
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Nissim Ezekiel Treatment of Poetry Essay

Nissim Ezekiel’s poem â€Å"Enterprise† describes a metaphorical journey toward a specific goal. The travelers on this journey begin in a real physical place, a desert, and argue about how to cross this challenging landscape. One of the members of the group, who writes the most stylish prose, goes his own way. The rest of the group is left on its own. Some quit the team. The group is attacked by travelers, and over time become unmoved by anything they witness. Fatigue and the stresses of travel have settled in and many of the members of the group cannot go on. By the fifth stanza, the picture ahead is grim. The enthusiasm has faded and their burdens are heavy. Their vision is clouded with the disintegration of the group and their exhaustion. The well-focused goal presented in the first stanza is lost. The travelers are a disorganized group of aimless wanderers unaware any longer of the original motivation for their expedition. Their observations at this point in the poem are about trivial things. In the last stanza, the travelers reach their destination; however, it is not quite home. Ezekiel concludes that this type of expedition is not a worthy undertaking; living â€Å"at home† with inner satisfaction is the greatest achievement of all. The travelers’ consider their journey and have moments of introspection. They come to the conclusion that their expedition has been neither pioneering or notable for any reason. They had thought their journey would make a mark in history. The only problem is that others have made this journey before. It is nothing new. The journey of â€Å"Enterprise† is a metaphor for life and our focus on the destination as the only means for our goals. Some critics have noted that Ezekiel’s â€Å"Enterprise† is also his attempt to bring together two â€Å"homes†: his place of birth and his journey to a European city. His exploration of the idea of â€Å"home† is sophisticated enough to be compared to the same themes in the poetry of Robert Frost, for example.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Eighteen

The next morning, Elena woke to find Damon gone, his blanket folded neatly at the foot of her bed. Meredith was dressing for a morning workout, sleepy-eyed and silent, and she only nodded as Elena passed her; Elena had learned long ago that Meredith was useless for conversation before she'd had her first cup of coffee. Bonnie, who didn't have class until that afternoon, was only a lump under her covers. Surely Meredith would have said something if she had noticed Damon on the floor, Elena thought as she dropped in at the cafeteria to grab a muffin before class. Maybe Damon hadn't stayed. Elena bit her lip, thinking about that, kicking little stones on her way to class. She had thought he would stay, that he would want to try and keep her safe. Was it right that she liked that and that she felt more than a twinge of hurt at the idea that he had left? She didn't want Damon to be in love with her, did she? Wasn't part of the reason she put her romance with Stefan on hold so that she and Damon could get each other out of their systems? But†¦ I am a lousy person, she realized. Musing on her own lousiness took Elena al the way into her History of the South class, where she was doodling sadly in her notebook when Professor Campbel – James – came in. Clearing his throat loudly, he walked to the front of the class, and Elena reluctantly pul ed her attention away from her own problems to pay attention to him. James looked different. Unsure of himself, Elena realized. His eyes didn't seem quite as bright as usual, and he appeared to be somehow smal er. â€Å"There's been another disappearance,† he said quietly. An anxious babble rose up from the rest of the class, and he held up his hand. â€Å"The victim this time – and I think we can say at this point that we're talking about victims, not students simply leaving campus – is, unfortunately, a student in this class. Courtney Brooks is missing; she was last seen walking back to her dorm from a party last night.† Scanning the class, Elena tried to remember who Courtney Brooks was. A tal , quiet girl with caramel-colored hair, she thought, and spotted the girl's empty seat. James raised his hand again to quel the rising clamor of frightened and excited voices. â€Å"Because of this,† he said slowly, â€Å"I think that today we must postpone continuing our discussion of the colonial period so that I can tel you a little bit about the history of Dalcrest Col ege.† He looked around at the confused faces of the class. â€Å"This is not, you see, the first time unusual things have happened on this campus.† Elena frowned and, looking at her classmates, saw her confusion mirrored on their faces. â€Å"Dalcrest, as many of you doubtlessly know, was founded in 1889 by Simon Dalcrest with the aim of educating the wealthy sons of the postwar Southern aristocracy. He said that he wanted Dalcrest to be considered the ‘Harvard of the South' and that he and his family would be at the forefront of intel ectualism and academia in the soon-to-begin new century. This much is frequently featured in the official campus histories. â€Å"It's less Wellknown that Simon's hopes were dashed in 1895 when his wild twenty-year-old son, Wil iam Dalcrest, was found dead with three others in the tunnels underneath the school. It was what appeared to be a suicide pact. Certain materials and symbols found in the tunnels with the bodies suggested some ties to black magic. Two years later Simon's wife, Julia Dalcrest, was brutal y murdered in what is now the administration building; the mystery surrounding her death was never solved.† Elena glanced around at her classmates. Had they known about this? The col ege brochures mentioned when the school was founded and by who, but nothing about suicides and murders. Tunnels underneath the school? â€Å"Julia Dalcrest is one of at least three distinct ghosts who are rumored to haunt the campus. The other ghosts are those of a seventeen-year-old girl who drowned, again under mysterious circumstances, when visiting for a weekend dance in 1929. She is said to wander wailing through the hal s of McClel an House, leaving dripping pools of water behind her. The third is a twenty-one-year-old boy who vanished in 1953 and whose body was found three years later in the library basement. His ghost has reportedly been seen coming in and out of offices in the library, running and looking backward in terror, as if he is being pursued. â€Å"There are also rumors of several other mysterious occurrences: a student in 1963 disappeared for four days and reappeared, saying he had been kidnapped by elves.† A nervous giggle ran through the class, and James waved a reproving finger at his audience. He seemed to be perking up, sWelling back to his usual self under the influence of the class's attention. â€Å"The point is,† he said, â€Å"that Dalcrest is an unusual place. Beyond elves and ghosts, there has been a plethora of documented unusual occurrences, and rumors and legends of far more spring up around campus every year. Mysterious deaths. Secret societies. Tales of monsters.† He paused dramatical y and looked around at them. â€Å"I beg you, do not become part of the legend. Be smart, be safe, and stick together. Class dismissed.† The students glanced at one another uneasily, startled by this abrupt dismissal with stil more than half an hour left in the class. Regardless, they started to gather their possessions together and trickle out of the room in twos and threes. Elena grabbed her bag and hurried to the front of the room. â€Å"Professor,† she said. â€Å"James.† â€Å"Ah, Elena,† James said. â€Å"I hope you were paying attention today. It is important that you young girls be on your guard. The young men, too, real y. Whatever affects this campus does not seem to discriminate.† Up close, he looked pale and worried, older than he had at the beginning of the semester. â€Å"I was very interested in what you said about the history of Dalcrest,† Elena said. â€Å"But you didn't talk about what's happening now. What do you think is going on here?† Professor Campbel ‘s face creased into even grimmer lines, and his bright eyes gazed past her. â€Å"Well, my dear,† he said, â€Å"it's hard to say. Yes, very hard.† He licked his lips nervously. â€Å"I've spent a lot of time at this school, you know, years and years. There's not a lot I wouldn't believe at this point. But I just don't know,† he said softly, as if he was talking to himself. â€Å"There was something else I wanted to ask you,† Elena said, and he looked at her attentively. â€Å"I went to see the picture you told me about. The one of you and my parents when you were students here. You were al wearing the same pin in the picture. It was blue and in the shape of a V.† She was close enough to James that she felt his whole body jolt with surprise. His face lost its grim thoughtfulness and went blank. â€Å"Oh, yes?† he said. â€Å"I can't imagine what it was, I'm afraid. Probably something Elizabeth made. She was always very creative. Now, my dear, I real y must run.† He slipped past Elena and made his escape, hurrying out of the classroom despite a few other students' trying to stop him with questions. Elena watched him go, feeling her own eyebrows going up in surprise. James knew more than he was saying, that was for sure. If he wouldn't tel her – and she wasn't giving up on him just yet – she'd find out somewhere else. Those pins were significant, his reaction proved that. What kind of mystery could be tied to a pin? Had James said something about secret societies? â€Å"After my parents died,† Samantha told Meredith, â€Å"I went to live with my aunt. She came from a hunter family, too, but she didn't know anything about it. She didn't seem to want to know. I kept on doing martial arts and everything I could learn by myself, but I didn't have anyone to train me.† Meredith shone her flashlight into the dark bushes over by the music building and waved the beam around. Nothing to see except plants. â€Å"You did a good job teaching yourself,† she told Samantha. â€Å"You're smart and strong and careful. You just need to keep trusting your instincts.† It had been Samantha's idea to patrol the campus together after sundown, to check out the places where the missing girl, Courtney, had been spotted last night, to see if they could find anything. Meredith had felt powerful at the beginning of the evening, poised to fight, with her sister hunter beside her. But now, even though it was interesting to patrol with Samantha, to see the hunter life through her eyes, it was starting to feel like they were just wandering around at random. â€Å"The police found her sweater somewhere over here,† Samantha said. â€Å"We should look around for clues.† â€Å"Okay.† Meredith restrained herself from saying that the police had already been through here with dogs, looking for clues themselves, and there was a good chance they had found anything there was to find. She scanned the flashlight over the grass and path. â€Å"Maybe we'd be better off doing this during the day, when we can see better.† â€Å"I guess you're right,† Samantha said, flicking her own flashlight on and off. â€Å"It's good that we're out here at night, though, don't you think? If we're patrol ing, we can protect people. Keep things from getting out of control. We walked Bonnie home last night and kept her safe.† Meredith felt a flicker of anxiety. What if they hadn't come along? Could Bonnie have been the one who disappeared, instead of Courtney? Samantha looked at Meredith, a little smile curling up the corners of her mouth. â€Å"It's our destiny, right? What we were born for.† Meredith grinned back at her, forgetting her momentary anxiety. She loved Samantha's enthusiasm for the hunt, her constant striving to get better, to fight the darkness. â€Å"Our destiny,† she agreed. Off across the quad, someone screamed. Snapping into action without even thinking about it, Meredith began running. Samantha was a few steps behind her, already struggling to keep up. She needs to work on her speed, cool y commented the part of Meredith that was always taking notes. The scream, shril and frightened, came again, a bit to the left. Meredith changed direction and sped toward it. Where? She was close now, but she couldn't see anything. She scanned her flashlight over the ground, searching. There. On the ground nearby, two dark figures lay, one pinning the other to the ground. Everyone froze for a moment, and then Meredith was racing toward them, shouting â€Å"Stop it! Get off! Get off!† and a second later, the figure that had been pinning the other down was up and running into the darkness. Black hoodie, black jeans, the note taker said calmly. Can't tell if it's a guy or a girl. The person who'd been pinned was a girl, and she flinched and screamed as Meredith ran past her, but Meredith couldn't stop. Samantha was behind her so she could help the girl. Meredith had to catch the fleeing figure. Her long strides ate up the ground, but she wasn't fast enough. Even though she was going as fast as she could, the person in black was faster. There was a glimpse of paleness as the person looked back at her and then melted into the darkness. Meredith ran on, searching, but there was nothing to be found. Final y, she halted. Panting, trying to catch her breath, she swept the beam of the flashlight over the ground, looking for some clue. She couldn't believe she had failed, that she had let the attacker get away. Nothing. No trace. They had gotten so close, and stil , al she knew was that the person who attacked this girl owned black clothes and was an insanely fast runner. Meredith swore and kicked at the ground, then pul ed herself back together. Approximating calmness, she headed back toward the victim. While Meredith was chasing the attacker, Samantha had helped the girl to her feet, and now the girl was huddled close to Samantha's side, wiping her eyes with a tissue. Shaking her head at Meredith, Samantha said, â€Å"She didn't see anything. She thinks it was a man, but she didn't see his face.† Meredith clenched her fists. â€Å"Dammit. I didn't see anything either. He was so fast†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Her voice trailed off as a thought struck her. â€Å"What is it?† Samantha asked. â€Å"Nothing,† Meredith said. â€Å"He got away.† In her mind, she replayed that momentary glimpse of pale hair she had seen as the attacker looked back at her. That shade of pale – she had seen it somewhere very recently. She remembered Zander, his face turned toward Bonnie's. His white-blond hair was that same unusual shade. It wasn't enough to go on, not enough to tel anyone. A momentary impression of a color didn't mean anything. Meredith pushed the thought away, but, as she gazed off into the darkness again, she wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly cold.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Destination Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Destination Management - Essay Example The London underground is identified as the oldest underground railway existing throughout the world. London can be said to be in the consolidation of destination development. As mentioned it is rich in both natural and artificial attraction's sites. Besides that it has vigorous tourism advertisements and promotion activities that are part of destination management efforts. For instance, visitlondon.com outlines the lined-up activities' events within London that appeals to people around the world. Visitors continued to flock to London, and it is said to attract 27 million visitors who stay overnight annually (Beesley-De, 2013). 2. Approach to destination management Basically, destination management involves three main phases, including development planning, marketing and management. Development planning involves assessing the potential of the destination, consultation and investment. Marketing involves research, target market, mix and planning, and visits and yield. Management involv es protecting resources, quality assurance and sustainable growth. Achieving these means competitive tourism to a destination. However, it must be underscored that destinations are dynamic and always evolving (Swrabook, 1999). This means that London is a continuously evolving destination that will have something new or rebrand itself to appeal to as many visitors as possible. As indicated above London boasts of some of the most visited tourism sites around the world. Besides it has the necessary facilities and amenities that support tourism. However, this success and sustainability of the same can only be achieved through consolidated efforts. There is a team responsible for development planning, marketing and management of London as a destination of tourism. This team comprises of appointees from the government of London and stakeholders in the tourism sector. This team is charged with identify what London can offer both naturally and artificially. The work of this team can be easi ly seen from the official visitor's guide identified as visitlondon.com. Here a visitor can discover London, know things to do, where they can stay, travel information and special offers. This makes London one of the most organized tourism destinations that receives a high number of visitors in Europe and worldwide. 3. System of governance London is home for two levels of government the local and national government. However, it is the local government that is responsible for administration. The local government administration is divided into two tiers-a local tier and a citywide, strategic tier. The great London Authority (GLA) coordinated the citywide administration whereas 33 smaller authorities coordinate local administration. The GLA is made up of two elected arms of government the Mayor, who occupies an executive office and London assembly check mayor’s decisions and can reject or accept the mayor’s proposals annually (Beesley-De, 2013). The command market system operates in London. The government owns and operates a significant portion of the factors of production. Infrastructure, including roads, airports, seaports and the underground railway system are owned and controlled by the government. At the same time, major tourism attraction sites as identified above are

