels, which was besides posted in November 2011. privy explains in this video how one of his friends tried to tell him about a science try and just simply couldnt. His friend finally explains what the experiment was about to John, and then he tells his friend that Maybe next cartridge clip if you had dancers to try to reveal explain it will be much easier. He then tells his friend that numerous scientists have started using dancers t o describe many an(prenominal) different scientific things simply because it is more sufficient. Dancing PHD is the group of scientists that have started using dancers to explain various things. He starts to explains why it would be more productive to use dancers and instead of PowerPoint presentations.John then gives an explanation on how it is a waste of cash, eventually ariseting rid of PowerPoint and replacing them with dancers. John even expresses that by using this method even the government could better explain things, therefore making it more understandable to our fellow Americans. much(prenominal) as things like why are we invading other countries? The talking that Mr. John Bohannon describes does prove a valid point and it does throw a light on some of the stages of creativity. He has done his proper interrogation and makes it very clear on why his solution to PowerPoint could be very productive. John showing more creativity view beyond the box, he even has some danc ers performing while he is talking so that he quickly proves his point. Curiosity and imagination were used to determine a resolution because dancers wouldve seemed incredible before seeing the actual presentation. Mr. Bohannon was obviously hot to know and see how dancers practiseed and once seeing it all in execution he had a better interpretation towards it. Without his imagination, and thoughts of how dancers and different situations could be put together John wouldve never come up with something as this grandness idea.He definitely had to put in a lot of effort, muss of time and eventually will have to put his ideas on motif to see it active. Sometimes the mind can be very silken which can make it very hard to put thoughts onto something concrete simply once has it will be all worth it. Sharing with the beingness a different view of things benefits everyone and there will be many key facts from it. From my personal experience PowerPoints are easy merely can definitely end up being very boring. even so when I was in the military I have had to sit by plenty of them and that got old very fast. Now attending College I also had to put them together and present them. Personally I think the dancers could work better to describe a certain subject or thing alone when not all the time. Dont get me victimize some topics should just be left as power points but using dancers on some matters or discussions may be easier to explain. victimisation dancers could truly benefit in society as a unit of measurement then kids in elementary could learn easier and this would allow them to use their rarity and imagination more often.Without having creative minds surrounding us continuously thinking, we would not be the society we are today. We might even live in a different country or the country we do live wouldnt have developed the way it did. Numerous people minimize their thinking skills and say no to thinking more than they claim they need too. to each on e and every person is one of a kind and if they share their thoughts and ideas they could potentially benefit our society as a unit. Doing the least just to get by and not continuously thinking of better and simple ideas only hurts yourself and you are minimized to what you can accomplish.ReferenceBohannon, J. (2011, November). Dance Vs. Powerpoint, a minor proposal. Retrieved from http//
Thursday, February 21, 2019
028 Develop Positive Relationships with Children
Develop positive relationships with infantren, young people and others involved in their vexation. 028 issue 1 Be able to develop positive relationships with shaverren and young people. A/C1 Positive relationships with pincerren and young people are grave as it has a huge effect on the sort we endure recreate with them. When a child is being left into my room in the morning I would go everywhere to greet the child and lift them and own them aspect secure. When the child cartels me it avails them to odour comfortable with me, fashioning it easier for them to be separated from their parents.If a child feels emotionally secure they are more give carely to inscribe in hornswoggle and learning activities un same(p) a child that sits and cries for their ma, I would try and bring the child into activities that I know that they enjoy. For example a child in my room was upset and wanted their mummy, I went over to the child and asked her would you like to play with the sa nd. The child was happy to as it is her best-loved activity. Children are less likely to show unwanted behaviour if they grant unassailable relationships as I can recognise and meet their inevitably.The more a child feels confident talking to me it pass on help their speech to develop quicker. I can plan more accurately as I understand a childs developmental needs and know their interests. I am able to reply to children more in effect because I can recognise their expressions and emotions. The Principles of building and maintaining relationships are as follows communicating effectively is sensation of the most important aspects of building a relationship. The way we do this depends on the childs age and leg of development.I in any case use facial expressions, body language and gestures. Identifying and sorting out conflicts and disagreements plumb to maintain the child/young persons trust. I indentify the difficulties and help them to find ways to overcome them. I woul d endlessly be legitimate and fair as children rely on this. Consistency means non only keeping behavioural boundaries in ass but to make sure the round are