Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Research Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Research Project - Essay Example Tesco deals in electronics, food, cloths, mobile, and internet service with competitors being â€Å"Morrison, Asda, Sainsburry’s, Waitrose, Iceland, and Aldi’s†(Jennifer, 365). The main reason for the business high sales and profits are that the business aims at always being the best in whatever it sets to do (Humby et al, 2008). Tesco prides itself of three main pillars aimed at augmenting their satisfaction as a means to up sales as customers, communities and the employees. From an abstract position, this would seem to be the case, but is it? This study aims at answering the question by investigating if Tesco’s loyalty program measures up to customer’s expectation (Pearson Education, 2011). The study will make great use of secondary data for the formation of the conclusion. The study will mainly consider the various ways Tesco uses to meet customer needs and make the overall conclusion if these efforts are bearing enough fruit for effective custo mer expectation delivery. This will allow the study to make a concrete conclusion to meet the need for the formation of a conclusion that will be a guide for us to meet the needs of this research on if it is meeting customer expectations (Egan, 2001). ... The introduction of customer loyalty card was aimed at meeting customer expectations and needs better through the following ways. Tesco Loyalty Card Tesco in the aim to augment consumer satisfaction and retention of loyal customers through rewarding them introduced loyalty cards for its consumers. This was a revolutionary technique aimed at gaining a competitive advantage over its main rivals Marks and Spencer, Waitrose and Sainsbury (Plimmer, p. 377). The Club card aimed at rewarding loyal customers for the purchase of items at Tesco shops. One point was awarded for every dollar spent and other currencies earn a one point to the client for each unit of currency spent and the use of Tesco cards for access to all other products of the company (Jennifer, 366). The points can be redeemed for flying time, used for club card deals for use for three times the value and the ability to be converted to Avios. These allowed the company a means to offer appreciation to their clients and the cus tomers feel cared for and appreciated to make the comeback increasing service and retention of customers. Tesco Baby Club and Student card There have been improvements to the loyalty card by Tesco with the aim of augmenting the benefits and tailoring the uses of these cards to the specific needs of the customers. The student card was aimed at rewarding students for making purchases at Tesco through the incorporation of benefits and bonuses on products tailored for students. Increased utility by the teens increased their allegiance to Tesco and allowed the company to meet their demand by giving their preference and requirements feedback. The Tesco Baby Club was aimed at women in their pregnancy terms and through to two years after child birth.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Design Studio Overview Essay Example for Free
Design Studio Overview Essay Purpose The design studio component of this course aims to help you develop your collaborative design skills, as well providing setting to practice use the modelling techniques taught in the course. Each design studio will be based around a mini-case describing a realistic business scenario. You will work in groups to analyse the key business processes in each scenario and identify how technology can be used to improve those processes. Each week, group members will take on the roles of business analysts, systems analysts and project manager and work together to produce a system design using a specific modelling approach. The design phase will be followed by a critique phase that will give you experience in analysing other people’s designs, as well as helping you to improve your own designs. Agenda Each design studio will run for two hours, broken into the phases below. You will need to follow the timing to complete a sufficient proportion of the studio to use it for Assignment 1. 1. Group formation: (5 minutes) Groups should have 3-5 members. You should try to swap groups each week.  2. Role assignment: (5 minutes) Your group will need: a. Business analysts: to identify the key business processes in the minicase b. Systems analysts: to identify which business processes can be improved by technology and how this can be achieved. c. A project manager: to manage the team and keep to the schedule You should try to swap roles each week 3. Requirements gathering (10 minutes): You will be provided with a printed mini-case each week, which you should use to develop your list of requirements. 4. Design (30 minutes): Create a system design using the required modelling technique. 5. BREAK (10 minutes) 6. Design presentation (10 minutes per group including questions): Each group will be assigned a partner group. Each group needs to present their design to their partner group. 7. Critique preparation (20 minutes): Once you have studied another group’s design, prepare a critique of their design. Remember the rules of a good critique! Identify both strengths and weakness and suggest how the design can be improved. 8. Critique presentation (10 minutes per group including questions): Each group will present their critiques to their partner group.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Heteronormartive Notions of Gender Essay -- Gender Studies
Heteronormartive notions of gender create challenges and issues that require a complex process of resolving gender inequalities. In particular, one of the challenges is resolving the inequalities that are reinforced by male and female gender norms. The notion of gender creates a dichotomy in male and female roles. Through socialization processes, we learn to identify specific behaviours as 'masculine' or 'feminine', and boys and girls are taught to perform and display these traits, which become a dominant part of their identities. Western society has constructed gender roles that promote and maintain notions of suitable behaviours and expectations. For instance, males and females are required to act a certain way according to their situational and contextual location. Moreover, gendered behaviour can be seen in the context of families because parents continue gender roles into families, preserving the idea of â€Å"doing gender†(West & Zimmerman, 2011). â€Å"Doing genderâ⠂¬ refers to the process of socially guided perceptions, which make us believe that male and female behaviours are â€Å"natural.†Further, these perceptions are routinely embedded within our everyday interactions that claim a specific gender (West & Zimmerman, 2011). Although parents in Western society continue to hold onto traditional roles of parenting, they are slowly recognizing methods that have no gender boundaries. Ideas of masculinity and femininity are reinforced in families to form practices and customs that create an imbalance among genders (Coltrane, 2011). Within heterosexual families, gender role inequalities are reinforced through household labour and domestic work. Furthermore, it is important to analyze this topic in order to understand the problematic notions ... ...rison, D. and Albanese, P. (2011, in press) Parental Military Deployments and adolescent's housework. Studies in Political Economy, 88 (1). Margolis, M.L. (2009). Putting mothers on the pedestal. Ontario: Oxford University Press. Shaw, S.M. (1988). Gender Differences in the Definition and Perception of Household Labour. Family Relations 37(3), 333-337. Silverman E.L. (2011). The Last Best West: Women on the Alberta’s Frontier, 1880-1930. In M. Kimmel (Ed.), A. Aronson (Ed.), A. Kaler (Ed.), The Gendered Society Reader. (pp. 186-197). Ontario: Oxford University Smith, D. (1993). The standard north American family. Journal of Family Issues. 14(1), 50-65. West, C, & Zimmerman, D.H. (2011). Doing Gender. In M. Kimmel (Ed.), A. Aronson (Ed.), A. Kaler (Ed.), The Gendered Society Reader (pp. 28-42). Ontario: Oxford University Ontario: Oxford University Press.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Home Schooling is Not the Best Option Essay example -- Argumentative P
Home Schooling is Not the Best Option For those of us who have never been exposed into the world of home schooling, it carries a certain mystique. We might envision a family alternating between algebra and Bible study, keeping a safe distance from the rampant worldliness in schools. Or perhaps we see children sitting around the kitchen table practicing spelling while mother supervises. Despite these traditional images, home schooling is growing and gaining respect. This is due in part to high profile success stories like home schoolers finishing first, second and third in the 2000 Scripps - Howard National Spelling Bee or the Colfax family in California who sent three sons to Harvard. However, home schooling raises many questions including issues of academics, socialization, and religion. Thus, despite the significant growth and special cases where home schooling is deemed necessary, I propose that it is not the strongest alternative for a child's education. The idea and practice of home schooling are not new. For centuries children have learned outside of formals school settings, even when schools were readily available. It was not until the 1950s that the contemporary home schooling movement began as a liberal, not conservative, alternative to public school (Lines 1/8). According to Patricia Lines, a senior research analyst for the U.S. Department of Education, schools were too rigidly conservative for a handful of families in the fifties and sixties who instead pursued the liberal philosophy that the best learning takes place without an established curriculum, and that the child should pursue his or her own interests with the support and encouragement of parents and other adults (2/8). Then, in the 1980s many conse... ...ek 5 Oct. 1998: 64-71. Kleiner, Carolyn, and Mary Lord. "Home School Comes of Age." U.S. News and World Report 16 Oct. 2000: 52-55. Paulson, Amanda. "Where the School Is." Christian Science Monitor 10 Oct. 2000: 18-22. Rakestraw, Jennie, and Donald Rakestraw. "Home Schooling: A Question of Quality, an Issue of Rights." Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Childhood and Society. Eds. Robert and Diana DelCampo. Guilford, CN: Dushkin Publishing Group, 1995. 274-281. Rudner, Lawerence M. Abstract. "The Scholastic Acievement of Home School Students in 1998." Education Policy Analysis Archives. 7.8 (1999). Date Accessed 22 Nov 2000. "Frequently Asked Questions About Homeschooling." Home School Legal Defense Association. 16 Nov 2000.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Motifs in “The Scarlet Letter†by Hawthorne Essay