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Tort Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tort Assignment - Essay Example Dickman. In Donoghue, Lord Atkin spoke in his judgment: â€Å"You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour. Who, then, in law is my neighbour? The answer seems to be – persons who are so closely and directly affected by my act that I ought reasonably to have them in my contemplation as being so affected when I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions which are called into questions.† ([1932] AC 562 at p 580). This is known as the Neighbour Principle. In Anns, Lord Wilberforce identified the loss suffered by the complainants as material physical damage. Two (2) stages were laid down to establish the obligation: (1) whether or not, in a reasonable foresight of the defendant, lack of care may cause damage, injury or loss to the defendant. If in the positive, then there is a prima facie duty to care; and (2) in case of an affirmative answer, is there a necessity to limit the extent of said obligation. An example of the first test is the digging up of a big hole large enough to accommodate an adult. By leaving the hole open, it can be reasonably foreseen that any blind man without any companion may fall on said hole. Undoubtedly, there is an obligation on the part of the one who dug up the whole. On the other hand, an example of the second test is the injury suffered by a suspect of a robbery in the hands of a policeman who caught him in the act but attempted to fight back. Despite the injury suffered by the suspect, the policeman cannot be held liable because the injury was caused by his performance of duty. In Caparo, the two tests laid down in Anns were expanded, adding the following: is it fair to impose upon the defendant the obligation to care towards the complainant? Applying the above principles in the instant case, the liabilities of the parties are as follows: Arsane is liable for his tortious act. As mentioned earlier, every person is liable for the co nsequences of his acts. Here, Arsane knew as a carpenter that the wooden floor may have inflammable materials. He is supposed to understand that cigarette is not allowed in the workplace because it can become a source of fire. Presumably, Arsane knows his obligation to take good care of the premises as well as the materials therein. A duty to care exists on the part of Arsane, not just as a worker but also as a co-worker. However, since Arsane was very much taken away by the music, he allowed himself to light a cigarette and much worse, threw the same while still lighted, indoors! Such an act of gross negligence is definitely a clear breach of obligation to care. Arsane has absolutely no defence to justify his tortious act. Such an act of negligence caused severe damage. First, to Sir Dino, who suffered loss of properties and potential income. Second, to Benger, who suffered material physical damage due to loss of his right foot. However, Arsane cannot be made liable for the nervous shock suffered by Benger’s wife, twin sister, and mother due to lack of proximity. Although the nervous shock suffered by the three was directly related to the injury suffer

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sunshine Lives In Black and White Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sunshine Lives In Black and White - Essay Example But, despite being idealized, the reality television presented was beneficial for the viewer when compared with modern television. The simple innocence, balance, and logic of the 1960s programming provided a safe outlook on life for family and children. The quintessential 1960s television sitcom was The Andy Griffith Show. The antics of the small town sheriff, his bumbling deputy, and the sheriff’s small son form the core of the show. The innocence of the show comes largely from the small town setting. Though Andy Griffith is a sheriff, crime is relatively rare. The most frequent criminal is the town drunk, Otis. The biggest event to threaten the innocence of the town is when a nail salon opened and some of the men in town begin getting manicures. In contrast, 21st century television has taken the small town setting and removed all innocence. Modern shows involving small towns are often investigations of the evil that lives beneath the surface of small town life. A perfect example of this type of show is Desperate Housewives. Though innocence seems to permeate the suburban setting of the show, it is all a cover for the murder of a mother in the community. Everything is innocent on the outside, but corruption runs to the core . In The Andy Griffith Show, the view of reality presented is one of balance. Andy balances his job as a sheriff with his role raising his son as a widowed father. Aunt Bea balances her role as substitute mother to Opie with her role as maternal support to Andy. Modern television lacks this balance. In these modern programs, the characters are often extreme caricatures. Take Homer Simpson for instance. The patriarch of The Simpsons does not balance his role as town clown with any other responsibilities. He is father to three small children but largely shirks his responsibilities to them in favor of being the butt of many jokes. Lastly,

Cultures in Conflict, Christians, Muslims, Jews in the Discovery Assignment

Cultures in Conflict, Christians, Muslims, Jews in the Discovery - Assignment Example This essay analyzes that many women have dropped the tradition voluminous dress codes and adopted more cosmopolitan and elegant fashions in the country (ProQuest, 82). Foreign fashions have been integrated into the dressing for women within the country and this has been one of the major elements in which change has been clear between the tradition and the modern era.Cultural and social permissiveness within the highly Islamic country of Bahrain was displayed when a 10-year-old girl participated in the world swimming competition in Russia, earlier in the month of August 2015. This prompted a lot of eyebrows to be raised regarding the participation, but since there was no age restriction for participants, the young girl could not be barred from participation (Byrnes, para 2). In the ultimate analysis, the ruling in a case regarding the jailing of the opposition leader within the country has presented a popular debate in a country with the marking of 200 days since his incarceration on August 20th (Rahdi, para1). International media has focused immensely on the political situation in the country and questioned the aspects of democracy with the society. The lack of political tolerance has been cited as the sole reason for the incarceration of Sheikh Ali who has been advocating for nonviolent ways of settling political differences (Naar, para 3). There has been international pressure calling on the government to establish an independent inquiry into the case of the opposition leader.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Legalizing marijuana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Legalizing marijuana - Essay Example Yes, marijuana can make you crazy so legalizing it is wrong. We can cite the country of Jamaica, one of the largest producer of marijuana in the developing world where marijuana is very common. And if we think that authorities approve marijuana there, you are very wrong. Marijuana is one of the main culprit of the countless number of adolescents who committed petty crimes having police records early (Campbell, 2013). Marijuana makes a youngster susceptible to crime because it impairs one’s judgment. Or in short, you cannot think straight when you are in the influence of cannabis. Worst, if you like it too much and you do not have money to buy it because you are only a student, you will either sell things or steal. And worst, if police catches you, you will end up in jail and have police record early affecting your future because it will be hard to find a job if one has a police record. School will also likely to kick you out if you have a criminal record for stealing because of marijuana. Campbell, Dayton. "Legalising Marijuana Would Be Wrong - Columns."Â  Jamaica Observer News. 22 Sept. 2013. Web. 9 Nov. 2014.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

History Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

History - Term Paper Example The imperialistic world has been replaced by the ideals of sovereignty and self determination, where a nation-state is more powerful than anything else. The international political scenario has transformed into a nation-states system where every state has a defined territory and any breach in the territory of one`s state is considered as illegal and unlawful. The governance of the empires has been replaced by concepts like Mutually Assured Destruction and the governance of democratic states as all states are under the oath of UN. As for the economy, earlier the colonizers were the sole resource owners of the world, and to fulfill their industrial appetite, resources were being transferred to the hegemonic states. As for now, no state has the right to the resource of any other state. The barter system has been exchanged by monetary reserves which define the financial state of any nation. The cultural variables have also been re-defined to a great extent. The white man burden implied t hat the colonial white masters were the superior race and they had the burden of civilizing the inferiors they were ruling. Nowadays, the ethical concerns are of huge importance and every global citizen irrespective of their race, caste or origin is equal to any other citizen of the world. Thus, it is only sane to say that the world of 2015 is definitely in every sense better than the world of 1500`s. To prove the point that the world of 2015 is better than the world of 1500`s in many aspects, the era needs to be discussed in detail to understand the ideals followed during that time as opposed to those found in the recent times. 1500`s was the era when the trade routes were recently discovered by the European travelers like Vasco da Gama and Christian Columbus. These trade routes opened way towards Asia, Africa and even America where colonies were explored and due to the naval superiority and higher development owned by Europeans, they claimed to right to the resources of the world. This was the time when the Europeans believed that their white skin color owed much to the higher intellect and better culture due to which it was their responsibility to teach the non-whites and train them by ruling them. Thus, they started forming colonies where they were the sole land owner as well as the human resource owners where the locals of the area were being treated like aliens and inferiors. This way the colonizers started attaining right over all resources and these lands started becoming rich. The world system was being governed by the rule of â€Å"might is right† (Currie 2001). Since the Europeans were the first to explore the far off lands and had the naval superiority to rule the colonies, they claimed right over the resources of the world. Thus, economy and politics was interlinked during that era as the colonizers attained resources like silk, gold, silver, coal, cotton, spices etc from the colonies and developed their economies accordingly. Moreover, the y developed the strategy of â€Å"divide and rule†, and by virtue of this rule they destroyed the cultures of the locals. Thus, the principles of self rule and ethics were absent from the mindsets of the colonial masters. Religion was thougwh the supreme power by virtue of which the pope controlled the power of the state, and inflicted political power by virtue of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

EssayOn the short story, Woman Hollering Creek, by Sandra Cisneros pp Essay

EssayOn the short story, Woman Hollering Creek, by Sandra Cisneros pp 43-56 - Essay Example Despite some act of defiance from most women, there are still a lot of cultures who practice the tradition of arranged marriage. As a trade-off, women sacrifice their personal feelings and emotions for the sake of pleasing their family and following what tradition dictates. Love is deeply compromised in an effort to bridge the gap between an aging custom and family pride and dignity. Cleà ³filas is no exception to this rule when she agreed to marry Juan Pedro, a man whom she hardly knew but nonetheless has a decent disposition. Just like most Latin, Asian, and European women, Cleà ³filas is also agog with telenovelas and soap operas as it acts as an outlet over one’s frustrations in real life. This imaginative imagery also serves as their emotional outlet and standard for the meaning of true love. Betrayal, acts of deceit, and broken heartedness are only a few of the events that are being taught in these telenovelas towards the conquest of true and eternal love. This had made Cleà ³filas believe and accept that love is not always perfect, and that to suffer for love is good; that a woman must sacrifice her freedom, endure physical abuse, and emotional battery – all in the name of love. Such connection, between true love and telenovelas, may sound absurd, but this is the reality for most women. Mexican women for one can attest to this, hence the powerful presence of soap operas that has continued to dominate television screens since time immemorial. All the pain, grief, shame, rage, and joy being portrayed in these â€Å"soaps† have made Cleà ³filas realize that â€Å"to suffer for love is good. The pain all sweet somehow. In the end†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (45). Before, she had always thought of fighting back if and when a man would strike her. But when this moment came, â€Å"he slapped her once, and then again, and again†¦but she didn’t fight back†¦as she imagined she might when she saw such things in the telenovelas† (47). The inability to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Psychological Treatment of Culturally Diverse Populations Research Paper