not excitable one daylight and thusly quiet and withdrawn the next. Showing respect and courtesy helps the children to reduplicate our actions.For example when I delve out toast at hold back time I would constantly say thank you when I place it see on their tray. I always speak in a warm and friendly tone, and bend down to their level. Valuing and respecting individuality as apiece child has several(predicate) strengths, talents and attitudes by doing this I show that I am comfortable with their differences. Realising that a child has certain interests and building upon them. For example a child in my group loves Mickey mouse so I brought in a Mickey mouse teddy that helped him go down to sleep easier at sleep time.Keeping promises and honouring commitments are very important as children/young people need to know t hat can they rely on me. I have an understanding of confidentiality as this is essential about trust and respect. I need to know when it is ok to despoil the confidentiality, aware that at that place whitethorn be a threat. I would never pass on anything said in private, do not gossip because once the breach of confidentiality is broken all trust is then lost. A/C2 Observed A/C3 Building relationships with children and young people change according to the age and stage of a child.It is important to think about their needs and interests. How I would respond to a 12 year old boy would be different to a 4 year old. Building relationships with babies is an absolute necessity as babies need to form an attachment or bond with the early old age worker to make up for them missing their parents. The term key person is what the EYFS use to describe the role of a person who will swallow care of the baby or child and develop a exceptional relationship with them. Constancy is important babi es can make more than one attachment although they do need to have one strong relationship.It is important to try and encourage children to develop strong relationship with other staff so they feel comfortable and secure if the key person is absent. By holding or cuddling a baby this helps to build strong relationships as the baby feels wanted and reassured. Children under the age of 3 long time need strong attachments to one person as the still adjudicate over their parents leaving. This can happen during the settling in period. For example a new boy joined our nursery, at the start mummy stayed with him and he sat on her knee and I slowly introduced myself.Next day mummy had informed me that he loved play dough, so after bend down to the childs level I asked would he like to help me get the play dough table set up. He followed me, giving mummy time to leave the room. The child was fine until he turned round and noticed mummy had gone. He cried, I offered my hand out and said not to worry as mummy will be back soon. I said to the child about making star shapes to show mummy. Mummy came back in after one-half an hour. As the week went on, by the end the child came to me, we got his favourite activity and he was distracted.Now he comes into my room without stressing about mummy. I have always enjoyed working with children. I have three children myself and when they were in primary school I would have been a parent helper. I also became a reading partner. I have an understanding of how to approach children, I always smile and I always appear approachable. For instance if a child in my room appears sad, I would go over to where the child is, when I know the time is right I would give eye concern with a smile. I would then ask if there is anything the child would like to do, maybe do a painting or read a book.I always want the children to feel that they are not being excluded. I improve on building my relationships with the children by communicating with the parents. I work two days a week, I have been told a a few(prenominal) times by different mummies that their child has missed me, one child in particular kept saying go to gems, see weese the childs mummy laughs and says that her child continuously tries to say my name weese for Louise I could do more by attending courses on how to understand relationships etc.I can always learn from communicating with my colleagues on how to sort out conflicts. 028 endpoint 2 A/C1 Positive relationships with people involved in the care of children and young people are important as the childs welfare can be properly monitored, plans for the childrens care and statement are more effective and children are given consistent care. unplayful communication with everyone in the workplace is important it is also essential to regard that colleagues work advantageously together and can share our skills/ideas and gain entropy with each other.Everyone should work together to meet the needs of the children in the desktop and find out what their interests are. If colleagues do not have nigh relationships then it may cause bad feelings and a divide between colleagues. It may be the case that you will all not work well together and are not able to share information, and then the parents and children may suffer. It is important to have good communication with the children in the etting as this ensures you will have a good relationship with them which will help them feel more comfortable when they are settling in or offer reassurance during transitions in their lives as well as supporting them in their play and learning. Good communication is needed to ensure that information is passed on properly to the families that will benefit the children. Also if the parents see that you have a good relationship with the children it will help them feel more relaxed and helps them to trust us to care for their children. A/C2 Observed
“Death Penalty†Pros and Cons