In a novel of sin and redemption, symbolism is used to broaden the significance of certain aspects. Throughout The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne uses a barrage of themes, motifs, and symbolisms. These images help to unify the novel and enrich the meaning behind the work. Early in the novel, Hawthorne refers to iron, oak, chains mainly to demonstrate the Puritanism that takes place in the novel. However, he also uses these symbolic items to display the bonds between characters and what they believe in. In the first paragraph of the novel, Hawthorne describes the prison door â€Å"which was heavily timbered with oak and studded with iron spikes†(Pg. 33) to flaunt the austerity and illustrate what times were like right off the bat. He uses verisimilitude to liken the callousness of the puritan ethic to the portal behind which go the criminals who don’t follow these guidelines. The symbolism in this situation is used to intensify the importance of the puritan ethic in the nove l. To elucidate Hester’s desire to move back to England, and her morals for staying, Hawthorne states that â€Å"The chain that bound her here was of iron links, and galling to her inmost soul, but never could be broken.†(Pg. 55) Even though she knew she could move back anytime she wanted, Hester felt fervent on staying in New England to prove herself to everyone. In this case Hawthorne used symbolism to enact the bond between man and nature. Hester was bound to the land through a chain of fulfillment. Hawthorne also uses symbolism to form a correlation between different chapters in the novel. On the first page, Hawthorne describes the prison door as a portal to doom. In The Governor’s Hall, Hawthorne described the Governor’s door as a door to liberty. If Hester â€Å"lifted the iron hammer†(Pg. 71) and entered the Governor’s home, she would be taking the first step to freedom from her sin. The last way Hawthorne uses symbolism is to illustrat e Hester’s link to Dimmesdale. Hester knew there was a responsibility posed upon her which she allocated to the reverend. â€Å"Here was the iron link of mutual crime which neither he nor she could break.†(Pg. 109) This connection was what bonded the two together. Although all Hester’s links to her world were gone, she would always have the tie between herself and Dimmesdale, though an obligation to withhold, that would last forever. The Scarlet Letter used symbolism to intensify, explain, and link many things together throughout the novel. Iron, oak, and chains are few of numerous symbols Hawthorne uses throughout the novel. Without the representation of these images, the story would not have been unified under one central theme. The motifs in the novel branch out from one idea. The signs and symbols we recognize help us to appreciate this account of love, sin, and salvation.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
buy custom Outbreak of E.coli and Food Safety essay
buy custom Outbreak of E.coli and Food Safety essay CNN Wire Staff reported on September 25, 2011 that USDA has recalled beef consignment that was headed for Georgia school lunches (CNN Wire Staff, 2011). The report mentioned that 40,000 pounds of beef products (CNN Wire Staff, 2011) were recalled due to suspected infection of E.coli. This step was taken by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as they suspected that the entire consignment was contaminated. The report also stated that the Beef products were being sent to Georgia where they were deemed to be stored in two warehouses. CNN Wire Staff (2011) mentioned that the Beef products were intended for six school systems in Georgia. This is an extremely serious issue as E.coli contamination is responsible for bloody diarrhea, dehydration and, in severe cases, kidney failure (CNN Wire Staff, 2011). It is also responsible for destroying immune system among babies and elderly population. Thankfully, the contamination of the consignment was suspected and detected early by the USDA and was barred from distribution in the schools. The seriousness of this issue is reflected in a separate incident in Germany as reported by WHO. The World Health Organization issued a global alert on 27 May 2011 that An outbreak of severe illness is causing concern in Germany, where 3 women have died and 276 cases of haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) have been reported since the second week of May (WHO, 2011). It should be noted that haemolytic uraemic syndrome is caused by Escherichia coli bacteria. However, unlike the Georgia case, the German fallout was only detected after the actual incidents of reported cases and it has become extremely serious as the outbreak is very rapid and the victims are mostly above the age of 18. Another major difference lies in the fact that the German E.coli contamination is fundamentally vegetable borne unlike its Georgian counterpart. Furthermore, in Georgia, the infection was easily controlled by the authority whereas, in Germany, it is already an epidemic and here the authorities are forced issu e warning and precautionary measures that include Regular hand washing, particularly before passed from person to person, as well as through food, water and direct contact with animals (WHO, 2011). It should be noted that the scientific name of the referenced microorganism is Escherichia coli and it is gram negative bacteria that can be termed as a recombinant DNA. According to Lan, R. (2002) it is generally referred to as facultative anaerobic and non-sporulating and it can affect human, mammal or bird. The outbreak of Escherichia coli is a very serious matter as it affects individuals, public health, society because it is extremely infectious and can spread very rapidly causing epidemic within a very small period. As a result, on a personal level, the news of Georgia is extremely scary as it indicates a possible signal of a contagion that could cause serious toil on individual and society. It should be noted that the article on Georgia was accurate enough as it was reported by CNN and it is a very reliable source. However, the reference sources are more reliable because WHO is considered as the benchmark of food and health safety organization and the other reference, the arti cle by Lan (2002), if also very reliable as it was published in Microbes Infect, a highly esteemed peer reviewed journal. Buy custom Outbreak of E.coli and Food Safety essay
Monday, October 21, 2019
buy custom Class Matters by Angela Whitiker Climb essay
buy custom Class Matters by Angela Whitiker Climb essay The book, Class Matters by Angela Whitiker Climb present an exclusive collection of accounts examining social status of individuals in U.S.A. It portrays experiences of challenges of different individuals in the American society. It also opens up category inequalities in American society, giving examples of how issues such as poverty, education, single parenthood immensely contribute to the formation of class distinctions. Different people striving to be integrated in the society are characterized by class consciousness. One of the main propositions argues that, although class consciousness seems to be fading away, social status continues to be a significant impetus in the American society. On the challenges of single parenthood, Ms.Whitiker narrates her own story on how she struggled with her family of six but eventually gains economic stability although other challenges continue to follow her. The situation of Ms.Whitiker, a single parent, is an extremely rare event more so because of the perceptions held by the society. Sociologists maintain the value that an individual requires twin pillars to succeed; social and human resources (Adrian 2008, pg 153). However, she maneuvers through and makes it in life without the two main prerequisites. The issues revolving around the success of the single mother are quite remarkable. For instance, she struggles from being a drug addict to a middle-class nurse. At the end of the day, she acts as a model of success to the society. In addition, the community will ultimately benefit from her triumph and her children will not be a problem to the society. Furthermore, the future seems brighter than how it has been. Information from this source can be used to encourage the single mothers to exploit their full potential and cease from following the perceived normality by the society. For example, Ms.Whitiker in this case is a source of inspiration for what women can do even without husbands. Marriage can be crucial for attainment of ambitions and reduction of poverty. However, it is not always exclusively enough. Education as brought out in this case shows that it can be a significant avenue to empowering the women; those who are not in marriage institutions and who seem to have lost hope in life. There is also an inspiration from the author that poverty is not a legal barrier to economic success. We can also understand that handwork leads to poverty reduction. Buy custom "Class Matters" by Angela Whitiker Climb essay
Sunday, October 20, 2019
America and Imigration essays
America and Imigration essays When reading two articles that are decades apart, one sees that the nations, as a whole, opinion has changed about immigrants. In an article from 1905 the South wanted immigrants because they were cheap labor. Almost 80 years later, in 1983, the South had a different opinion about immigrants. In his 1905 article, Immigration and the South, Robert DeCoury Ward just begins to touch on the idea that immigrants could be bad for Americas economy. On the contrary, the 1983 article, Immigration: How Its Affecting US, James Fallows bluntly tells of immigration being harmful to the U.S. economy. When Robert DeCoury Ward wrote his article Immigration and the South, it was during a time when there was a heavy flow of immigrants to the North and the South was just beginning to receive immigrants. The North was clearly growing tired of the immigrants, yet the South welcomed them. For example, he stated, The North finds itself greatly burdened with the many problems which have grown out of, or have at least been greatly aggravated by immigration. He then goes on to say the following, The South is developing a newborn zeal for immigration. These two statements clearly show the opinions of the American people during this time in the 20th century. There are a few prime reasons for the Souths new zeal for immigration. First of all, the rapid growth of manufacturing resulted in a demand for thousands of new workmen. This was a need that the native population of America could not meet. Second, with the newly freed Negroes asking for higher wages and more vacation, landowners needed cheaper workers, which is exactly what the immigrants were. One other key reason, and maybe the one that standouts the most, is that the South had not really experienced immigration ye ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Interview Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7
Interview - Assignment Example of education cannot be compared between my Saudi Arabia and Canada, as there are more facilities and an improved sense of order in the educational program. This is in that there is not much to worry about in terms of relevance as I get to choose the subjects that fit into my schedule and future aspirations. This flexibility is not found in my country, as there are certain common courses that we all have to take at school indiscriminate of majors and minors, as they are considered important to the building of the nation. This should not be taken as being unpatriotic to my country because I do not perceive it as wrong to want the fine or best things in life such as education. Some of the challenges as a foreign student in Canada are that there is a different culture here than the one found back home, which would be apparently obvious. This poses a big challenge in that I have had to fit in with the locals and see to it that I do not cross other people’s paths by exercising my way of life, especially in religion. In addition, most things are done in a different manner than the way we do it back home, especially in gender roles, where men and women seem to work in harmony and not in complementary terms. I find this as a challenge treating all people as equals and not as I do it back home here there is segregation, but the challenge is welcome. Integration in gender roles is welcome as it allows me to interact with other people from all occupations, as it is part of their culture to have all persons equal. I, therefore take this as a positive aspect of the challenges I have had to face and that I am coping with well. Language is also a problem as I s peak with a heavy Arabic accent, which makes it difficult for other people to comprehend my speech. As a result, I have had to come up with new ways of communicating and even devising a system with my friends, through which I can exercise my language and communication skills. I have had to use gestures at shops to
Friday, October 18, 2019
How to prepare yourself for the examination Assignment