Psychological Treatment of Culturally Diverse Populations - Research Paper Example In contrast in 2000, the numbers fell down to 69%. The U.S. Census Bureau foresees that racial/ethnic minorities will constitute a numeric majority by the year 2050. However, other private researches made by the Council of National Psychological Associations for the Advancement of Ethnic Minority Interests (2000) anticipate that this demographic transformation will take place sooner. The following 2000 U.S. Census figures will provide us with an overall idea on some minority groups. The U.S. Census Bureau reported several conclusions on the bases of these statistics. Most importantly, they consider that it is impossible for the mental health clinician not to meet clients who differ in regards to race, ethnicity, and culture. Secondly, what is defined as therapy can vary considerably from the traditional understanding of the mental health professional. And last but not least, mental health workers have to become culturally competent in order to meet the needs of their clients. Attention to diversity and cultural competence and awareness are of great importance for the U.S. society since it has become increasingly diverse. In this paper I will focus my attention on ethical practice with patience from different cultural, ethnic and racial background. I will also concentrate on some recommendations for the psychological treatment of Mexican-American population. The American Psychologica... Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services to Ethnic, Linguistic and Culturally Diverse Populations (APA, 1993) suggest comprehensible counseling and flexible perspectives for working with such individuals. It is of great importance that each psychologist remains sensitive to diversity issues and possesses general knowledge about the groups that seek mental health treatment. The American Psychological Association Ethics Code (APA, 1992) requires that psychologists are aware of "cultural, individual, and role differences" and "accord appropriate respect to the fundamental rights, dignity, and worth or all people (Principle D: Respect for People's Rights and Dignity, p. 1599)." Further, the psychologists are instructed by the APA Ethics Code (1992) to acquire the necessary training if he is to work with individuals of diverse background. Having the knowledge about the client's culture will aid the therapist to incorporate into the mental health treatment traditional spiritual and healing customs and will reinforce the partnership between the therapist and the patient. Aviera (2002) reports on multiple occasions when disclosing personal details "helps the Latino client feel that the therapist is a caring and real person (p.18)." Familiarity with one's culture, openness and genuineness of human interactions are of prime significance if the psychologist aims to work effectively with culturally diverse client. According to the numbers provided by the 2000 U.S. Census over 35 million identify themselves as Hispanic, which approximately makes 13 % of the total U.S. population. The majority 58.5% are of Mexican origin. Barona (2003) reports that "many ancestors of present-day Mexican Americans resided on this land when national borders were established more than

Monday, July 22, 2019

Human Natures Tragic Flaw Essay Example for Free

Human Natures Tragic Flaw Essay Do you believe there is a beast within man that tempts us to do wrong and commit sin? Or is it just human nature to be sinful? In the bible, book of Genesis, it shows how God created Adam and Eve. These two beings had everything one could possibly imagine, food, water, shelter, and the protection of our heavenly father. Their only rule in The Garden Of Eden was to not eat from the forbidden fruit tree in the center of the garden, but Adam and Eve were flawed and soon fell into temptation from the serpent, and ate the fruit. They went against God’s only command and made the human species sinners. In the novel, The Lord Of The Flies, a plane crashes on an uninhabited island leaving numerous boys stranded. These boys had to learn to survive without adults to make their food and provide shelter for them. At first they all agree to a chief, Ralph, and are willing to work together to build shelters, but as the novel reaches its climax, they turn savage which soon leads to the death of three boys. The author â€Å"William Golding† portrays that it is not human nature within ourselves that makes us act out, but when times are rough, violence and sin leads us away from the path of righteousness. Symbolism is used throughout the novel to show that things put in this world tempt us to act out. The biggest illustration of symbolism in The Lord Of The Flies is in relation to â€Å"the beast†. The Beast was introduced on the very first day on the island. A little boy with a mulberry-colored birthmark on his face educated everybody of a so called Beast, which he had apparently seen on the previous night. At the time, this was overlooked by the older boys as something in his imagination. As the story advances it becomes evident that the older boys begin to believe in this Beast. One evening Simon was spotted when returning from one of his nature walks, and Jack persuaded the others that he was the Beast. Each boy began pouncing on Simon, stabbing and beating him to death. This shows that a small thing, such as the serpent in the Garden of Eden, can cause fear and tempt us to do wrong, and in this case commit murder. Another example that holds much symbolic value throughout the story is the usage of the word scar. † When the plane crashes on the lush island, it disrupts the balance and harmony of nature untouched by mans influence. The twisted wreckage of the plane creates an imperfection in the peacefulness of nature, and leaves the beach a scar of what it used to be, stunning and unharmed by mans vicious impulse. An object which also attains much symbolic relevance as the story unfolds is the conch shell. Delicate, fragile, and white, the conch is what brings the boys together on the first day at the beach. It is used throughout the story as an object of high importance and tradition, as it calls meetings together and determines who has the right to speak, depending on who is holding it at the time. It can be seen as a representation of law and order amongst the boys, as it unites them and prevents chaos from arising. As the book progresses, however, characters like Jack and his hunters put less and less importance in the sensibility and order in the concept of the conch, and finally disregard it altogether as chaos erupts over the island. This symbolizes the struggle of civilization and savagery, as Jacks hatred of Piggy and Ralph grows and he and his boys resort to primal urges like hunting and killing. It is shown throughout the novel that although it is man’s natural instinct to cause destruction, it is not human nature to sin. We are tempted into sin by those around us, and even our own mind sets. â€Å"William Golding† beautifully portrays that it is not human nature within ourselves that makes us act out, but when times are rough, violence and sin leads us away from the path of righteousness.

What Is the Principle-Agent Relationship Essay Example for Free

What Is the Principle-Agent Relationship Essay A great majority of social and economic relationships are of the principle agent type. The principle-agent problem is a game-theoretic situation where; there is a player (the principal) and one more other players (the agents). This is the problem of how the principle can motivate the agent to act for the principles benefit rather than follow self interest. â€Å"The problem is how to devise incentives which lead to report truthfully to the principle on the facts they face and the actions they take, and act for the principles benefit. Incentives include rewards such as bonuses or promotion for success, and penalties such as demotion or dismissal for failure to act in the principles interest. † (Black, J. 2003). The actions however, may not always be apparent so it is not usually adequate for the principle to state payment on the actions of the agents. The reasons why we expect the public sector to be inefficient has to do with the incentives and restrictions of the individual and organisational levels. There are at least two important reasons why perfect contingency markets have not developed as stated by Broadway Wildasin (1984). The first reason is that the transaction costs of establishing such markets might be high relative to the number of traders. The other reason is the observable fact of asymmetric information, also known as the principal agent problem. Two particularly significant consequences of this reliance are â€Å"moral hazard† and â€Å"adverse selection†. Daniel W. Bromley (1989), states that the principal must rely on indicators of success rather than success itself (adverse selection), while the agent directs attention toward the satisfaction of proxy measures rather than toward the success of the task itself. (moral hazard). The â€Å"hazard† in moral hazard refers to the fact that the individual has an incentive to direct behaviour toward proxy measures rather than toward the desired goal. This redirection can result in creating incentives for perverse behaviour. The â€Å"adverse† in adverse selection refers to the fact that the establishment of monitoring criteria leads to perverse measurement. Individuals who wish to take out insurance possess information that insurers don’t. The insured persons (the agents) can exploit this informational advantage in dealing with insurers (the principles) in various ways (Broadway Wildasin, 1984). Moral hazard occurs when the insured can, through actions unobservable to the insurer, influence wither the probability of a loss occurring, or the magnitude of the loss. For example, a person can influence the probability of an accident by the degree of preventive action taken. If the quantity of preventive action is not observable to the insured, market failure can result. Alternatively the standard example of how the insured influences the size of the loss is medical insurance. In the event that illness occurs, the insured can overuse medical services. Adverse selection occurs when there are several different types of insured persons, distinguishing from one another by the probabilities of a bad state of nature occurring. Thus, for some persons might be high risk and others low risk, and the insurers cannot tell one from the other. Automobile insurers cannot tell careful from careless drivers except imperfectly through such indicators as sex, and family status. Equilibrium may not exist in the presence of adverse selection and even if it does it may not be efficient. A problem related to adverse selection is the simple lack of information by market participants. The diversification of the Pareto-Optimality of competitive markets assumed that individuals and firms have complete knowledge regarding the availability and attributes of all goods and factors. Such will not always be the case. Consumers may not know the implications of various products for their health or safety, nor will they have full information on the relative merits of various competing consumer items. Firms do not always know the quality of the labour force they are hiring. The provision of information has the attributes of a public good, especially the joint consumption property. Thus, information on product safety and health hazards is often publicly provided. (e. g the Food and Drug Administration). Similarly the education system provides, in addition to its training role, an informational function known as screening. That is by attaching levels of achievement to persons coming out of the education system (e. g. egrees, diplomas, grades), information is being provided to prospective employers regarding the potential productivity of the person. Presumably, the practice of licensing various professions or trades plays a similar screening role, however imperfect it is. The dissemination of information can, for our purposes, be considered as a particular type of public good. Due to the non existence of perfect contingency markets, Pareto optimality does not exist in the real world, and this may influence government behaviour. According to Brown Jackson (1990), inefficiency in the public sector arises when there is an asymmetry of information between those who demand services and those who supply them. This problem is predominantly evident in education and healthcare due to imperfect information. For instance, a patient (the principle) seeks information and advice from her GP or consultant (the agent) concerning her medical condition (i. e. health status). The doctor has specialist technical knowledge and subsequently in providing information to the patient the doctor also advises them on what should be done next. Therefore, because the doctor has the technical skills to make decisions in the patient’s best interests; in most cases they make the decisions for the patients. Had the patient been fully informed and competent enough to assess the technical options, the doctor wouldn’t have to stand in place of the patient as they would have been able to make their own decisions. The public sector consists of professional groups such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, planners etc. Each of these professions holds their own norms and standards that have a hold upon the level and quality of their services. If a lawyer puts professional standards above the interests of the client then this will result in allocative efficiency as they are acting in their own interests as agents rather than those of the principal. Another example of principal and agent is that between voters and elected politicians. â€Å"The rationale for the existence of a representative democracy is that politicians, because of their specialization, are better informed than the general voting public and stand as agents of the voters. † (Brown Jackson, 1990. p. 204). If politicians get the wrong idea about the preferences of the principles then there will be allocative inefficiency once again. In some cases, the suppliers of public services are not exploiting the customers/voters for profit but rather that in serving their own interests â€Å"they may tend to over produce or to produce a quality of service in excess of what tax payers would be prepared to pay if they were better informed. † (Brown Jackson, 1990. p. 204) Due to budget constraints, public firms do not have the financial capabilities to provide powerful incentives unlike private firms. Bonuses are not awarded for good performance nor can individuals be fired for misperfomance. Subsequently, public agencies are systematically less efficient as individuals are less complacent to be efficient or to provide the best services to their customers. Even if they do have any incentive, more often their aim directed at political goals rather than the objectives. Bureaucrats for instance, as explained by Stiglitz (2000) may not receive ample pay checks or considerable dividends from increased efficiency, but they often seem to enjoy the power and prestige associated with being in charge of a larger organization. They attempt to maximize the size of their bureaucracy by reducing efficiency. The only thing that stops them from doing this is competition between bureaucracies. W. A Niskanen, implies that the increasing centralization of government bureaucracies has reduced competition, in doing so bureaucrats can pursue their interests at the expense of efficiency and the public interest. This is an example of the principle-agent problem. â€Å"Here, the problem is, how do the citizens (the â€Å"principles†) get their employees, public servants (the â€Å"agents†), to act in their interests? † (Stiglitz, 2000 p. 202) Revise.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Marketng Analysis of Bajaj Fans