Death Penalty Pros and Cons Francisco X. Lendor Introduction to vile legal expert (1102 CCJS100 4021) Due on Tuesday, March 26, 2011 Death Penalty Pros and Cons History oer the years has taught us of many distinguishable ways on how to view as or punish people who dont follow the rules and laws impose by society and courts. These argon adopted by society to get to behavior standards.Whether some of them are effective or not, these must be respected in order to not fall into a thoroughgoing(a) punishment like the dying penalization. AThe enormity of putting to death unitarys fellow man with premeditation is the principal reason for the humans of the stopping point punishment. Throughout history, death penalty has been debated in many different ways. Groups protesting generate up their point of views with their pros and cons to defend their position in estimate or against this punishment.A perfect tense example of why some groups contradict to this penalty is discusse d in conditions 1Anti-death penalty groups face lift m championy for exonoree Anthony carve, by Diane Jennings, and in 2Testimony to begin today in death penalty runnel of man accused of killing wife, stepdaughter and cover stepsons their bodies, by Jennifer Emily. In the first article, a group from the Texas Moratorium Network was raising money to help, in this drive, Anthony Graves. Graves spent 18 years in jail for murders he neer committed, and was finally released from the death row from Texas later prosecutors declared him innocent.On the other hand, on the second article, Gary Green was veneer a final decision to be convicted of capital murder in Texas. After stabbing his wife, he killed her 6-year-old daughter and proceeded to test their bodies to his stepsons. Jurors in this case were to decide Bwhether to impose a death sentence or send him to prison for life without parole. Death penalty brings positive and ostracize contri providedions to society. Even though , there have been a lot of proven mistakes when marvellous it, and it still shows to be unsuccessful on removing evil from society.One of the pros death penalty contributes to society is that it deters some population from committing murder. It as well as gives peace of understanding to the victim and their families and en callables an end to the crime. Also, the fear of the highest form of punishment forget carry on potential victims alive. Sometimes families of the victims begin their healing process once the receiver is put to death. Politically seen, it excessively gives pride to politicians and some others may stock-still secure their positions by taking a well known murder case to a closing point.Proponents of the death penalty say Cit is an important tool for preserving law and order, deters crime, and costs less than life imprisonment. They also contend that Dretribution helps console grieving families, and ensures that the perpetrators of heinous crimes never have an opportunity to cause future tragedy. But it comes to the fact that these arguments mediocre help them justify their support to punishment, while it is still not back up by a majority. Society still has a lot of issues against the death penalty.One of the most commonly questions people ask themselves is what would it accomplish to put someone on death row? If the victim is already dead, you cannot bring him back. It is not true that the opponents feel fear of death will clog one of committing murder. Statistics show that most of the murders are done on the heating system of passion when a person is unable to think rationally. Therefore, how can one think of fear in the heat of passion? Opponents also argue the fact that there have been a lot of cases where the person universe convicted was mistakenly accused.Worse than that, many have a great deal been mistakenly killed due to the capital punishment process, and it is often inconsistently and arbitrarily applied. For Chri stians, a perfect example of a person driven to the death row world mistakenly accused was Jesus. Legitimate murderers, in the bible, were granted freedom and forgiveness, but Jesus was convicted, accused, and finally killed. This argument is mostly used by ghostlike activists and protesters against the death penalty. People with deep-rooted belief to religious viewpoint often defend the right to life above any punishment that will threaten or jeopardize it.Based on the information print in both articles resumed above, and over the internet, I conclude that death penalty is not a deterrent, as violent crime rates show to be consistently higher in death penalty jurisdictions. Whether you are a hardened criminal or a government representing the people, killing another human being is wrong. It is wrong from the eyes of the justice, and so it is wrong viewed from the eyes of God or the Supreme Being in which we believe. Keeping killers off the streets for good through the Life Withou t Parole (LWOP) also prevents re-offending without having to harm murderers life.As Voltaire once wrote Elet the punishments of criminals be useful. A hanged man is good for nothing a man condemned to public workings still serves the country, and is a good living lesson. BIBLIOGRAPHY . UMUC Library Guide to Criminal rightnessResourcesUMUC member Anti-death penalty groups raising money for exonoree Anthony Graves, by Diane Jennings newsman of Dallas sunup News UMUC Library Guide to Criminal JusticeResourcesUMUC Article Testimony to begin today in death penalty trial of man accused of killing wife, stepdaughter and showing stepsons their bodies, by Jennifer Emily newsperson of Dallas Morning NewsREFERENCES CITED TIME in Partnership with CNN (online) http//www. time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,905684,00. html 2nd paragraph of UMUC Library Guide to Criminal JusticeResourcesUMUC Article Testimony to begin today in death penalty trial of man accused of killing wife, stepdau ghter and showing stepsons their bodies, by Jennifer Emily Reporter of Dallas Morning News 2nd paragraph of http//deathpenalty. procon. org/ 2nd paragraph of http//deathpenalty. procon. org/ http//www. deathpenaltyinfo. org/
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