How to prepare yourself for the examination - Assignment Example 3-3:30 P.M. Be fresh Be fresh Be fresh Be fresh Be fresh Be fresh Be fresh 3:30 to 6:00 P.M. Human systems Human systems Human systems Human systems Human systems Human systems Human systems 6-8 P.M. Snacks/ Roam out Snacks/ Roam out Snacks/ Roam out Snacks/ Roam out Snacks/ Roam out Snacks/ Roam out Snacks/ Roam out 8-10 P.M. Physical science Physical science Physical science Physical science Physical science Physical science Physical science 10-11:30 P.M. Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths 11:30 -1 A.M. Dinner & others Dinner & others Dinner & others Dinner & others Dinner & others Dinner & others Dinner & others Rest of time Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Amount of time for revision You certainly need not to be worried about the revision. The time schedule in the above table itself will give you the excellent record. But, finish all your exercise within two months time. Using old papers That's really an excellent idea. It will give you clear picture of examination. But use these papers during your revision process. When you are revising all your exercises be ready with the old papers and find out where you are getting the difficulty to answer the question. If needed, go through those sections again and again carefully. Have a good look at all these papers and find out which sections are regularly asked. Emphasize those sections more during your revision phase. Checking time to answer the question This is of course a stupid question to answer, because it depends on various factors. Some of those may be your grasping power, ability to answer the question quickly and correctly, picking which question to answer first and the most important is your knowledge. If you know everything, I am quiet sure you will be answering all questions before time.... How to prepare yourself for the examination? Before you start the below discussed strategy make sure that you are concentrate enough to carry on your scheduled task properly, make excellent study environment in your room, try to stick with table and chair and have a table lamp (If you can manage) for good concentration to your studies. That's really an excellent idea. It will give you clear picture of examination. But use these papers during your revision process. When you are revising all your exercises be ready with the old papers and find out where you are getting the difficulty to answer the question. If needed, go through those sections again and again carefully. Have a good look at all these papers and find out which sections are regularly asked. Emphasize those sections more during your revision phase. This is of course a stupid question to answer, because it depends on various factors. Some of those may be your grasping power, ability to answer the question quickly and correctly, picking which question to answer first and the most important is your knowledge. If you know everything, I am quiet sure you will be answering all questions before time. So never be worried about this phase. But for your own satisfaction you must check it at least once. Just lock your room, be with a watch, got to chair and start answering the questions. Now the wisest point is in picking the paper. Answer those papers which you have not tried during you revision.
Tanzania Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Tanzania - Essay Example The local population deserves jobs, zero exposure to environmental degradation, and compensation for the land and resources that AFG among other firms have used in the mining process. The introduction of mining business interfered with fishing and lifestyles given that the government did not have a concrete method that could regulate the conduct of foreign firms in the country. Conversely, the government deserves further involvement if it resolves the incidences of corruption and bureaucracies. The diversification of the economy in Tanzania, achievement of social responsibility initiatives and regulation of foreign firms are some of the needs that require fast and effective decisions. AFG will generate a strategy that is legal in the Tanzanian context because the primary objective is to make a difference in the community but through the proper incorporation of relevant government authorities. The partnerships will realize a sustainable and all-inclusive program. Handling social and e cological problems for the community will reduce wrangles and initiate a platform for application of entrepreneurial and innovative skills of Tanzanians. The local communities will revive their economic capacity against a backdrop of proper ecological systems. The government and local authorities will become more accountable and launch a safe environment for foreign investment. The responsibility of the government will reduce the AFG’s burden in attaining sustainable development goals for the companies and the locals.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Education Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Education - Case Study Example fled Athens to the country side to escape his persecutors, saying that he would not allow â€Å"Athenians to sin a second time against philosophy,†referring to the cruelty imparted to Socrates earlier? (Davidson, 2005, pp.159). 16. Who was the ancient Greek philosopher who added drawing to the educational curriculum of Greek society which had until then only three components, literacy, music and gymnastics? (Mahaffy, 2010, pp.52-53) 19. Which ancient Greek scholar prescribed ‘Dorian’ as the most appropriate scale for teaching music as part of education and said that flutes should not be used in teaching the same? (Plato, 1996, pp.49) 24. In which ancient Greek state could we find a home that â€Å"enjoyed the greatest honour and sanctity and the house-mother stood highest in reverence and social importance, and where violations of fidelity were rarest†? (Mahaffy, 2010, pp.121) 32. In which country of ancient Greece, was the education of a woman thought totally unnecessary and â€Å"to see, hear and say as little as possible†was considered as the foremost virtue of a woman? (Powell, 2001, pp.352). 41. Which was the ancient Greek state which kept role of family and state in the area of education, strictly apart, fearing that any merger would hamper the freedom of the individual? (Davidson, 2005,
How a Person's Employment Affects a Person's Identity Essay
How a Person's Employment Affects a Person's Identity - Essay Example It shows how students find familiar cultural identity with other Hispanic students of the same group. External factors such as policies, roles and regulations of an employment influence the identity and position of an individual in the society, and are discussed aptly in this unit. Orwell’s Shooting an Elephant is an outstanding example that shows how individual’s identity is affected by the kind of work they do. The Orwell’s Shooting an Elephant creates a central idea about identity and position in society. The core idea it depicts is that an identity of person is profoundly determined by external factors an individual experiences daily. Orwell tells how he struggled to make a choice when imposed to kill an elephant by the public. He did not wish to kill the elephant, since he perceived the act as evil. This proves how employment plays a huge task in influencing the individual’s identity. The position of Orwell is perceived as to be that of slay mainly be cause of his role as a security man. Thus, it is affirmed that Orwell’s literary work shows that external factors remarkably determine the identity and position of an individual. Orwell was justified in shooting the elephant since it had killed an individual who was had goals and targets to achieve. The elephant had destroyed properties that cost the populace money to have them. His action was corresponded to the British laws at the moment and a security officer; it was his duty to maintain peace. Killing the elephant also provided food for the society. It is true that Orwell’s confusion and indecision affect his behavior as a person of authority in a number of ways. Confusion and indecisiveness causes him to make a regrettable decision because of the pressure exerted on him at the time the crowd had surrounded. If he could have made up his mind earlier, he could have made a principled decision despite pressure from the Burmese populace. â€Å"The people expected it o f me and I had got to do it†¦an absurd puppet pushed to and fro by the will of those yellow faces behind†(Orwell, 7). As a person of authority, he had the role to guide the populace on making the right decision in society instead of being influenced by the illiterate populace. There are consequences Orwell and society face when he shoots the elephant that dies a dawdling and excruciating demise in front of them. The consequence Orwell face is guilt because of the decision he claims was forced on him. Orwell feels apologetic as he watches the elephant die a relentless death vulnerably. He laments and regrets stating that it was against his will since he did not fancy to be seen as a fool. â€Å"Was all for the Burmese and all against their oppressors, the British†(Orwell, 2) The society faces the consequence of demolishing wildlife in their country, which is a lucrative foreign earner for the country. The killing of the elephant reduces and limits the number of wi ldlife animals in the community, hence reducing the chances thriving in the sector of tourism. The time that elapsed from the moment Orwell got the gun until the elephant was shot was about more than an hour since he had to look for it manually. Time affects Orwell’s decision of shooting the elephant, which makes him a wrong decision that torments after shooting. There was a short time for him to think openly in a relaxed manner on whether to shoot the elephant. The limited time did not offer him a chance to reflect on the preeminent approach in
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Education Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Education - Case Study Example fled Athens to the country side to escape his persecutors, saying that he would not allow â€Å"Athenians to sin a second time against philosophy,†referring to the cruelty imparted to Socrates earlier? (Davidson, 2005, pp.159). 16. Who was the ancient Greek philosopher who added drawing to the educational curriculum of Greek society which had until then only three components, literacy, music and gymnastics? (Mahaffy, 2010, pp.52-53) 19. Which ancient Greek scholar prescribed ‘Dorian’ as the most appropriate scale for teaching music as part of education and said that flutes should not be used in teaching the same? (Plato, 1996, pp.49) 24. In which ancient Greek state could we find a home that â€Å"enjoyed the greatest honour and sanctity and the house-mother stood highest in reverence and social importance, and where violations of fidelity were rarest†? (Mahaffy, 2010, pp.121) 32. In which country of ancient Greece, was the education of a woman thought totally unnecessary and â€Å"to see, hear and say as little as possible†was considered as the foremost virtue of a woman? (Powell, 2001, pp.352). 41. Which was the ancient Greek state which kept role of family and state in the area of education, strictly apart, fearing that any merger would hamper the freedom of the individual? (Davidson, 2005,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Victors Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Victors Dilemma - Essay Example Taking into account the risks involved in the first two options, the probability of earning money by choosing any of the two changes. In the Figure 1, the three options are substantially evaluated in terms of the probability of each and the payouts each option entails. If Victor chooses to sue the motorist, there is an equal chance of him to win or to lose. However, this option will cost him a flat fee of $500. Losing the case will cost him nothing but the $500 fee for suing. The option of threatening to sue automatically costs Victor $100 for the letter. Further decisions will depend on the motorist's reaction. If the motorist offers a settlement offer of $1000, this means that there is a higher chance of him winning the case if he chooses to sue. This is represented by a 60/40 probability in the figure. If the motorist ignores the letter, it implies that Victor's chance of losing the case if he wishes to pursue the case in the court decreases. He may to ignore the case as well. This leads him to doing the third option which is doing nothing. Doing nothing after threatening to sue costs him $100 for the letter. Y et, if he chooses the third option without sending any letter, it would not cost him anything. It even gives him peace, which is valued as $100. Figure 2 shows the estimated value of each option.