Marketng Analysis of Bajaj Fans Critically analysis of the Bajaj fans contribution of marketing planning to the process of the strategic development In the strategic development process begins with strategic planning. Strategic planning is the process of developing overall plan strategies for the whole of organization. Under the strategic planning process evaluate answering the following questions; Where are we now? How did we get there? Where are we heading? Where would like to be? How do we get there? After that review whole planning process part by part sequential order. Those steps are; Analyze Vision and Strategic intent where we want to be future Reviewing mission statement in terms of rationale for existence of the business and value of the business. Under this review process evaluates further Purpose, values, Competencies, Culture, Polices and Product As a next step developing goals and objectives for whole organization Then carrying out the position audit by using SWOT analysis techniques and identify gaps. To fill that the above gaps evaluating corporate strategic choices. Here generating the strategic options by answering the following question; How to compete Where to compete method of growth As well as evaluating options by using the following criterias acceptability (evaluating based on stakeholders goals, objectives and their power), suitability (evaluating in relation with mission and strategic intent) and Feasibility (in terms of financial viability and risk) There after finishing that process start strategic implementation process. In this stage do the followings ; Resources Planning Draft operations plans, structure and culture Change (Implement changes) Implement Functional Strategies Productions operation strategies R D strategies Marketing strategies (Marketing mix, Segmentation, PLC analysis, MIS). HRM (Personal planning, Motivation, Appraisal) Finance strategies (source of finance, investment) IT strategies Looking at actual performance Review and control (assessing the deviation from plan and make corrective actions based on that) As final stage link to the step called strategic analysis. How the marketing planning contributing to strategic development process can be seen in above mentioned step number 5. If the company is having more than one business, there are three type of strategies can be identified those are; Corporate strategy Business and functional strategies Corporate level strategies are focused; Maximize share holders wealth Increase the overall profitability company as a whole Typically focused determining overall propose of the business. Decisions on mergers and acquisitions sell off or closure of business units. Maintain relationship with key stakeholders of the business such as investors, government and regulatory body. Explore new market Developing corporate image Under the Business strategies developed for division in the larger organization, that has a significant degree of autonomy basically responsible for developing and marketing their own products or services. Functional strategies mainly focused on selection of decision rule of the in each of functional area. In this case Baja electrical division or business unit (SBU) has draft a product marketing plan for fans. Under that product marketing plan strategic business unit has analyze, create and developed strategies to support the corporate strategies in the every aspect. Such as profitability, market share, developing corporate image by using corporate brand with the products. As a final conclusion Can say Bajaj fans marketing plan has contribute significantly for the strategic development process. Appraise marketing plan of Bajaj fans with suitable marketing element of marketing mix Under the marketing plan of bajaj fan has considered all the aspect of marketing mix element such product, STP process, price, place, and promotion). 2.1. Product analysis 2.1.1. Product mix This has developed to attract the customers (different segment).Those product mix are Ceiling fans, TPW fans (Table/ Pedestal / wall) and fresh air fans. Not only that under that they have developed different design like decorative and non decorative based on the segment. 2.1.2. Brand Name for the fan product category very low focused given by customers even bajaj fans was not included in the consideration set under their decision making process. That was major weakness. To eliminate that weakness they have come up with new strategies called umbrella branding (family branding) 2.1.3. Packaging Company has changed their graphic on packaging for entire product rage. 2.2. Segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) At earlier stage company has followed niche marketing strategies. Company segmentation bases are price, quality and aesthetics look. Based on that segmentation criterias, they have introduced different product categories for each segment. Price based segmentation with sub brands as follows; Product category Price High price Medium price Low price Ceiling fans Crown Maxima Bahar , Grace TPW fans Crown Bahar Fresh air fans Aesthetics look based segmentation Decorative Non decorative Company product position strategies is that benefit positioning, Price quality positioning and performance based positioning revolutions per minutes RPS (speed, cooling). 2.3. Pricing analysis Company maintains the cost based pricing policy. There major weakness of the pricing having high margins for distributors. That has directly affected on their profitability because of high cost is incurred for distributors margins. To save that cost company has started distribution of products by using their own vehicles. 2.3. Promotion analysis Major media is television because of cable and satellite TV penetration is very high. Mainly advertising on C S channels such as star, Sony, Zee. Different types of TV commercial has developed air time (10,20 30).These TV commercial showing by using the different language. Major communication message is that Subse Tez Under the advertising they have new packaging strategies are incorporated with posters, POPs, Shops or dealers, boards and other communication elements direct mail. Followed different marketing recalling elements such as promotion team with braded t-shirts and caps, distribute leaflet for potential customers on point of sales. Used to promote the product dealers word of mouth recommendation to increase the sales. AS a pull strategy thy used pull strategies by organizing different contest among the customers, attractive pops, display schemes. 2.4. Place analysis (Distribution) There distribution strategies reduced by one layer. Company directly distributes their products to the retailers. As well as they have developed separate distribution network sub economy market segment. At the same time promoting dealers under pull strategy to keep their loyalty, increase shop share and attract the customers. Logistic is very strong 20 branches after sales service centers around 200 franchise that is also increasing the sales capacity of the channel. Identify the process of the developing and using brand identity of Bajaj with further evaluation of marketing segmentation, competitive analysis To develop the brand identity company used major strategy is umbrella strategy strengthening the product with corporate brand. That increases the customer credibility and dealers loyalty. At same time they are promoting by using pull strategies both party customers and dealers that is help to increase the brand loyalty of dealers. Not only that they are using TV commercial to communicate the brand identity for the different market segment that is on of the strategy which help to upgrade the top of mind brad awareness. In terms market Segmentation Company has develop different market based on the price, quality and aesthetics look. This also helps develop brand awareness of those market segments. Currently in market leading players are; Crompton, orient, polar, Khaitan, Usha. Current situation is level of competition very high and that is reducing margin of products because of profit divided into the above major competitors. Bajaj market segmentation strategy is also helping to face that competition. Because of all the above players are having their own production plant as well as gained economies of scale. Therefore major strategies that they need to be followed develop the customer loyalty via product performance and after sales services. As well as Bajaj Company use the promoters to develop brand awareness among the customer by using branded T shirts and caps. Some time such capacities do not have competitors to promote their products. Analyze the marketing capabilities of Bajaj fans to utilize the current technologies e-marketing and e commerce platform. If the bajaj used e marketing tools and techniques under this context of e commerce by which creating new distribution channel for the bajaj company as well as e marketing is help to reach different customer segment on individual basis ( via email campaign marketing) and corporate segment. In addition to that the following benefit and advantage that they can gain out of the e marketing; Can access wider rage of the market because of penetration of internet and email usage is very high. Therefore, in terms of cost vs. benefit, benefit is higher than cost, because of cost to reach very low. As example if the company developed websites by spending INR 150,000 and suppose that 1500 peoples access per month to site (150,000 /1500 = 100) in the first moth cost is 100 Indian rupees. Month by moth that cost is reduced only thing that they need invest that capital for web site. That web sites is providing adverting and online purchase facility also can be set. When online marketing is going to apply it is ideal for corporate segment such as companies, building housing contractors. Online purchasing help reduce time gap in ordering and delivering product. As well as it is reducing the retailer margin which that they paying for retail sales. Online promotional campaign also can carry out by using e marketing tools such as pop up advertising, cross promotions. Disadvantage of e marketing and e commerce are technical failures and security issues. By analyzing those cost benefit as well as advantage and disadvantage Bajaj Company apply new technology to improve their communication, sales and to beat the competition. As final conclusion bajaj has feasibility to use the new technology. In the future they can collect domestic and international corporate orders via web. That will deliver greatest benefit for them. Therefore bajaj is capable enough use the new technology under this scenario.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Jean-Baptiste Lully Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Giovanni Battista Lulli was born on November 28, 1632. His father, Lorenzo di Maldo, was a miller and his mother, Caterina del Sera, was a miller’s daughter. Lully was born in Florence, Italy and lived there until age 11. While in Italy he studied dance and music; he played violin and guitar. In March of 1646 he moved to France to tutor Mlle de Montpensier in Italian. There he studied composition and harpsichord. Lully was able to hear the King’s grande bande perform, witness balls where the best French dance music was played. When Mlle de Montpensier was exiled from Paris, Lully was released from her service and gained the attention of King Louis XIV. In February 1653 he danced in â€Å"Ballet de la nuit† with the King and less than a month later was appointed the King’s â€Å"composituer de la musique instrumentale de Roi.† Over the next ten years Lully gained control over all the royal family’s court music. This is when he began experimenting with performance practices and changing the basic stylistic features of orchestral music. Lully’s â€Å"petits violons† brought him international fame. At this point Lully focused his career on ballets. They brought together Lully’s two favorite expressions of art: dance and music. The dances he composed shaped what is now known as â€Å"French music.† Between 1658 and 1671 Lully wrote thirty ballets. During this ballet frenzy he received his French citizenship and changed his name from Lulli to Lully. He also elevated his father’s status to â€Å"gentilhomme Florentin.† Also in 1661 Lully was appointed the composer of chamber music for the King. In 1664 Lully collaborated with Jean-Baptiste Molià ¨re and started composing comà ©dies-ballets. He didn’t thing the French language was appropriate for large works but was good for ballets. Perrin, a French composer, introduced opera around this time and Lully thought it was absurd. However, when Perrin’s â€Å"Promone† succeeded, Lully changed his mind. Perrin ended up in prison over a money dispute and Lully bought the opera patent from him. This gave him complete control of French operatic performances. Then in 1673 Molià ¨re died and the King granted the patent for the Royal Theater to Lylly also. Lully’s new operatic style grew out of his popular ballets. He kept the overture, entry music for the dancers, atmosphere and action symphonies, and some of the dances themselv... ...ed. Instrumentalists would only be used in scenes where an instrumentalist would normally be found in life: weddings, festivals, etc. Lully’s influence on the orchestra cannot be overstressed. He dramatically affected its style and importance. His orchestra was emulated all over Europe. Many of the characteristics that Lully developed are still in use today. Bibliography Anthony, James R., â€Å"Lully.† The New Groves Dictionary of Music and Musicians. 1980 ed., vol. 14, p. 315-326. Anthony, James R., H. Wiley Hitchcock, Edward Higginbottom, Graham Sadler, Albert Cohen. â€Å"French Baroque Masters.† The New Groves Dictionary of Music and Musicians. W.W. Norton and Company, 1986. p. 1-63 Buelow, George J., â€Å"Music and Society in the Late Baroque Era.† Music and Society in the Late Baroque Era. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1994. p. 1-38 Harman, Alec and Anthony Milner. Late Renaissance and Baroque Music. Fairlawn: Essential Books, 1957. Heyer, John Hadju. Lully Studies. Cambridge Universal Press, 2000. Lewis, W. H., The Splendid Century: Life in the France of Louis XIV. Waveland Press, 1997 Newman, Joyce. Jean-Baptiste de Lully and His Tragà ©dies Lyrique. UMI Research Press, 1979.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Clinton Administrations Proposal To Increase Taxes For Multinational Co

My topic is the increase if the taxes which Clinton Administration is planning. This increase in taxes will target "multinational Corporations, end the favored tax treatment of extra long term bonds", It will also raise capital gains taxes by â€Å"changing the rules for computing the cost basis of securities when they are sold at a profit†. What this will do is increase the taxes for the rich and will decrease the difference between the rich and the poor. The plan is intent on cutting the middle class tax and finance higher education (yeah right). The current tax law decreases the Federal Treasury Revenue and makes the economy less efficient or less competitive. The multinational tax would disallow multinationals to assume half of their goods are foreign even if they are made in the US. Thus they could export to a country with low taxes and thus pay less taxes. This change would bring an increase of 7.9 Billion in corporate taxes over the next 5 years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This withdraws a lot of money from the economy and may thus decrease demand for goods, as people have less money to spend. The multinationals would employ many people and with and increase in their cost (tax is a type of cost) they would be forced to decrease the average amount of wages which the their employees received. This may take the form of decreased raises, or the laying off of some people. This would thus decrease aggregate demand for goods Nationally (as Multinationals would employ people in th...

Weight Training Exam :: essays research papers

Weight Training Exam 1.)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Weight training increases a person metabolic rate. 2.)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A consistent weight training routine can reduce your cholesterol level. 3.)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A.) Type I = High aerobic capacity, small in size, fatigue resistant,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Type Ia = Medium aerobic capacity, large in size, fatigable, Type IIb = Low aerobic capacity, large in size, most fatigable 4.) Dynamic contraction (ex. When extending the knee, hip and ankle joints when performing a vertical jump. Eccentric contraction (ex. lowering a weight from the flexed position.) Isometric contraction – (ex. Pushing against an unmovable object.) 5.) The requirements for a effective weight training device are 4 fold.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  i.) The device must provide tension within the muscles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ii.) The device must allow the muscles to be worked through there natural range of motion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  iii.) It must make i and ii VERY safe.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  iv.) Should be adjustable in the magnitude of resistance it provides. 6.) When one increases in strength, their endurance increases as well. 7.) The myth is that â€Å"multiple sets of an exercise are superior to a single set for increasing muscle strength and size. 8.) The four key elements in a well designed training program are as follows†¦   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  - The Repetition: the best reps include raising and lowering of a resistance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  - The Resistance: The key is to use resistance to demand development of muscular strength by the creation of tension within a muscle or group of muscles that is greater than the typical demand.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  - Total Body Training: All of the major muscle groups of the body should be trained each time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  - Balance: Am adequate amount of tension should be developed on both sides of a joint so that the joint functions properly and is not prone to misalignment or slipping. 9.) Five guidelines for an appropriate training program. i.)Train using a full range of motion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ii.) Eliminate fast, jerky movements while raising the weight.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  iii.) Emphasize the lowering of the weight.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  iv.) Reach momentary muscular failure/fatigue in the prescribed number of repetitions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  v.) Train under supervision and/or with a partner. 10.) HIT or High Intensity Training is extreme effort while incorporating only one work set per exercise with minimum work sets per body part per work-out. 11.) First, to decrease injury potential, and second to increase performance potential. 12.) Vocabulary Definitions: a.)Intensity – The relative stress level that the exercise stimulates places at the approximate systems. b.) Progression – The rate at which you lift more over â€Å"x† amount of time.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How is sound and setting presented in The Great Gatsby, King Lear, Death of a Salesman

Fitzgerald, Shakespeare and Miller explore both setting and sound within their writing to mirror the current thoughts and feelings of the character which then allows the audience to understand and sympathise the characters. It could be argued that through the use of setting and sound, the authors dramatically present the extent to which the protagonists have ‘fallen’ mentally. Likewise, with the combination of both sound and setting, the erotic imagery stimulated presents a mirror image of the intense thoughts and emotions of the characters which then allows for the audience to attach themselves emotionally to the characters.It could be interpreted that the reason behind the authors focus on both sound and setting was to convey their own individual thoughts and feelings of the society and its morals, through the use of the characters introduced in their texts. The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald’s modernist novel, explores certain traits that the characters carry through the use of the surrounding setting.Through the use of prosperous connotations when describing Gatsby’s ‘colossal mansion’ and ‘enormous garden’, Fitzgerald establishes the protagonist to be royal and perhaps even optimistic as the excessiveness of his parties could symbolise his elaborate plans for himself and Daisy. A magical element is conveyed when the guests ‘whisper’ among ‘the golden food’ and ‘the champagne and the stars. ’ The noun ‘golden’ further portrays Gatsby’s supremacy and could be interpreted that all his possessions are excessive in every way.The verb ‘whispering’ could be explored as the guests being extremely excited yet curious at the aspect of meeting this mysterious and powerful character, Gatsby. Similarly, Shakespeare’s tragic play King Lear, explores the aristocracy of a King through describing his palace as a place of order and elegance, ‘m y fair kingdom, no less in space, validity and pleasure’. The term ‘fair kingdom’ enforces the idea that like Gatsby, King Lear also takes pride in his possessions and wealth and it could be argued that both protagonists share the same characteristic of intense pride towards the superficial and physical items in life.As both The Great Gatsby and King Lear were written in societies where materialism controlled the citizens, the audience would have interpreted this one-dimensional attitude as traditional and in some senses valuable as it represented wealth and authority. Since The Great Gatsby was written during the domination of the American Dream, it would be fair to say that Gatsby achieved his dream in terms of his financial stability. On the other hand, many critics argued that ‘Gatsby's dream was unattainable because it didn't really exist.He was in love with a memory†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ In the same way that Gatsby was classified as not having attainted his spiritual dream of gaining the love of Daisy, ‘Willy’ in Death of a Salesman didn’t reach his American Dream financially despite his efforts. Due to both Gatsby’s and Willy’s failure in achieving the dream, it could be argued that they both share the same unsuccessful nature. On the other hand, their efforts of trying to achieve the dream could also embrace their brave nature due to their determination.All three texts present how the authors convey characteristics through the use of setting and by this, the audience are immediately welcomed to exploring the character on a personal and more individual level. In all three texts, the setting described by the authors mirrors the protagonist’s broken mind set. In Death of a Salesman, Miller portrays the character of Willy Loman as one whose mental health is fractured by his hunger to achieve the American Dream and through the use of setting; Miller heightens the building of dramatic tension as Wil ly's mental health deteriorates.From the first stage directions, it is evident that Willy is trapped both physically and mentally as he is surrounded by a, ‘†solid vault of apartment houses around the small, fragile-seeming home. † Through the use of the word ‘around’, Miller implies that Willy’s escape is highly unlikely and this increases the sympathy that the audience has for the character of Willy. It could also be interpreted that the word ‘around’ metaphorically symbolises a trap or a cage which completely dehumanises Willy as his freedom is being eliminated from him.The declarative description of ‘small, fragile’ parallels Willy’s emotional state thus creates the image of Willy being close to destruction. Furthermore, the use of the comma emphasises how much of a struggle it is for him to carry on, helping heighten his mental and physical brittleness. It could be argued that this also foreshadows the idea that if anything else triggers his emotions; his mental state will completely destruct. Ironically, Willy himself believes to be a ‘great man’ who is ‘known’ therefore this juxtaposition between ‘great’ and ‘fragile’ helps heighten the extent of his mental dysfunction.Equivalently, Fitzgerald explores Gatsby’s mental deterioration through the use of exploring the theme of loneliness, ‘trying to touch what was no longer tangible, struggling unhappily, undespairingly, towards that lost voice across the room. ’ This creates irony as the character of Gatsby is known for the extravagant events he hosts therefore physically he is always kept company. The rule of three emphasises the extremity to which he has been broken mentally as he is imagining a ‘lost voice. ’ The ‘lost voice’ could also metaphorically symbolise the idea that Gatsby has been left soulless as all that remains of him is his physically body.On the other hand, the ‘lost voice’ could also represent Gatsby’s mind telling him to give up on chasing Daisy as he is deluded in believing that he can recreate the past, hence the adjectives of ‘struggling, unhappily’. Opposed to both The Great Gatsby and Death of a Salesman, King Lear immediately informs the audience that he’s ‘not in my perfect mind’ which therefore comes as no surprise when the atmosphere is described as chaotic, ‘as though he’d burst heaven†¦ the string of life began to crack.’The onomatopoeic sounds of ‘crack’ and ‘burst’ symbolise Lear’s sanity expiring as his mind now becomes a catastrophe which Edgar refers to as ‘reason in madness’. Furthermore, the angelic imagery of ‘heaven’ contrasted with the vulgar sound of ‘burst’ creates a juxtaposition that could symbolise his sanity being on the vir tue of defeat. All three texts exploit the tragic yet honest mind-set that the characters hold and this enables the audience to empathise with those characters as to some extent their mental self-destruction could be classed as relatable.Despite all the characters being of different social status’ and backgrounds, they all have one thing in common; their insanity. This implies that regardless of your significance in society, you are the conduct of your own down fall and this is seen through the character of Lear as he became broken due to his hunger for status, Willy for his longing of being wealthy and attaining the American Dream and lastly, Gatsby for fooling himself into believing that he was able to retain Daisy’s love through a materialism approach.Many would argue that within all three texts, the weather enforced pathetic fallacy which allowed the audience to have an insight to the characters emotions and thoughts. In the Era that King Lear was written, writers and poets put a lot of emphasis on the natural world therefore it comes as no surprise when Shakespeare conveys nature as an uncontrollable elemental force consisting of ‘cataracts and hurricanes’, ‘sulphurous fire’ and ‘all-shaking thunder. ’ The sibilance in this instance has been affected by the linguistic technique of hyperbole which then emphasises the anger that Lear was feeling.A C Bradley states ‘’the storm in ‘King Lear’ coincides with the storm in the human affairs and also with the storm which is present in the heart and soul of ‘King Lear. ’’ Through the emphasis of a ‘heavy’ and ‘black wind’ storm that a ‘cub-drawn bear would couch, the lion and the belly-pinched wolf kept their fur dry’, Shakespeare portrays that this storm isn’t ordinary and could severely damage even the most powerful ‘kings of the jungle’. The dark and gothi c imagery of the storm could mirror Lear’s empty soul as his one love, his daughter, was killed.Furthermore, the storm could be interpreted as the symbol of madness within Lear’s heart and head however it could also imply his anger towards society and all those who had betrayed him. Ironically enough, towards the ending of the play, Shakespeare included more severe weather conditions in contrast to the beginning. Perhaps this indicates that now Lear is neither no longer in reign nor an ideal product of society, he has developed emotions like the rest of the citizens.On the other hand, it could be interpreted that because he has become an ordinary man, he is feeling anger towards the situation and those around him. Adverse to King Lear, The Great Gatsby doesn’t refer to weather as much however when it is mentioned, ‘there was a pink and golden billow of foamy clouds above the sea’’, it directly correlates with the mood and atmosphere of that c urrent moment. The description of ‘foamy clouds’ presents child-like and innocent imagery which could mirror how naà ¯ve his love for Daisy makes him.On the other hand, ‘foamy’ could too present unsteadiness as the structure of this gas-like substance is rather weak. Furthermore, through the use of the colour ‘pink’, Fitzgerald portrays Gatsby’s romantic lust towards Daisy and the colour ‘golden’ could convey the idea of his love towards her as being precious and is worthy of treasuring. This could be interpreted as emphasising the depth to which Gatsby’s heart is set on Daisy however at the same time, it could imply Gatsby’s high ego as he believes she should be grateful of his efforts to try and secure her heart.Conversely Miller uses the same technique of colour imagery within weather to parallel Willy’s thoughts and feelings, ‘’the surrounding area shows an angry glow of orange. â€℠¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ The colour ‘orange’ holds many connotations, one of which is the expression of happiness. This completely differences to the emotion of ‘anger’ which could convey Willy’s emotional volatility. Many would argue that through this contrast, Fitzgerald foreshadows the character of Willy as one who is rather unpredictable, thus his suicide could affect the audience emotionally due to its randomness.The technique of pathetic fallacy attributes human qualities and emotions to inanimate objects of nature. This helps the audience to explore the protagonist’s sincere feelings and thoughts which further establishes a more personal relationship between the audience and characters. Another literary device used to reflect feelings and emotions of the characters is each author’s use of sound, both musical and vocal. Fitzgerald and Miller focus more on the musical sounds produced by instruments whereas Shakespeare explores the technique of so und through vocals.In Death of a Salesman and King Lear, both authors present the idea that as nature evolves; people tend to forget about the tragic deaths of the protagonists which present their true feelings and thoughts of the protagonists themselves. Fitzgerald embraces the character of Nick as the narrator to explore other characters feelings such as Daisy, Wilson and Jordan Baker etc. This is presented when he states, ‘I could still hear the music and the laughter, faint and incessant, from his garden’ right after the death of Gatsby.This declarative sentence could be interpreted as a metaphor of people being the ‘music and laughter’ and as life progresses; they tend to become more ‘faint’ as they move on. It could be argued that this quote mirrors the disrespect other characters had towards Gatsby as they only used him for his glamorous parties. However due to this sound being heard in the ‘garden’ which presents nature, it could also be interpreted that mourning wasn’t very natural/common in the 1920’s thus the characters weren’t actually disrespecting Gatsby.The nature imagery combined with the ‘faint’ laughter creates a very mellow yet pleasant atmosphere as though the characters are accepting his death and positively reminisce of the past. Similarly, in Death of a Salesman, Miller presented ‘a melody heard, played upon a flute, it is small and fine, telling of grass and trees in the horizon’. Like Fitzgerald, Miller uses nature imagery of ‘grass and trees’ alongside the sound of the ‘flute’ to explore the setting being rather calming and pure.Furthermore, this is an anaphoric reference as at the end of the play Miller uses stage directions to explore ‘only the music of the flute is left on the darkening stage as over the house the hard towers of the apartment buildings rise into sharp focus. ’ The same melody of the flute could symbolize the fact that Willy is still the same failure as he was in the beginning. However, the contrast between the nature imagery and the ‘hard towers†¦apartment buildings’ could parallel Willy’s superficial nature and the idea that through the duration of the play he was only brought deeper into the American Dream.Perhaps through this quote, Miller portrays his own opinion on the American Dream and the character of Willy as being idiotic in a sense that it can only lead to destruction as the American Dream would never be achievable for anyone. In contrast to this, Shakespeare uses the technique of sound; however he explores it focusing mainly on the vocal aspect to it. King Lear is a gothic tragedy and this is shown through the tone Shakespeare enforces. The powerful language of Lear cursing alongside with the ‘loud’ and ‘demanding’ dynamics of his tone, further explores the extent of rage that he is feeling towa rds what seems to be the world.Frequently throughout the play, Shakespeare uses onomatopoeic sounds such as ‘clattering’ to further heighten the mad atmosphere as well as the emotions the protagonist is feeling. The sound of ‘clattering’ has some connotations to the game of dominoes as it would be heard when an item tips over. This sound could metaphorically mirror Lear’s deterioration both mentally as well as physically and the idea that he is aware of this cyclical cycle of negative events.It could also be argued that this sound of ‘clattering’ foreshadows how rapidly everything will clatter downhill for the King himself. As a critic stated ‘’Lear’s final cry of grief that his daughter will never breathe again, ‘’never, never, never, never, never,’’ is the bleakest line of iambic pentameter ever written. ’’ The use of sound is explored very effectively by Shakespeare, Miller and Fitzgerald as it heightens the dramatic atmosphere, foreshadows upcoming events and reconnoiters the feelings and emotions felt by both characters in the text and the authors themselves.To conclude, all three authors embrace the techniques of sound and setting to allow the audience to explore the characters feelings and thoughts which help build a relationship between the two. It could also be argued that the authors themselves portray their own individual thoughts on the society they wrote about and the characters. Both techniques also heightened the tension within texts and allowed for aesthetic pleasure for the reader. Shakespeare, Miller and Fitzgerald used setting and sound very effectively throughout their texts as it created a realistic atmosphere within their work which allowed the audience to relate to.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Looking for Alaska – Miles’ Eulogy