Analytical Examination Essay Example for Free
Analytical Examination Essay This paper will analyze about the RA 10354 also called Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012. This essay will present a short history of the law here in the Philippines until it become enacted and implemented. This will discuss the major provisions of the law together with its important contents ranging from health care to contraception. This will also discuss the issues that are connected to this law while it was a bill such as maternal death, early pregnancy, premarital sex, poverty and population and reproductive health education. Issues concerned with legislation of the bill such as the necessity and morality of the bill and its contents like contraception and reproductive health education will be especially presented. Other news which may have affected the support for the bill will be also presented and analyzed. This will also present the major groups that approve or oppose the said law together with their reasons why they want or are against the said law. This will also talk about the actions those groups have taken for or against the law which may have affected the support for the bill’s implementation. This is also concerned with the voices of certain world organizations such as UNESCO and WHO on reproductive health education and the stand of the Church on the matter about contraception, self-continence and marriage. This will be concerned about their statement about the matter and the doctrines and values they adhere with. Summary Since its first proposition on 1988, the Reproductive Health Bill experienced many debates if it was really needed here in the Philippines. The proposition was changed and improved by a number of proponents many times but was mostly neglected. Then, a similar bill was also introduced in the first regular session of the 14th Congress by Albay Rep. Edcel C. Lagman, Jannette L. Garin, Narciso D. Santiago III, Mark Llandro Mendoza, Ana Theresia Hontiveros-Baraquel and Elandro Jesus F. Madrona that was known as House Bill 5043. Like that of the former bills, it was also disposed but its proponents never stop to improve, change and remove some parts of the former bill to create a new one. Many times Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman and its principal authors would edit the bill until the Reproductive Bill of 2012 was formed. Senator Pia Cayetano was also a principal sponsor of such bill. Upon December 19, 2012, the Senate enacted the bill and on December 21, 2012, four days before Christmas His Presidency, Benigno Aquino III signed the bill and was to be implemented fifteen days after its official publication. The law was known as RA 10354 or Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012. Its major provisions are to promote and have access to reproductive health care and methods that are legal and safe, to promote family planning methods and responsible parenthood, to counsel women who committed abortion in a humane way, to mandate reproductive health education in age appropriateness to students, to supply and maintain reproductive health services to all, to protect reproductive health rights and to penalize those who restricts or prohibits the access to reproductive health care and methods stated in this law. The law mandates the hire of skilled health professionals for maternal health care and birth attendance, seen in Sec. 5. It also promotes the upgrade of health care facilities for obstetric and newborn care as stated in Sec. 6 and to access for family planning methods especially to the poor and marginalized couple and to sexually active minors as said in Sec. 7. The law also states that â€Å"hormonal contraceptives, intrauterine devices, injectables and other safe, legal, non-abortifacient and effective family planning products and supplies†(RA 10354, Sec. 9) should be treated in the Essential Drugs List after subjection to reputable medical associations. It also mandates the procurement and distributions of family-planning supplies and age appropriate reproductive health education, stated in Sec. 10 and 14 respectively. And lastly, to condemn any who shall prohibit the access to health care and family-planning supplies. Since its first introduction by Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman, this law had reaped many opposition and approval before being enacted. The pro-woman groups fought for saving the lives of woman from maternal death on the other hand the Church and other pro-life groups fought for dignity of the unborn and the sanctity of marriage. The senate itself was divided for selecting to if they will oppose or approve the bill. The Former President and Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was known to opposed the bill and be backed upon by the Church meanwhile President Benigno Aquino III shown agreement towards the bill and expected its implementation. The pronouncement of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to condoms also became news if the Church was open to contraception. This gave new hope for Edcel Lagman from acceptance of the Church but Paranaque Rep. Roilo Golez explained that the Pope talks about health, that preventing HIV from spreading is showing compassion but the Pope doesn’t said to use condoms to prevent pregnancy. Issues also attract the said bill. First, is about the legislation of the bill, if it was really relevant here in the country with regards to overpopulation, Availability/Provisions for RH information and healthcare for mothers and children. Another issue is if the RH Bill is moral, if the Church must interfere with the State and if the government is willing to give funds to the bill. Third, is about the consequence of a widespread of contraceptives with regards to health and sexual behavior. The last is concerned in the need of sex education in the country. The CBCP together with the national Church felt that it was time to educate again its faithful and made efforts on counteracting the bill. The Church turned offering masses, praying for the enlightenment of congressmen and women and explained that principles of the bill undermine the sanctity of life and marriage. They stated that overpopulation was not the problem but corruption and the unequal distribution of people. They seek to get online, and used CBCP for Life for addressing the matter and let the Simbang Gabi 2012 be used for educating the faithful. They also made catechisms with themes regarding the RH. Meanwhile, pro-woman and pro-RH group also organize plans for the bill. They have tied violet ribbons on their arm signifying their fight against HIV-AIDS. Informed people about gender inequality, maternal deaths, teenage pregnancy and HIV-AIDS and that the bill would help minimize or eliminate such problems. UNESCO and WHO also promotes the education of youths regarding reproductive health. They state that benefits such as a delay in sexual initiation; reduction of unwanted pregnancies, child abuse and abortion; and a slower spread of HIV could be obtained. It can also induce progress to gender equity, social participation and partnership. It prepares the youths for responsibility as adults, emphasizes health promotion and can improve relevance in education systems. Meanwhile, the Catholic Church holds its deposit of faith centered on Divine Love and Unity in Marriage. Its Catechism says that Marriage is by which a man and a woman establish intimate communion for life which is ordered for the good of the spouse and the procreation and education of children,(1660, Catechism of the Catholic Church). It also states that the total reciprocal self-giving is overlaid through contraception for it is a refusal for the total giving of self through taking away openness to life,( 2370,Catechism of the Catholic Church). It states that even intercourse with a legitimate wife but taking away the power to generate life is contrary to God’s will and leaves guilt of a grave sin,(55-56, Casti Connubii). The Church also teaches the virtue of chastity, that the couple must exercise conjugal love and fidelity and that of safeguarding life form the moment of conception, (51, Gaudium et Spes). She teaches that Marriage can never justify sexual intercourse which is contraceptive which oppose to its true meaning and that artificial methods could lead to marital infidelity and lowering moral standards, reduction of woman as mere object of satisfaction and intervening of public authorities to the most personal and intimate responsibilities of couples, (14,17; Humanae Vitae). It also addresses the value of self-discipline to repel inordinate self-interests and to control the passions of the body,(21, Humanae Vitae). References Software Ecumenical Council of Vatican II. Catechism of the Catholic Church. Retrieved from CATECH01. exe Websites and Webpages Anonymous. (2012, December 21). Republic Act 10354. Retrieved from http://pcw. gov. ph/sites/default/files/documents/laws/republic_act_10354. pdf Burgonio, T. (2010, November 21). Pope’s pronouncement on condoms strengthens RH Bill – Lagman. Retrieved from http://newsinfo. inquirer. net/breakingnews/nation/view/20101121-304495/Popes-pronouncement-on-condoms-strengthens-RH-billLagman Dionisio, E. R. (2012, August 8). A Guide to Arguments for and against the Reproductive Health Bill. Retrieved from http://www. adnu. edu. ph/images/A%20Guide%20to%20Arguments %20For%20and%20Against%20the%20Reproductive%20Health%20Bill. pdf Ecumenical Council of Vatican II. Gaudium et Spes. Retrieved from http://www. vatican. va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_cons_19651207_gaudium-et-spes_en. html Paul VI. Humanae Vitae. Retrieved from http://www. vatican. va/holy_father/paul_vi/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-vi_enc_25071968_humanae-vitae_en. html Pius XI. Casti Connubii. Retrieved from http://www. vatican. va/holy_father/pius_xi/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-xi_enc_31121930_casti-connubii_en. html Sun. star. Church RH Bill. Retrieved from http://www. sunstar. com. ph/davao/weekend/church-rh-bill Saclag, D. E. D. Group asks SC to lift suspension of RH Law. Retrieved from http://www. bworldonline. com/content. php? section=Nationtitle=Group-asks-SC-to-lift-suspension-of-RH-Lawid=71130 Unknown. (2012, August 14). Reproductive Health Bill, Good or Bad. Retrieved from http://behealthconsciousblog. wordpress. com/2012/08/14/reproductive-health-bill-good-or-bad/ Unknown. (2012, December 29). Republic Act 10354, Reproductive Health Act of 2012. Retrieved from http://filipinoscribe. com/2012/12/29/republic-act-10354-reproductive-health-act-of-2012/ Unknown. House Bill no. 5043, Reproductive Health and Population Development Act of 2008. Retrieved from http://jlp-law. com/blog/full-text-of-house-bill-no-5043-reproductive-health-and-population-development-act-of-2008/ Villegas, B. M. et al. (2012, September 12) Handbook of Truths on RH Bill. Retrieved from http://cbcpforlife. com/? p=8859 Villegas, S. B. (2012, December 15). Contraception is Corruption, A Pastoral Letter on the Latest decision on the Rh Bill. Retrieved from http://cbcponline. net/v2/? p=6241 World Health Organization. Family Life, Reproductive Health and Population Education: Key Elements of a Health-Promoting School. Retrieved from http://hivaidsclearinghouse. unesco. org/search/resources/HIV%20AIDS%20231. pdf
Monday, October 14, 2019
Environment Management Strategies