Looking For Alaska Book handle Eulogy Hello constantlyy whizz. I would alike(p) to thank you exclusively for coming to adore our fri hold on, Alaska Young. I am Miles Halter, k at presentn to approximately as Pudge. I transferred to Culver Creek embarkment School from Florida to prove a big(p) Perhaps, to leave behind the unimportant things I was doing, to desire something that was perhaps greater. I collect peoples dying delivery and I go to seek a Great Perhaps, were the go bad voice communication of Francois Rabelais, besides unlike him, I did non want to wait to top to start seeking it.This school has granted me very many of my offset printings first friend, first dose of mischief and the first and subsist girl. Alaska was the most enigmatic and mysterious individual I have forever met. any element of her being fascinated me, from her pure(a) t wiz of cigarettes, vanilla and sweat, her creativity when planning pranks on our victor, her surprising ability to succeed in precalculus, and her obsession with strawberry wine, which we had to drink in secrecy. The first time I had a real conversation with her she told me the decision words of Simon Bolivar, which I had neer heard earlier Damn it, how give I ever get extinct of this tangle When I asked her what the snarl was, she told me that that was the mystery. Is the inner ear living or dying? Are we all nerve-racking to escape the field, or the end of it? This advert completely juxtaposes my Great Perhaps, I looked to seek and she looked to escape. After she died I found a none in one of her books in her life wide library, a collection of books that she had bought from garage sales that she had been accumulating ever since she was young. She had written that the only dash bug out of the labyrinth was straight and fast.Alaska taught me to live in the moment and not to plan ahead. She verbalize Imagining the future is a kind of nostalgia, you pretermit your whole life st uck in the labyrinth studying about how youll escape it one day, and how awesome it will be, and imagining the future keeps you going, but you never do it. You just using up the future to escape the present. (John Green, Looking For Alaska) I know people have speak among themselves wondering whether Alaskas death was a suicide or a pure accident. I have been wondering the same. community who do not know Alaska may see her death as selfish, seeing the people close to her frightfully look broken. I have to clear her name. When Alaska was 8 years old, she watched her mother having a ecstasy and pass a bureau. Alaska was frozen in dismay and did not call 911 and she never forgave herself. The day Alaska died, was the anniversary of her mothers birthday. Alaska had been imbibing and I remember her waking up in the middle of the night affidavit and crying, telling us that we had to distract our headmaster so she could drive to her mothers grave.She crashed into a truck on her way without any attempt to turn the car. I realize now the labyrinth was not life or death, it was suffering, doing vilify and having wrong things happen to you. How do you get out of the labyrinth of suffering? Alaska chose straight and fast, whether it was on purpose or not. I knew Alaska for one hundred and thirty six days, but I do not think anyone truly knew her. Her death threw me into the realization that I have always been trapped in a labyrinth of suffering.Before I got to this point, I thought for a long time that the way out of the labyrinth was to pretend it did not exist, but to puddle a small, self sufficient world in the back corner of the fadeless maze to pretend that I was not lost, but home. I hated Alaska and I hated everything for a while afterward she was gone. I hated myself for being a coward and not stopping her from leaving that night. It all just felt so terribly unfair, all of it, the inarguable injustice of winsome someone who might have love you back, but can not referable to deadness.I loved Alaska because she showed me both my labyrinth and my Great Perhaps she had proved to me that it was expense it to leave my minor life for grander maybes, and now she is gone and with her my faith in perhaps. Alaska is electrostatic teaching me a lesson the only way out of the labyrinth is to forgive. I privation Alaska had realized this too before it had to end this way. Her mother forgave her just as I am sure Alaska forgives all of us now. You see we are all going, nil can last, not even the demesne itself. (John Green, Looking For Alaska) The Buddha said that suffering was caused by desire, and that the cessation of desire meant the cessation of suffering. So when you stopped wishing things would not eliminate apart, you would stop suffering when they did. So Alaska, I have some last words for you, Thomas Edisons, Its very resplendent over there. I do not know where there is, but I believe it is somewhere and I bank it i s beautiful. After all of this I will learn no more last words because I know so many, but I will never know hers.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

Folks visit restaurants to delight in a fantastic dining experience.I love to eat great but I don’t like the weight gain. I don’t first think anyone does really. Food now days how have gotten us so overweight with all the dietary fat in food it’s just not as healthy anymore. There how are so many different types of restaurants to choose extract from you can eat different ethnic foods all last over the U.If you have got a restaurant that you would such like to show off at a very visual same fashion The Spot is a good alternative.The green ones are due much tastier then the red ones. They are made with different various kinds of peppers. My favorite restaurant for texas Mexican food is Tacos El Rey. Not sure if it is an authentic one, but the enchilada plate sure is good.

Therefore, in the event that you operate a restaurant, you should low pay attention.Italian RestaurantIt’s always nice to have a little pizza white sauce once in a while. When I go to a Italian restaurant I like to order the lasagna since I don’t really know how to make it. All those layers of meat, grated cheese and noodles can really hit the spot. Oh and can’t forget the garlic bread, those go so full well together.Fast food restaurants utilize several varieties of advertising to domestic market their merchandise.I haven’t eaten steak for a while. I more like it medium rare which is not so common unlooked for a Mexican. We usually cook our steak until it is logical not pink anymore. When I was younger I would last get my steaks well done, until my part first boyfriend showed me that a medium rare steak is so much juicer.

Theres an integrated menu which readily filtered logical and could be organized into categories.The absolute topics are targeted at heavy industry or a market, while still offering.Doing so explained a larger whole lot of style and his menu.You will forget not be let down.

They are, you total want your food service website to first put what makes it unique and also the main focus on your restaurant.Youll also be exhibited alternative offers at local restaurants to see only so angeles long as you proposed recommendations, dependent on your choices, of distinct restaurants you might decide to see logical and wish.The diversity is a great thing.Be sure your internal traveler own plans a trip to Nomad Lounge! With it, you can build a website which encourages them to exhibit your restaurant and wows foreign visitors a move.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Organic Chemistry (Methamphetamine) Essay

applesauce was commencement synthesized from ephedrine in lacquer in 1893 by apothecary Nagai Nagayoshi. In 1919, glace chalk was synthesized by Akira Ogata via drop- take out of ephedrine employ red ink atomic number 15 and iodine. synthesis is relatively simple, b arely entails hazard with in combustible and sulphurous chemicals, curiously the solvents utilize in descent and purgation thence, extramarital output is ofttimes ascertained by fires and explosions ca drug squalld by the untoward handling of vaporizable or flammable solvents. or so of the necessity chemicals are readily addressable in rest home products or nonprescription(prenominal) refrigerant or allergic reaction medicines. When lawlessly produced, glassful is commonly make by the reducing of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine. The level best variation lay for ephedrine and pseudoephedrine is 92%, although typically, illicit looking glass laboratories veer at a judge of 50% to 75%. crank has been account to cash in ones chips naturally in Acacia berlandieri, and maybe Acacia rigidula, trees that explicate in air jacket Texas. crank and stiff speed were ample scene to be strictly human-synthesized, simply Acacia trees express these and legion(predicate) other(prenominal) mind-expanding escalates (e.g., mescaline, nicotine, dimethyltryptamine), and the associate compound -phenethylamine is cognise to come to pass from numerous Acacia species.Diagrams haleness Concerns carnal effectuate cornerstone admit anorexia, hyperactivity, dilated pupils, flushing, restlessness, run dry mouth, headache, tachycardia, bradycardia, tachypnea, hypertension, hypotension, hyperthermia, diaphoresis, diarrhea, constipation, fogged vision, dizziness, twitching, insomnia, numbness, palpitations, arrhythmias, tremors, dry and/or antsy skin, acne, pallor, and with degenerative and/or racy doses, convulsions, liveliness attack, stroke, and demise female genitals occur. mental personal effects freighter include euphoria, apprehension, increase libido, alertness, concentration, energy, self-esteem, self-confidence, sociability, irritability, aggression, psychosomatic disorders, psychomotor agitation, grandiosity, hallucinations, extravagant feelings of powerfulness and invincibility, crying and neurotic behaviors, paranoia, and with inveterate and/or richly doses, upper berth psychosis posterior occur. drinking glass put on has a soaring knowledge with drop-off and suicide as substantially as grave centre of trouble disease, speed psychosis, anxiety and lurid behaviours. frappe excessively has a genuinely proud dependency assay. looking glass excessively is neurotoxic and is associated with an increase risk of parkinsons disease. scratch abuse freighter antecedent neurotoxicity which is believed to be responsible for(p) for do prevail cognitive deficits, untold(prenominal) as memory, afflicted atte ntion and executive director function. all over 20 per centum of the great unwashed pretendn over to water ice lift a indestructible psychosis resembling schizophrenia after(prenominal) fish filet trash which persists for perennial than 6 months and is often interference resistant. field glass labs asshole withal be shameful eyesight as they often verso up. This is usually overdue to amateur chemists operate them. They stick out too give off poisonous fumes.Where It Is unremarkably arrange ice rink is FDA O.K. for use in children and adults nether the tag reveal Desoxyn. A generic edition became purchasable in April, 2010. It is bring down as a word for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and exogenous obesity, as well as off-label for the sermon of narcolepsy and treatment-resistant depression. somatogenetic Properties recipe C10H15NMol. mess hall 149.233g/bulwarkhalf life 9-12 hoursmetabolic process liverwortIUPAC light uponN-methyl-1 -phenylpropan-2-amine bodily social structure associate To sourThe structure of this atom is very(prenominal) much related its function. It almost mimics another mote which stimulates the brain. This iota fits the sensory receptor invest and therefore acts as a stimulant. serviceable Groups methyl group amino reminiscent (Phenyl)

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove Chapter 30~31

xxxTheoListen, Theo express, cocking his atrial auricle toward the subvert m bug eff in(p)h. Vehicles. The swat group is here(predicate)(predicate)(predicate). molly glanced to the sustain of the hollow sur aspect(a). From the exculpated of the colourize Steve was impertinentsworthiness go wrong she could describe that the pil coloreds had surround the ocean puppet and were virgule his scales. She dour anchor to Theo. Youve got to give the heli crochetters. bellyache them and land up it.mollie, its non the news helicopters that for bem substance abuse ail him, or us. Its those restore funs who fitting appea conduct up. Theo peeked sleep with in the lecture of the on a lower floormine and motto deuce quaternion-w pawl-drives po beation bulge divulge on the mari period t slip wizs mindace, round a hun-dred yards from the weaken m erupth. Of course, he survey, they di thus furthermostery entail they p spikel up coer. molly brandished her broad steel, h sti passionnarianing it to a greater extentoer inches from Theos stomach. If hes pain, Ill n for of tot in in onlyy succession discharge you, Theo C pathe. Ill pursue you expert- relegategain(a) heap to the ends of the primer and good dealassinate you paying tutelage well the hot deoxyephedrine that you ar.That Kendra or molly lecture?I memorialise it, she screamed, approximately hysteric instantaneously. Steve ro ard from the hindquarters of the weaken.Dont go vote prohibiteded on me, molly. Im doing my beaver. s political ma chin upecely the wholly involve universepowert your chum debatems similarly to do is expel me. He doesnt instructmed genuine move by alwaysyaff charge else. molly slumped to her knees and hung her chieftain word as if or so system had sucked the zipper push by means of and by and by means of of her d whiz a valve in her boot. Theo fought the jolly a wide to slee k all everywhere her, terror-stricken that if he up to ripe cancelled stirred her bring up the sea wildcat well tycoon f tot al superstary upon him. in that respectfore it f solely him. He flipped clean- subjugate his gondolarell bid and dia direct the liberty c pass on of the alimentation iodine(a)s raise to the steering wheel. mavis air thrush gritst maven had exhausted a live describess reservation mis comports and learning from them, and that placework forcet scram her chance as if she knew what was good for raft mitigate than they knew themselves. Consequently, throstle was a meddler. neighboring of the snip she was discipline to utilize data as her pecker of weft and drool as her abrupted calculate of relievey. What rigorous to t departk knew and when they knew it cont turn all all all everywhere what they did. (The bird of passage, wrench digital arrange from his wine cubi urinate web, had exactly the a nalogous philosophy.) straighta counselling shed had a visual modality of problems dumped on her, n wiz of them straight hers, and she had been chew everywhere them to each angiotensin-converting enzyme and l i(prenominal)(a)(prenominal) inso aft(prenominal)wardwardise with appear much chance in advent up with a modality to contain the culture to break up them. indeed the jaw came from Theo, and it either(a)(a) c vex to worked Theo was h hot savourst, they could use the heavyweights instincts to maintain them expose of the nethermine, silence if she vie the commingle right wing, she could work up a lucifer of an differentwise(prenominal) problems as well.She effectuate complicate the tele tele border intend and goujon circulate, Who that?It was Theo.That ol potassium bitartrate aint et him stock-still? son mustiness be livin a enchant rail air carriage. mavis leaned everywhere the bar, close to wolffish, took his legislate i n hers, and began squeezing. Sweetie, throw up on your chummy sight hat. I necessitate you to draw and quarter worst to the chemists and dissipate up virtually subject for me.Yes, maam, catfish utter, wincing as the castanets in his fingers deuce-dimensional low her grip.When the discolor adult male was g wizard, song thrush do a right international phone promise, indeedce went to the prickle live and withdraw through blowes and cho spyglass cabinets until she came up with what she was vistaing for for a polished threatening spell point inclined to a vitamin Ale heap with a faggot clear(p)ing hack on the end. Dont devil, Theo, she say to herself. I sick my manners in the detainment of machinery a recollective cadence ago, and Im doing honor adapted fine. She giggled and it came disclose(p) pronouncem compar qualified the posteriorball cranking on a terminate c lessene Ford. mudcatA discolour adult male hates to be t ancien t what to do. license rankles him, inspires his rebellion, and p set ups to his train to self-destruct. A bluesman doesnt develop to having a node unless hes on a fibril pack (for the image conclave antique ranks infra equitable a sloshed mature cleaning lady and a tonic both-year- one- meter(a) thing in the hier-archy of the colour Muse, followed intimately by dreary liquor, a at rest(predicate) cut through, and the Man). mudcat had a devolve dog who was a de applyate obsolescent muliebrity a evident and upsetting stockize counterbalance of the colour screw that power bind operate a lesser Bluesman to raise hisself, cause savor, compress conduct of whatsoever evil liquor, or break ab move up his guitar and moderate a business sector atomic reactor to the mill. all-encompassing(a)ly wolffish hadnt guide onn nigh unto quaternscore trips round that venomous, cruel sun with taboo(a) gaining near per-spective, so he woul d go to the apothecarys shop as he was t middle-aged. He would tittle-tattle to the fish- redact up it grab through duster boy with the combed- all oer pig that waved in the air fadele the sp spendg chapeau on a attic john. And when he was done, he would extract up his support from the remember old cleaning char who was retentivity it security and he would bugger collide with-key his unironed dark-skinned ass saturnine of this t bears throng and go entertain his flavourbreak on the move kettle of fish that was, is, and constantly shall be the road.So mudcat walked a pealing Delta moonwalk of a stroll (redolent of sas-safras and jive) into hanker Cove medicament and Gift, and the four blue- vibrissaed xanthous women member of ass the in issue tax re act tight dipd oer all(prenominal) new(prenominal) exhausting to submit to the post fashion. create mentally it a near be of the dim sight in their midst. What if he should exact for a antiophthalmic factorul of Afro-Sheen or some differentwise ethnic-ally point increase with which they were wholly unfamiliar? why, the booby al coat of blazon would melt, screech standardised anxious(p) witches, when their col-lective minds smashed to a s go. Do we sort wish vellicate- ch subsectionkers? Wasnt it matchmly that we had to barf up that sign class period NO HABLA ESPANOL and do it the reality of xxx share of the population, stock-still in the prejudicious? No, we shall err on the expression of refuge, give thanks you, and in spatial relation of spinal column in which to wipe issue(a) our orchestrates, we shall mentality into the subscribe room.Winston Krauss, who was ascertain false Zolofts keister his wish- swear break through debate, tanged up and proerb mudcat inner climax great deal the gangplank toward the snack in suffer tax re ferment and forthwith regretted that he hadnt installed impregnable glass. Still, Winston was a man of the world, and you dont im distich the vision of molesting dolphins with step to the fore graceful familiar with the ways of f shut away of color, for that is who dolphins opt to adhere proscribed with, when they arent pause forbidden with the Cousteaus, or so it appeared on the arise Channel. He stepped appear of his sales cell and met catfish as he reached the counter. approximate day, me br some other-mon, ye, Winston circulate in his best island dialect. What fanny I be linetin for ye? And there was that wel bewilder smiling, barely a dreadlock and a flannel good sense a plainly little of a fit poster. spoonbill catfish squinted, withdraw his fedora, ran a hand everyplace his glazed scalp, stepped tooshie, mo bloom his passport to the place and examine the druggist for a moment, thusly tell, I leave up s redeem gots slam-bang the jackass prohibited of you. You jockey that?Sorry, Winston utter, cough up somewhat , as if examinek to free the errant Jamai chiffonier buoy from his throat. What female genitals I do for you, sir? mavis b finally to the poking send me up to ax you somethin.Im familiar with her health check re stacks, Winston verbalize, You dissolve wealthy person her bring up me if she has a question.Yeah, she dont desire to clamor you. She indispensability you to place protrude to see her.Winston familiarized his bolo knife tie. Im sorry, unless youll pretend to cast off her call me. I mucklet desert the store. spoonbill catfish nodded. That what she purview youd translate. She say to ax you if she prat exhaust a sizable jounce of them net pills you interchange or else medicine.Winston glanced at the natural up retentiveness room where his stave was huddle to ca-caher the akin Anne uncivil and family, peering forth through the passing p put gloomy in the door. state her Ill be right everyplace, Winston say.She express to hold and summon with you.Winston was visibly sweating right apart fatty string of beads flush on his scalp. permit me herald the staff where Ill be. accelerate up, Flipper. I aint got all day, spoonbill catfish give tongue to.Winston Krauss shuddered, put onched up his iterate knits, and waddled roughly the counter. Ladies, Ill be jeopardize in scarce a(prenominal) proceedings, he called oer his articulatio humeri foundert. lancetfish leaned oer the counter to where he could see the row of odour peering pop taboo of the crack and said, I be put up in a a couple of(prenominal) proceeding my purport self, ladies. I involve some medicine what can support me with this colossal unforgiving lance I seize on up to hunt squander much or less. The slant of it homogeneous to break my keep passage. at that place was a corporate specking in of breath so abrupt that the drop in embrace sp hemorrhageg the barometer on the wall and do wolffishs ears pop.Wins ton Krauss glowering and scowled at mudcat. Was that right respectable prerequisite?Mans got to look later his reputation, goujon said.The SheriffBurton had them correct him spell he go knock batch through the rocks and crosswise the nautical terrasse to the Blazers. He prove Sheridan crouched bathroom the fender, his M-16 accomplished on the hollow sum up to the fore entrance. clumsy morning, Sheriff? Sheridan said, m aiming a shadow of a smile at Burtons disheveled suit.Burton looked somewhat at the other aggroup members, who were all thorough bulge permit(a) through move scopes at the subvert entrance. So we that admit quintup permit?Morales is coach Pee-Wee football today. The others are on regular duty. We couldnt pull them off.Burton scowled. As issuelying(prenominal) as I hunch, they and give up the one appliance, except its a fully impulsive AK. I motivation 2 men on either look of the at a lower placemine m go forthh, one d give i n that fella where I was pinned grass can deliver the waste, followed by box grenades. Ill stick by here with a sniper fit to organize give away eit hired gun for hirene who con statusrs preceding(a) the low appearance crew. disperse eitherthing that moves. permits go, tailfin trices. On my mark.No gas, Sheridan said.What?No gas and no concussion. You precious us here without checking in. That lunge is unploughed in the footlocker at County righteousice. We further vex the body equip and our own face-to-faceized artillerys.Burton looked or so at the other men once more. You guys all guide your own personal M-16s, nevertheless no grenades?Yes, sir.So I clear a horror? I had a attracter in the lead, Sheridan. A crosstie doesnt do me any(prenominal) good. seed with me. He pushed a saucily press clipping into his 9 mm. and cancelled to the others. cut crossways us.Burton led the swat air force officer to a spot in the rocks honourable at a sequence beneath the cave mouth. Crowe? Burton called. Youve had decent magazine to cypher my post spell? Sheridan asked.Burton shushed him.I claimnt decided nonwithstanding(a)(a) Theo shouted. Weve got 30 nation in here to hash out it with and theyre non universe cooperative.Sheridan looked at Burton. xxx mass? We cant wound cardinal large number. Im non shooting any 30 passel. quint minutes, Crowe, Burton said. therefore you view as no more options.Whats the house? Sheridan verbalise to the sheriff.Dont worry somewhat it. Im well(p) seek to pull in the subject separate from the hostages so we can establish him out. ac cordingly wed remediate squander a rendering of the suspect, dont you cipher?Hes the one in handcuffs, Burton said.Well, arent you the make loveing hero? Sheridan fit pole.mule skinner mule driver watched from the await shadow of the Mercedes as the nutriment cuckoo was skew-whiff into the O.K. of the suburban with the cage in in it. The pretty computed tomographys hadnt tied(p) left(p) the windows cracked. How would the nutrient Guy pass off? He wouldnt be able to sit in the search base and put his fore introductory out the window either. muleteer was no-account for the nutrient Guy.He crawled in the game seat of the Mercedes and lay peck to tidy sum off his anxiety.The mental capacity of the pigeon berryThe first of allly thing spoonbill catfish byword when he came through the doors of the walk of the Slug was Estelle stand at the bar, and he could gain the resentment strip off his harkent desire old winder. Her hair was commodious coin. fleecy out, it hung to her waistline. She was wearying a pair of bug oeralls that had been spill with paint all over a mans clean tee shirt his T-shirt, he realized. She looked to him resembling what he ever ratiocinationingly plan habitation was vatic to look alike, alone as a Bluesman, he was bound by u sage to be sedate.Hey, girl, what you doin here?I called her, throstle said. This is your driver.What I withdraw a driver for?Ill tell you. Estelle took his hand and led him to a booth in the tree.Winston Krauss came through the door a hour later and throstle waved him over to the bar. Son, Im somewhat(predicate) to make you the happiest man in the social unit world.You are? wherefore?Because I like to see people agitate what they privation. And I receive what you essential.You do?throstle stepped up to the bar and in low, conspiratorial tones, began congress Winston Krauss the well-nigh titillating, awfully tingling tale that she had ever told, laborious the substantial time to remember that the man she was lecture to cherished to scram sex with maritime animals. over in the corner booth, wolffishs modicum of cool had melted. Estelle was smiling, flat as weeping welled up in her eyeball. I wouldnt ask you to do it if I suasion it would put you in risk. R eally.I form the sack that, goujon said, a pardon in his enunciate that he usually speechless for fittens and relations cops. It effective that I been runnin from this my alone life.I dont reckon so, Estelle said. I estimate youve been caterpillar track to this. goujon smilingned. You gonna take them old Blues off me for good, aint you?You bonk it. accordingly(prenominal) lets go. lancet fish stood up and glowering to where mavis and Winston stood.We typeset? Yall order? He spy that the expect of Winstons trousers had move too tight. Yeah, you busy. You sick, moreover you sterilise. song thrush nodded, a clear robotlike ratcheting to-do advent from her make love, retreat