Environment Management Strategies Human existence is indispensably related closely with the nature. Because, there are direct or indirect interactions between human and its environment. Human activities are mainly about concerning their common needs and any further specific life requirement. Fortunes are on their hands, because majority of the materials they need can be discovered in many ways on earth, and that is why interaction of both parties is inevitable. It is clear that there are causal impacts that involved within the ecosystem. Generally, human as the creature who has needs and desires, have intention to take advantages from nature and its environment, in any good or bad term. But, unfortunately there are some indications that human over enforcing their greed. The desire of fulfilling needs somehow able to give reverse impact. Some are malicious and not beneficial at all. As time goes by, the nature gives some concrete unpleasant feedback. Controllable or not, there are some disasters that come over. Howeve r, some undesirable effects somehow caused by the human itself, it is the result of reckless human who do not seek any bad possibilities coming in the future if they dont being responsible to the mother nature. That is why; environmental management is severely needed, and should be one of the considerations in any action when generating interaction with environment. In every business, there are so many aspects to be concerned about. There may be a huge consideration of its own product development aspects, human and capital management, customer relationship or even market research and strategy. However, sometimes theres a little crack that overlooked, this crack in time can be a very crucial and destructive intervention. A kind of crack that mostly forgotten is about environmental management. Yes, I do agree that human is the ruler of this world. This lovely mother nature is completely in human hands. They are a very intelligent yet powerful creature on earth, theyve got the brain and intuition. But the greed is the biggest human flaw, they easily forgotten about possibilities they may cause in their activities. In big or even small scale of business, nothing can be an exception for this issue. First of all lets take a look for a small and simple example, culinary and food business. People may not consider this, because this is a very common thing that used to happen in daily life. Some food business has their own way to pack their food. The packaging they use to wrap food should be a thing to reconsider. Because, after consumer eat the food inside, the packaging is no longer needed and just easily thrown away, and instantly become a garbage. And what kind of garbage it is, is important to be noticed. Its okay if they use paper wrapper, because it is still can be recycled and even better if they use recycled paper, because that means they still consider this issue. But unfortunately, how about them who use styrofoam? Hey, it can be the simplest form of eventual earth destruction. Styrofoam is hardly disposed, if buried it can infect the soil. Then imagine how many thousand businesses on earth that did it that way? How many million people who bought their stuff that way? It is a massive motion of earth destruction. Well, thats only a simple of one kind of businesses. How about other kind of businesses on earth? How about other gazillions trashes and garbage that human make? How irritating to see this mother nature get dirtier each day. And also theres another fact. The Environmental Protection Agency reports the United States produces approximately 220 million tons of garbage each year. This is equivalent to burying more than 82,000 football fields six feet deep in compacted garbage. There are no statistics readily available for the entire planet, but considering the United States makes up about 4% of the worlds population, this is a LOT. It could be estimated that the entire planets yearly production of garbage to be somewhere in the vicinity of 4 to 5 BILLION tons. Well, that is true, and inevitable that human may cause it, but however there are still some prevention and overcoming methods to solve this problem. It can be in many ways and methods. Year by year human starts to realize the importance of this issue, which is why some methods of saving environment eventually emerged. Well, those are some short review about environmental management in smaller scale, now lets take a closer look at environmental management in big scale, which will be described and explained thoroughly after this section. The next review is mainly based on material of study of C.J. Barrows book of Environmental Management for Sustainable Development Chapter 1 and 2. This book comprised a very closer look of environmental management that strongly elaborated in multidimensional aspects, which is very interesting and important. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Environmental management is very crucial part oh human aspects that need to be deeply considered. It seeks to steer the development process to take advantage of opportunities, avoid hazards, mitigate problems, and prepare people for unavoidable difficulties by improving adaptability and resilience. It is a process concerned with human-environment interactions, and seeks to identify: what is environmentally desirable; what are physical, economic, social and technological constraints to achieving that; and what the most feasible options are. Actually there can be no concise universal definition of environmental management, however it can be briefly summarized in this aspects: supporting sustainable development; demands multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary or even holistic approach; it should integrate and reconcile different development viewpoints; co-ordinate science, social, policy making and planning; proactive process; timescales and concern ranges from local to global; stresses st ewardship rather than exploitation; and dealing with a world affected by human. In other way, environmental management can be explained as methods of ways when dealing issues due to the importance to improve environmental stewardship by integrating ecology, policy making, planning and social development. The goals include: sustaining and if possible improving existing resources; preventing and overcoming environmental problems; establishing limits; founding and nurturing institutions that effectively support environmental research, monitoring and management; warning of threats and identifying opportunities; where possible improving quality of life; and finally identifying new technology or policies that are useful. And moreover, actually environmental management may be subdivided into number of fields, including: Environmental economics Sustainable development issues Environmental assessment, modeling, forecasting and hand-casting Corporate environmental management activities Pollution recognition and control Environmental enforcement and legislation Environmental and development institutions and ethics Environmental management systems and quality issues Environmental planning and management Assessment of stakeholders involved in environmental management Environmental perceptions and education Community participation Natural resources management Environmental rehabilitation Environmental politics Environment aid and institution building Generally, the environmental managers must ensure there is optimum balance between environmental protection and allowing human liberty. Then, the question is how it can be done? Basically there are several steps in environmental management implementation. First, we need to identify goals and define problems, then determine appropriate actions, which will be continued as draw-up plan. Next, implement the plan, which followed by ongoing development management. After that keep monitor and evaluate the situation. If there are adjustments needed, do it. Then finally when the exact model of environmental management is generated, continuous development will be able to be conducted. Moreover there are some plenty approaches to environmental management which can be seen below: Ad hoc approach: approach developed in reaction to a specific situation Problem-solving approach: follows a series of logical steps to identify problems and needs to implement solutions Systems approach: for example, Ecosystem Agro-ecosystem. Regional approach: mainly ecological zones or bio-geophysical units, which may sometimes be international. For example, Watershed River basin Coastal zone Island Command area development authority Administrative region Sea. Specialist discipline approach: often adopted by professionals, For example, Air quality management Water quality management Land management Environmental health Urban management Ocean management Human ecology approach Tourism management Conservation area Management. Strategic environmental management approach Voluntary sector approach:: environmental management by, or encouraged by NGOs. For example, Debt-for-nature swaps Private reserves Ginger groups which try to prompt environmental management Private funding for research or environmental management. Commercial approach: environmental management for business/public bodies Political economy or political ecology approach Human ecology approach THE EVOLUTION Through the ages, human starts to realize to understand the importance of environmental management in sustainable development method. However, in years during the development there were changes and evolution among the concept. For example, in 1930s the Soviet Union fascist regime and even briefly USA explored state manipulation of development. However few tried to shift laizzes faire attitudes toward environmental management before 1960s. Then finally since 1970 environmental management appeared as problem solving field, providing practical assistance. However before 1900s it still paid limited attention to social issues. In 1970s human also realized that it has to cope with changes of fashion, variations, changing technological capabilities, social capital, social values, skill, confidence and many other variables. And also, by the time there were ethics concern classifications in four groups: Technocratic environmental ethics = resource-exploitative, growth-oriented; Managerial environmental ethics = resource-conservative, oriented to sustainable growth; Communalist environmental ethics = resource-preservationist, oriented to limited to zero growth; Bioethicist or deep ecology environmental ethics = extreme preservationist, a anti-growth. Group 1 is anthropocentric and places faith in the capacity of technology to overcome problems. Group four is unlikely to attract support from enough people to be viable approach, and offers little guidance to environmental managers. Meanwhile the ethics of group 2 and 3 were more likely to support sustainable development and provide guidance for environmental management. By the way theres another grouping of environmental management: Anthropocentric- human welfare is placed before environment or biota; Ecocentric focused on ecosystem conservation Biocentric organisms are seen to have value per se CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Related to the environmental issues, there are some problems emerged in the surface. Eventually problems come from small to huge scale range. There are some possibilities of environmental problems such as pollution, soil erosion, over-fishing, loss of forest, and physical surrounding changes. Environmental stress may be caused by human activities (e.g. resource exploitation, urban growth, warfare, globalization, capital penetration and technological change). Environmental management may need to modify the activities and ethics of individuals, groups and societies to achieve its goals. There are three main approaches, which can be adopted to try to do that: Advisory This is a method, which can be conducted through education, demonstration, media and public advice Economic or fiscal This is an approach, which can be conducted through taxation, grants, subsidies and trade agreements Regulatory This is an approach, which can be implemented through laws, restrictions, licensing and zoning. Hopefully these approaches can effectively help environment to be in better condition. However, environmental managers should be able to face the problems nicely by choosing suitable methods and approaches in given situation. CONCLUSION Environmental management is evolving and spreading. It has still to be adequately adapted to suit all conditions, and will continue to get developed as well as the growing number of human activities that related to its interaction to the environment. Environmental management demands a proactive approach to development and must integrate closely with other disciplines. Without proactive environmental management, development is unlikely to be sustainable and people will be more vulnerable to disasters. Considering that the world and its resources are finite, yet human demands and population continues to increase, sustainable development is the key issue to be concerned about. However, even though there are no one single approach to environmental management, there are key concepts and tools to choose from. Sufficient environmental managers should be able to identify suitable strategies and tools best suited for a given situation. A precautionary and proactive approach is wise to be impl emented when sustainable development is a serious goal to be considered.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Hamlet :: essays research papers