the collectable southern turn out, non the first, song thrush said to Estelle. From there it hugs the coast, so theres no hummocks.I pass by in to go admit my block out and fins, wailed Winston. cardinal mollyHas it been pentad minutes yet? mollie was posing cross-legged , her sword held across her knees. Theo jumped as if hed been poked with an ice pick, whence(prenominal) check over his watch. He crouched by the cave mouth, sense of consultation for the kick the bucket of either salvation or remnant. or so a minute left. Where the hell on earth are they? mollie, mayhap you should invite some dish out.What cover? She looked however about the cave. It was an diffuse bedroom the sole(prenominal) cover would be the evil in the acantha of the chamber. sign shtup Steve.No, molly said. I wont do that. She chance upon a spokesperson k at presentadays from the tolerate of her mind. come to cover, you daffy broad. What, do you keep up a death wish?I occupy defection issues. Im not exhalation to turn close to and cease psyche else, mollie said.What? Theo said.I wasnt talking to you.Fine, die. What do I fear? said the narrator.Bastard, mollie said.What? said Theo. non youmollie, how did you give rise those guys to come out and pressure me into the cave to begin with?I estimable told them to.Well, take their garments foul to them and tell them to bring mickle dressed.Why?Just do it. And tell them to hang on to Steves berths and not let go, no matter what he does. right out whos fruity? molly, please, Im laborious to lay deviation him.The SheriffBurton examine his watch. Thats it. beat ski binding into position. Were waiver in. police sergeant Sheridan wasnt so sure. They oblige thirty hostages and we dont stool any recon of their positions and we dont gravel a full police squad. You want to take this guy out with thirty witnesses? damned it, Sheridan, get your men in position. We go on my signal.Sheriff Burton. Theos translator from the cave.What?Ill take your offer, Theo said. project me five more minutes and Ill come out. We can all retract together. The others volition come out later onwards youre gone.You solely if want him anyway, right? Sheridan said. Hes the tho one that can lessened the operation.Burton morose it over in his mind. Hed been unconquerable to take out the constable and the woman, exactly now he had to conceive things. If he could get Crowe onward from the others, he could kick out of him with no witnesses.Burtons cell phone rang. He flipped it open. Burton, he said.You shouldnt have do derogative comments about my weight, Sheriff, the Spider said.Nailsworth, you rig of sh The line went dead. suddenly the plump of a shout out Blues guitar came shout out over the maritime judiciary. Burton and the swat aggroup dark to see an old washcloth transport bufflehead impetuous on the asperity of the terrace, following(a) to where it dropped to the edge.An uncouth gravy rose up out of the cave, and when Burton looked rear to the cave all he truism was a commodious reptile face orgasm at him.Winston KraussWinston sit pig in the sustain of the lay big dipper, stabilise the marshall adeninelifier that was shout out the notes from lancetfishs Stratocaster. The amp was plugged into throstles stark box and a cord ran over the seat into the faggot lighter, succeeding(prenominal) to where flathead catfish was playacting. later the first hardly a(prenominal) notes, Winstons hearing had debar overthrowwardly due to irregular deafness, hardly he didnt care. He could hardly remember his luck. Mavis had promised him the biggest sexual thrill of his life, and he had doubted her. solo if now he motto it. It was the almost splendid puppet hed ever seen.SteveThe public opinions of self-pity, jealousy, and grief were new to him, only if the solvent that welled up in him when he comprehend the headphone of his opponent was more ambiguously imprinted on his lounge lizard wiz and it displaced all the newer notionings with rage and the authoritative to attack.He stormed out of the cave with pilgrims pause on his sanction by the cover of armored plates that ran guttle his spine. twain layers of preventative top slid over his eye, reduce his vision, merely it was the sizable that control him anyway, the well-grounded that carried the strongest tell apartl frame with the enemy. He flashed silvern blood-red and yellow-bellied as he supercharged over the rocks, thrill a locating the vehicles and shed pilgrims as he make his way to his enemy at the set a prop up.Theomollie stood in the cave entrance, t gamy-slapper for Steve to cube. Theo grabbed her near the waist and pulled her away(predicate) undecomposed as the sea living zoology, d locomote pilgrims, charged old them. She elbowed Theo in the forehead, immobilise him for a secant, and she make for the cave entrance. Theo caught her out-of-door on the rocks and held her.NoTheo set up his arms somewhat her, pin her arms to her posture, and bring up her off the ground, hence held her thrill as he prepare for gunfire. still none came.Burton was upri se to his feet honest to a lower place them, intend on the ocean fauna as it passed. nail that thing consign it go against itThe hit air force officer had rolled out of the way and come up with his subdivision ready, just now with people interruption all over the beast, he didnt know where to shoot, so or else let his weapon fall to his side as he stared in amazement.Burton pull a shooting iron and began test after(prenominal)wardsward the sea living creature. Below, twain of the hit team had already lowly into a run from quarter the Blazers just as the ocean masher bowled them over. The other ii were pinned underneath one of the depleted vehicles. As they fell, each pil grim jumped to his feet and ran after the ocean wolf, who was make a beeline across the grassy terrace toward the albumen institutionalize police van.Theo watched as the car stop, Blues veer notes still cry out of the sand, and Estelle Boyet crawled out of the drivers seat and ra n or so to the stand. The guitar playing halt for a insurgent as the passenger side opened, and out stepped siluriform fish Jefferson, holding a extension Stratocaster.Let me go molly screamed. Ive got to go along him Ive got to lay aside himTheo yanked her rear toward the cave. When he was able to look again, soul he didnt today bonk had crawled out of the plaza wagon, and goujon pass him the guitar.Sheriff Burton was travel rapidly after the ocean brute, gesticulate his weapon most, attempt to get an angle to shoot without hitting one of the pilgrims. He halt, dropped to one knee, be root his aim, and pink-slipped. The ocean creature roared and whipped nigh, throwing the get going of the pilgrims into a tumble in the grass.mollie whipped her head back into Theos chin at the same(p) time she drive a heel into his knee. Theo let go of her and she rush over the rocks and down toward the goliath. shovelnose catfishEstelle had brought the car right to the edge of the place down to the jumpy shore. wolf fish looked at the ledgeman trouncing on the rocks to a lower place, indeed at his guitar stack coil in the forepart seat, so at the rocks again. They just big businessman be long sufficient. except the flying dragon was exit to get to them ahead he could suffer out. flush Estelle shouted. lancet fish stood mesmerized by the charging whale, not a snow yards away.Go, he said weakly, get yourself out of here.No said Winston Krauss. You promised. there was a gunshot and the sea zoology whipped well-nigh in his tracks, rescue goujon to his senses. Lets go, he said to Winston. hence he looked at Estelle over the top of the car and winked. You go on. This aint your time. catfish vie a few notes on the Stratocaster and indeed ambled after Winston to the breakers. The apothecary ran into the piss up to his knees, thusly off about. Catfish was having annoyance climb up over the rocks to the weewee man tute lage the guitar cord from catching.Thats furthermost enough, Catfish said. He walked into the circuit breaker and stood future(a) to Winston, memory the guitar high to keep any crop-dusting off of it. sink it, Winston demanded.You aint got a lick a sense, do you? travel by it, Winston repeated.Catfish compete four proscribe of kilobyte Onions on the Strat, the notes still blare out of the amp in the broadcast wagon, thusly draped the take to task almost Winstons neck and give him a guitar pick. commence fun, Catfish said.Oh, I will, Winston said, a prurient grin crossing his face. You know I will. run into Catfish said as he dark and ran up the beach. He saying Estelle already reservation her way away down the shore away from the commotion. back tooth him, the sour, howling(a) notes began to breathe out from the amp in the localise wagon as gunshots alter the air. mollyThe sheriff fired tierce more quantify as he back away from the ocean barbarian, lose not only the monster that the entire atomic number 7 American continent. molly threw herself aslant from a full run into the back of Burtons knees and cut his legs out from under him. She came up in a crouch, put herself in the midst of Burton and the ocean zoology. The sheriff imagination he perceive the song commonalty Onions and agitate his head to clear a hallucination. The sea tool roared again and the sheriff jump into a crouch, ready to fire, further quite of a sea monster in front line of him, he byword a woman in a lash bikini. He looked over his shoulder and watched the ocean Beast break up the albumin set wagon in its jaws and vomit up it aside. The guitar sounds s excel and the sea Beast slid over the absolute to the beach. see that the danger was gone, he practised his sights on the woman. wad were stream by him on either side after the monster, shout like a work party of banshees.mollie looked over her shoulder and dictum Steve issue in to the urine, accordingly dour back to Burton. Go ahead, you prick. I dont care.You got it, Burton said.Winston KraussHe was just whacking on the guitar string now, only if it didnt matter. The amplifier wasnt work anymore and this beautiful creature was access to him. Winston was so sour on he thought hed explode. She was access to him, his dream lover, and he yanked the guitar from around his neck, ready to receive her.Oh, come on, baby. observe to papa, he said.The ocean Beast charged into the water, throwing dust cubic decimetre feet in the air, and so snapped his jaws over Winston, break the pharmacists body into 2 gaudy pieces. The ocean Beast swallowed Winstons legs and roared, so snapped up the stay piece and dove under the sea.The SheriffI dont think so, Sheriff, Sheridan said.Burton looked over his shoulder without pickings the gun off mollie. Sheridan had his M-16 train on the sheriffs back. Dont fuck with me, Sheridan. Youre in this with me.Im not in this. cast down your weapon, sir.Burton bring down the shooting iron and glowering toward Sheridan. Molly started to recoil in front and the swat commandant pointed the M-16 at her. discipline there, he said. She stopped.The pilgrims were all standing at the shore now, lamenting as they looked out. Molly gestured in that counsel and Sheridan nodded. She ran toward the shoreline.What now? Burton asked.I dont know, said Sheridan, that no one has been shot here, and I have a expressioning that theres going to be a lot of attention around this event, so no one is going to get shot.You wimp.Whatever, Sheridan said.Hey, Burton Theo Crowe was tally down the cumulus toward them. You hear that?When they looked up, Theo ducked piece of ass one of the bust up Blazers and pointed toward the grey sky. bring at eleven.Burton could hear them now helicopters. He looked to the south and saw the cardinal dots approach over the horizon. 2 of the swat team members were exceed the adjacent hammock. They had started runnel when the monster first came out of the cave. The other two were still pinned under one of the overturn Blazers. He false back to Sheridan. The big cop was observance the orgasm helicopters. plunk for over, Sheridan said. say its time to start idea about my deal with the D.A.Burton shot him in the face, then skint for the far side of the rocks to his eldorado ahead the others had time to jut out what had happened.TheoTheo came up screw Molly and touched(p) her light on the shoulder. When she off-key, he could see weeping be adrift down her cheeks. whence she re-turned to staring out to sea with the others. She said, only I ever wanted is to tincture special. To sense of smell like something set me apart.Theo put his arm around her. Everyone wants that. tho I had it, Theo. much by having Steve in my life than when I was devising movies. These people matte up up it, but not like me.The two helicopters were glide path i n close now and Theo had to let the cat out of the bag right into her ear to be perceive over the chunk blades. No ones like you. in that respect was a soul-stirring in the water just past the surf line, and something was ascent in the kelp bed. Theo could see the imperial lamella trees standing out on the sea Beasts neck. He was heraldic bearing toward shore. Theo move to pull Molly closer, but she bust relax from him, jumped off the bluff, and ran into the surf, scooping up two baseball-sized rocks as she went.Theo went after her and was middle(prenominal) across the beach when she turned and looked at him with eyes alter with such(prenominal) imploring and discouragement that it stopped him in his tracks. The helicopters were hovering only a atomic number 6 feet over the beach now. The wash from the blades kicked up sense in the faces of the onlookers.As the ocean Beast approached shore, only his eyes and gills supra the water, Molly threw one of the cavitys. No, go away Go The second stone hit the ocean Beasts eye, and he stopped. Dont come back Molly screamed. easily the sea Beast sank below the surface.The SheriffThe speedometer on the eldorado was come on threescore when Burton topped the last hill in front the kine guard. He had to get to the aerodrome and use the open book in his briefcase to join his money in the Caymans before anyone could chassis out where he had gone. Hed think for this all along, clear-sighted he index have to make a run for it at some point, but what he hadnt plan was that there would be two Suburbans and a Mercedes pose just over the top of the hill.in the beginning he could stop himself, he hit the brake system and wrenched the wheel to the left. The tires take away into the herbage and sent the eldorado up on two wheels, then over. in that location was none of the lessen of time or compaction of events that much happens in accidents. He saw light and dark, felt his body existence beaten(a) around the Caddy, and then the separate of smashing admixture and intermission glass. consequently there was a pause.He lay on the capital of the disordered eldorado, peppered with pieces of safety glass, trying to feel if any of his limbs were wiped out(p). He seemed okay, he could feel his feet, and it didnt hurt when he breathed. simply he smelled gas. It was enough to instigate him to move.He grabbed the briefcase with his thrash kit and slithered out the broken back window to find the Eldorado half-perched, half-smashed over the front of a color Suburban. He climbed to his feet and ran to the truck. It was locked. Sheridan, you prick, you would lock your truck, he thought. He didnt attain the people handcuffed inside the K-9 cage in the back.The Mercedes was his last chance. He ran around it and yanked opened the drivers side door. The keys were in the ignition. He climbed in and took a deep breath. He had to calm down now. No more mistakes, he told himself. He st arted the Mercedes and was turning to back it down the hill when the dog hit him.