From reading the play Hamlet it gave me such a well rounded interpretation of a family crisis that ended up affecting an entire country. Throughout the play the main character Hamlet set the tone for many of the acts. His characteristics were so in depth, that his emotional state was never settle. His emotional state constantly changed, sometimes you wouldn’t know what to expect from young Hamlet. Near the beginning of the play Hamlet’s emotional state was very uneasy. His father had just died so, he was living in denial; but to top it all off his â€Å"so called mother†married his uncle Claudius. By his mother marrying his uncle he felt betrayed. Not just because his mother re-married and his father hadn’t been dead for a whole month. The reason why he felt betrayed is that his mother got married in such little time and to his uncle. This situation brought Hamlet to an even more uneasy emotional state. When hamlet was around Ophelia his emotional state was very virtuous. Hamlet was secretly in love with Ophelia and Ophelia loved Hamlet as well. Hamlet was to shy to tell Ophelia what his true feelings were for her; until it was too late. Hamlet’s emotional state when he’s around Claudius is very blunt. You could tell that Hamlet doesn’t really care for him. Since he became his uncle/Step-father. Hamlet loathes Claudius even more after he found out that he was the one responsible for his father’s death. When Hamlet’s around Polonius he tends to mock him. Even though he is the father of his love; he senses that he has a sneaky and cunning side to him. Shortly after Hamlet’s two friend’s Rosencrantz and Guildenstern arrived from England and mysteriously started hanging around him. Hamlet knew that something wasn’t right. Which it really wasn’t; Claudius and Gertrude sent for the two to keep an eye on Hamlet. Hamlet received a bad vibe from them. His impression of them was as being two snakes so; he didn’t want to spend much time with them.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Problems Of Modernization In Developing Nations Essays -- essays resea
Problems of Modernization in Developing Nations The economic situation which exists in the developing world today, is the result of the relationship between the modern, and developing nations of the world. Modernized nations benefited from this relationship because it gave them access to natural resources. However, because of this relationship, many developing nations now suffer from severe problems. These nations are attempting to change the situation in which they struggle. A political cartoon I have recently seen illustrated the economic relationship between the industrialized world and the developing world. It shows that the industrial nations, The United States and Europe, are located in the northern hemisphere. On the other hand most of the developing world, Central and South America and Africa, are found in the southern hemisphere. The "well fed", well dressed individual holding the industrialized world indicates that the modernized nations of the world are prosperous, and have a high standard of living. The skinny, poorly dressed individual holding the developing world indicates that the developing nations of the world are not prosperous, and have a lower standard of living than do industrialized nations. Both individuals are supporting each other in such a way that if one is removed, the other will fall. Without resources to use, industry would not be able to maintain its existence. Likewise, without a market for their resources, or the products of indus...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Internet Cafes Essay
WITHIN a few months China will overtake America as the country with the world’s largest number of internet users. Even when you factor in (include s/t as a relevant element when making a decision) China’s size and its astonishing rate of GDP growth, this will be a remarkable achievement for what remains a poor economy. For the past three years China has also been the world’s largest exporter of information and communications technology (ICT). It already has the same number of mobile-phone users (500m) as the whole of Europe. China is by no means the only emerging economy in which new technology is being eagerly embraced. In frenetic (fast and energetic) Mumbai, everyone seems to be jabbering (talk rapidly and excitedly) non-stop on their mobile phones: according to India’s telecoms regulator, half of all urban dwellers have mobile- or fixed-telephone subscriptions and the number is growing by 8m a month. The India of internet cafà ©s and internet tycoons produces more engineering graduates than America, makes software for racing cars and jet engines and is one of the top four pharmaceutical producers in the world. In a different manifestation of technological progress, the country’s largest private enterprise, Tata, recently unveiled the â€Å"one lakh car†; priced at the equivalent of $2,500, it is the world’s cheapest. Meanwhile, in Africa, people who live in mud huts use mobile phones to pay bills or to check fish prices and find the best market for their catch. Yet this picture of emerging-market technarcadia (ideal techno paradise) is belied (fail to give a true notion) by parallel accounts of misery and incompetence. Last year ants ate the hard drive of a photographer in Thailand. Last week internet usage from Cairo to Kolkata was disrupted after somethingâ€â€probably an earthquakeâ€â€sliced through two undersea cables. Personal computers have spread slowly in most emerging economies: three-quarters of low-income countries have fewer than 15 PCs per 1,000 peopleâ€â€and many of those computers are gathering dust (1). And the feting (celebration) of prominent technology projects in emerging economies is sometimes premature. Nicholas Negroponte, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has long been championing a $100 laptop computer, presented with most fanfare at the World Economic Forum in Davos two years ago. The laptop was supposed to sweep through poor countries, scattering knowledge and connectivity all around (2). But the project is behind schedule, the computer does not work properly and one prominent backer, Intel, a chipmaker, has pulled out. So how well are emerging economies using new technology, really? Hitherto, judgments have had to be based largely on anecdotes. Now the World Bank has supplemented the snapshot evidence with more comprehensive measures.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Of Mice and Men Film/Book Comparison
The lack of interaction between the Weak' ones of the ranch in the film version of Of Mice and Men results in the obscuring of the theme of handicaps that is present throughout the novel. In the film, the scene begins with Leonie approaching Crooks as the rest of the men are in the nearby town. They discuss Lien's desire to tend rabbits and later on, Leonie makes it clear his intention for George and he to be together till the end. George comes in, escorts Leonie out of the room where they encounter Curlers wife as she complains of her unhappy marriage and runs away.The book varies in the way that Curlers wife and Candy are both in the room as they all talk. As Candy, Leonie, and Crooks discuss the promise of a brighter future, Curlers wife is quick to crush their dreams with the reality of each of their situations. After she humiliates them, they are defeated and their harsh circumstances sink in. It is important to notice in the novel that each character has their own handicap, whe ther it is age, gender, race, mental capability, or physical capability; although they show strength even with their weak descriptions, the purpose of the theme is to convey the low tolerance their society has of handicaps.For example, Crooks, even being a bitter man, latches onto their dream of the little house for the promise of companionship, but because of his race and the prejudice during the time period, Curlers wife makes sure he knows that he will never be accepted. Although the handicaps are physically portrayed In the film, they are not reinforced well enough because there isn't as big of a power difference between Leonie and Crooks as there is between them and Curlers wife. Curlers wife may be handicapped as her loneliness makes her desperate, but she has the ability to take away any hope they eave.Also, in the novel, Curlers wife mentions that the men left the three Weak' ones at home. This comment serves to further describe the time period as there Is never enough prote ction for the weak from the strong. The theme of handicaps Is essential to the comprehension of the novel as It grasps the concept of Inequality; without the theme's distinction, there Is no closure, positive or negative, that Is needed for the reader to comprehend the negative Impact the fictional world has on a group of people that are not as strong as society requires them to be.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Demand and Price Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Demand and Price - Essay Example The other consumers of corn have to resort to other alternatives that are relatively cheaper in the market. Biofuels are a product from corn and oilseeds; thus, the producers of biofuels have to substitute the input of the two raw materials for the optimization of profits. Thus, the producer faces the choices to incur a higher cost of production, reduce the output or increase the consumption of oilseed for production. The crop farmer benefits from higher returns and responds by increasing the production of corn (Dalton, 2009). The vertical axis shows the input of oilseed while the horizontal shows the corn input. The aim of the producing company is to maximize profit (Dalton, 2009). The point R we have the isocost line meeting with the isoquant. This combination of corn and oilseed will yield the company maximum output minimizing on cost which is the objective of the company. An increase in the demand of biofuels will mean that the company has to move to a higher output level. This w ill need an increase in the inputs, which are corn and oil seed. How developments in agricultural and conversion technology might influence the impacts identified in above The developments in agriculture aimed at production of more corn will lead to increase the supply of corn in the market. The increase in supply is likely to cause a decrease in the price of corn. However, with the advancing technologies of conversion coming into operation a wider range of materials will be usable for production of bio fuels (Bhamra et al., 2010). This will further, ease the burden of bio fuels production on corn. The price of corn would establish a new equilibrium with the demand that now will be. DI indicates the demand of corn. Pe and Qe show the equilibrium price and quantity. The production of biofuel using corn as a raw material causes an increase in the demand of corn, thus the demand curve shift shown by the arrows (Dalton, 2009). Consider the result below. The demand for more biofuels stim ulates a higher demand for corn (Gupta & Ayhan, 2010). The demand curve shifts to D2 and a new equilibrium at the point J. The effects of increased competition between participants in the market on the impacts identified above. The competition will result to a higher demand of corn. The crop farmers will expand production in order to feed the new market. This will mean changes in the farming practices and patterns. These changes necessitate farmers to use irrigation. The use of irrigation will cause a strain on water resources available. There will be a need to expand to potion of land used in corn cultivation yet limited space provides a challenge. The crop farmers will start cultivating of marginal lands, which are highly erodible (Gupta & Ayhan, 2010). The farmers will intensify the use of chemical inputs to increase crop yield. This will negatively affect the soil. This is because the increased use of fertilizers will lead to contamination of runoff and nutrient leaching. Howeve r, the level of damage will depend on management practices employed by farmers. Increase the level of cultivation may lead to high levels of erosion. This will further, affect the quality of water in the region. These damages will be presenting the problems of environment sustainability (Gupta & Ayhan, 2010). Cultivation of marginal lands and expansion of land under crop production is a threat to wildlife resources. The cultivation leads to destruction and clearing of vegetation,
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
The Disappeared Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Disappeared - Essay Example The author employs comparison when Anders tries to compare his home country (Sweden) with America. Such comparison creates suspense as the reader becomes intrigued and reads on in an attempt to figure out the origin and cause of the pungent smell. Baxter employs dialogue to amplify the suspense as the reader tries to figure out the cause of the smell. Anders and the cab driver engage in dialogue as he [Anders] attempts to understand the environment. Baxter portrays Anders as naà ¯ve and the cab driver as the resident used to the environment. The cab driver explains to Anders that the pungent smell represents Detroit. Baxter employs a metaphor by linking the smell to Detroit. In addition, it is evident that Anders is in a dilemma between understanding what the driver said and his thoughts that the smell came from a fire. The reader is forced to read on to establish why Detroit is associated with such a smell and how Anders will cope maneuvering the city with such
Monday, October 7, 2019
Observational Studty Survey Research Statistics Project
Observational Studty Survey Research - Statistics Project Example However, more research or more information should be provided in this area of study in an effort to come up with preventive and control measures in addition to improvement and development programs on smoking cessation and anxiety disorders. Despite the fact that smoking has been identified as one of the leading health hazards, more that 21% of the population of United States still continue with the habit of smoking. High smoking prevalence rates have been observed among people with psychiatric disorders such as anxiety. Despite this realization, researches on the correlation between smoking and anxiety continue to receive less attention among researchers in comparison to other psychiatric conditions commonly witnessed with tobacco intake. This paper with the use of already existing literature, critically examines the correlation between anxiety and tobacco and nicotine dependence/use. To achieve this, the paper is based on a survey conducted by students from Pierce College and CSUN. Following the limitations on the extent of the researches carried out on the same issue, the paper had to include other reviews in addition to the survey and borrowed information from already conducted studies (Billings and Moss, 1998). The data on the correlation between smoking and anxiety has proved to be inconsistent depending on the smoking stage of the subject being investigated. Some of the evidences from different researches are in support of the notion that anxiety increases the smoking initiation risks. This includes a research conducted by Patton on adolescents which indicates that anxiety symptoms predicted and initiated smoking experiments among peers which in the long run increased the chances of such teenagers growing up to be daily smokers (Billings and Moss, 1998). There are several factors that have been observed to influence the relationship
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Project Initiation Document (PID), Project Management, Heritage 59 Essay
Project Initiation Document (PID), Project Management, Heritage 59 Residence in Thailand - Essay Example Financial viability is always an important variable for commercial projects of this nature (Knight 2006) and already, financial feasibility has showed a net profit of THB 380 million over 36 months. The scope of the project clearly defines the boundaries of the project as in what will be involved in the project and what will not be involved in it. The Heritage 59 Residence project will comprise of a two building edifice that is located Sukhumvit Road. The first building will be a maintained 12-storey building at the front side of the site. The second building will be a reconstruction of the existing 3 story-building into a 27-storey at the back side of the site. The proposed financial scope given to the project is THB 85,000 per Sqm with the total land size of project being 806 sq.m to be completed in 36 calendar months. The scope described is graphically represented below Achievable It is important not to set an objective that will be excessively difficult to achieve. The project objective has therefore been defined to be moderate and made up fulfilling all legal provisions that were given in the course of seeking permit for the site plan. Relevant At the end of the project, there should be specific benefits that can be pointed to as the outcome of the project and this is to make a commercial gain of THB 380 million out of the project. Of the tasks, the procedure of construction team and materials will be the most highlighted. Generally, a bid will be opened for interested suppliers to tender. An executive from the Tender Board will be consulted to oversee this process. The project manager will then put in the procedures for procurement to begin by following the steps laid down by the National Procurement Board. The procurement, which is to centre stage will be undertaken through
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Singapore Airlines External Factor Analysis Essay
Singapore Airlines External Factor Analysis - Essay Example Singapore Airlines, initially the Malaysia-Singapore Airlines, started operations as an independent airlines company in 1972. The company has gained a strong position in the airline industry and the route network now has expanded to over 90 destinations in more than 40 countries. The company has been able to achieve competitive advantage through product and experience based differentiation as it pioneered the concept of entertainment and innovation in flight. It was the first airline to introduce hot meals, alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks, fragranced towels, and video on demand for the cabin crew members. The crew members are youngest in any airline industry in South Asia and they use the â€Å"Singapore Girl†as the symbolic representation of the company’s commitment to quality excellence and service delivery (Singapore Tourism Report, 2011). Further, the airline keeps the youngest fleet of aircrafts in order to minimize its fuel costs and has an impressive business model which is responsible for its astounding success. It has an efficient financial infrastructure developed and incorporates innovation and strategic management to adapt to the rapidly changing external environment of the industry. As it is the national airline, it is present in the markets of South Asia, East Asia, Europe and America. Therefore, Singapore Airline operates in a highly competitive market thus external environment is of particular importance to its strategic management and leadership. The External environment has an important impact on the airline industries in Asia especially after the augmentation of terrorism across the world. With the changing external trends globally Singapore Airlines is faced by many micro and macroeconomic pressures, socio-cultural changes, political and legal factors and also the technological pressures to constantly innovate. Below is an analysis of the four external factors affecting Singapore Airlines. Political This refers to the political set up and government intervention in the business sector. The government usually discourages private monopolies and hence would encourage competition. This means Singapore Airlines has to watch for political barriers in host countries for example it withdrew the stake in Air India because of the privatization programme of Indian government (BBC News, 2001). The government’s lobbying activities or policies regarding privatization, protection of domestic industry, contracts or subsidies can al l affect the international firms like Singapore Airlines. In politically unstable countries like India and Pakistan, the Airlines will be subject to much uncertainity in operations and will have to incur additional security costs. Even in Singapore, it does not receive any government subsidies despite the fact that it is a national airline (John, 2010) Social Factors Social factors pertain to the societal changes in tastes, preferences and consumption patterns of the consumers. A change in income levels of the society means more people can afford to travel by air rather than by rail or car hence, there can be an increase in the sales of Singapore Airlines domestic and international flights (Hill, 2008). Moreover, changes in social habits like increased preference of entertainment on flights poses a greater pressure on Singapore Airlines to provide such features to the travellers. The crash of Singapore Airline flight SQ006, at the Chiang Kai Shek International Airport in Taipei, mea nt that the company had to compensate the agitated families of victims with a total amount of $400,000 (BBC News, 2001). Moreover, the increased trend of online shopping also requires Singapore Airlines to regularly update its website and offer online selling and booking of airline tickets in Asia. The increase in terrorist activities however, has a
Friday, October 4, 2019
Economic Issues Simulation Paper Essay Example for Free
Economic Issues Simulation Paper Essay The Castor Collins health plan is a health maintenance program (HMO) that was found in 1999 and has grown over the years. The company provides health insurance coverage through a system that involves a network of physicians and hospitals. Castor Collins Heath Plan uses the capitation model to fund its large distributed group of physicians and health care organizations. Castor Collins currently provides health care coverage to 100,000 subscribers and would like to increase their enrollees. It is the responsibility of the Vice President along with his most trusted advisers, Helen Feuerman, Chief Financial Officer, Jonathan Wilkes, Chief Medical Officer, and Adam Hunter, Executive Vice President, Planning and Development, to reach out to new clients; two in particular, E-Editors and Constructit. E-Editors The company E-Editors employs 1,600 individuals, 760 males and 840 females. The employee’s ages range from 35-54. Most of the employees with E-Editors are married so they will need to provide an affordable health care plan for their families. Looking at the kind of work involved for most of the employee’s, Castor Collins found that many of the individuals have a sedentary position. In fact, ninety-five percent of the employees at E-Editors have a position that requires long hours of sitting in front of a computer; the remaining five percent of the employees have positions that require physical activity. A thorough health screening was conducted by Castor Collins. Their findings were as followed, most of the employees who have sedentary positions had problems with their vision. Twenty two percent of the employees had no history of health issues. Twenty six percent of the employees are smokers, most of them revealing that they are considered heavy smokers, although none of employees that smoke reported any respiratory complications. The remaining forty- five percent of the employees are obese. Interestingly, the obesity is due to a sedentary job, poor eating habits, and little to no physical activity. These populations of employees are at risk for severe health complications and diseases. Constructit Constructit has 1,000 employees; 550 being male and 450 are females. The age group ranges from 26-42, and sixty percent of the employees are married. Fifty three percent of the employees have positions that require physical activity. Thirty-two percent of this group has high activity positions and twenty five percent have moderate activity positions. The remaining forty three percent of the employees have sedentary positions. The result from this groups health screening are as followed, thirty-eight percent of the employees have no preexisting health issues and are in good physical health. Ten percent of the employees are smokers. Thirty nine percent of the employees are considered obese, which is a high obesity rate. Some of the illnesses that were reported are digestive disorders, respiratory diseases, injuries, and allergies. Analysis of both groups It is Castor Collins job to find suitable health care plans that will benefit both companies, employees, and Castor Collins while keeping in mind to make it affordable and beneficial to all. They will need to evaluate the potential risks and assess the cost of premiums for both. All members of the team determined the best way for deciding would be best conducted by using the cost-benefit analysis system. â€Å"The cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is a set of techniques for assisting in the making of decisions that translates all relevant concerns into market (dollar) terms†(Gertzen Allen, 2007). The team must first consider the age, gender, and profiles of all employees. Secondly, decide the potential health risks, calculate premium and profit. Thirdly, decide what services will be covered and co-payments for these health plans. When taking into consideration the different health profiles of all employees’ obesity seemed to be an issue for both. This alone makes the population at high risk for health issues associated with obesity such as; heart diseases, strokes, and diabetes. E-editors seem to have a higher percentage of obesity and smokers putting them at a much higher risk with health issues. Outcome After evaluating the cost and benefits that go along with providing health insurance coverage to both E-Editors and Constructit, Castor Collins financial team decided that they would only be able to provide health insurance coverage to Constructit and not E-Editors. The reason for this decision is E-Editors have a higher percentage of employees that are at risk for developing chronic diseases. The team went ahead and presented an offer to Constructit and their employees. Castor Collins can offer their employees the Castor Standard plan, which the premium to be charged will be $3,428.00. The reasoning behind choosing this plan over the Castor Enhanced and the Castor Enhanced Minor is the premiums for each employee would be significantly lower than the Enhanced and Enhance Minor plans even though each employee was willing to pay a maximum of $4,000 for their annual premium. Also, Castor Standard does not cover preexisting health conditions, so this would be a low risk investment. Preexisting conditions can cost a company thousands of dollars and in the end not be beneficial to the company’s profits. If Castor Collins were to contemplate preexisting conditions a much higher premium may have to be considered. This is an advantage that can help keep the annual premiums down and still provide many other health coverage services. The premiums that Castor Collins will charge the employees at Constructit are much lower than anticipated, which means a lower profit return. This group is considered a lower health risk group so increasing premiums could create a possibility to make greater returns, but the outcome is still fitting. Conclusion Many hours of planning and development were considered for the final decision of adding Constructit and not E-editors as a client. The team made this decision by utilizing the CBA method and determining that Constructit would be low risk to provide health coverage too. The plan that was chosen Castor Standard will have a lower return but in the long run be beneficial to Castor Collins. The employees at Constructit will be able to afford the health coverage plan and look towards the future knowing they are insured and covered for any emergencies without draining the wallet. Castor Collins and Constructit will begin a rewarding journey that will benefit both companies in the end. The team based this decision on considering all the necessary health profiles, risks, and premiums and comparing all of the facts between both companies. Reference Getzen, T. E., Moore, J. (2007). Health Care Economics: Principles and tools for the Health Care Industry. Hoboken,, NJ: John Wiley Sons, Inc.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Terror management theory
Terror management theory The effects of terror management theory on political decisions Summary The terror management theory suggests that feelings of anxiety and fear are caused by thoughts of death (mortality salience) which may affect our thoughts, decisions and actions. The fear/anxiety caused triggers off defence mechanisms which cause individuals to feel closer to their beliefs and what they regard as a good and valued way of living (cultural worldview). The study will be looking at how the manipulation of mortality salience affects the ratings of two world leaders, predicting that they will rate highest the world leader which identifies the most with their cultural worldview. The participants will be British University students and the design of the study is an independent measures design. The participants will be asked to fill in an identification scale on being British, a word search where the experimental condition will contain mortality salience and the control condition will not, they will also be asked to fill in small maths calculations and they will be finally as ked to rate two world leaders (Englands prime minister Gordon Brown and Russias president Dmitry Medvedev) on a scale indicating how strongly they feel about the statements about each world leader. The ethical issues in the experiment are confidentiality, informed consent, anonymity, mortality salience and the use of findings. These issues will be dealt with by gaining presumed consent, the right to withdraw from the experiment at any time and debriefing each participant at the end to make sure they are comfortable and satisfied with the information they provided. Mortality salience will be kept as minimal as possible via using a word search and a distracter task which will be used afterwards to ensure that as little harm or no harm at all is caused to the participants. Introduction Terror management theory was developed by Jeff Greenberg, Sheldon Solomon and Tom Pyszczynski and is based on death. Humans are unique as they are the only living species that are aware of their inevitable death and this causes fear (terror) which would make carrying on with daily tasks impossible. Therefore, it is suggested that when an individual is reminded of death (mortality salience) they instantly use two defence mechanisms to protect themselves and get rid of these thoughts of death. The first defence mechanism is when an individual has their own personal views and standards on how they should live their life and therefore, individuals strive to meet those standards to feel as valued members of society (cultural worldview). Culture also provides individuals with symbolic immortality such as, being part of families and ethnic groups, because even after their mortality these groups will still exist and individuals will still be remembered as parts of them. The second defence me chanism is self-esteem which reduces anxiety when self-esteem is high and this is achieved by individuals believing and maintaining that they live up to the standards that are parts of their cultural worldview. When individuals are successful this causes high self-esteem which reduces the anxiety caused by threats. Furthermore, when others have the same cultural worldview as ours (in groupers) it suggests that our view is right and we need this confirmation from others to keep believing in our cultural worldviews. However, defence mechanisms are triggered off when there are threats against ones world view and beliefs. The thought of death and other individuals with different cultural worldviews (out groupers) could challenge our beliefs leaving us with feelings of anxiety which makes individuals want to live up to their cultural worldviews even more. Many studies have tested the mortality salience hypothesis such as Rosenblatt, Greenberg, Solomon, Pyszczynski and Lyon (1989) who used twenty two judges in a study where half of the judges were reminded of their own death (mortality salience), before setting bail to a prostitute and the other half were not. The judges who were reminded of their death set bail at $450 and judges who were not reminded of their death set bail at $50. This shows that the knowledge of death causes individuals to maintain their cultural worldviews which is reflected onto the amount of bail set as generally prostitution would be seen as wrong in many individuals cultural worldview. The terror management theory also assumes that when people are reminded of death this affects their decisions towards certain important issues such as politics. Studies show that when mortality is salient many individuals support people with the same political views as their selves and act hostile and negatively towards people with different political views. For example, Landau et al. (2004) found that when individuals were reminded of the 9/11 attacks they seemed to be more supportive of President Bush whereas, in control conditions less than half supported his decisions. This shows us that the thought of death can have effects on our political decisions and views and this knowledge of fear seems to be used by politicians to receive more support from the public. Other studies have also showed that death increases nationalism. In one study on American participants, when they were reminded of death they were more positive towards people who thought positively of America and were more negative towards people who thought negatively of America (Greenberg et al.,1990). Different countries also found similar results such as in Germany when Germans were reminded of death they sat closer to other Germans and sat further away from Turks (Ochsman and Mathay, 1994). These studies show us that when individuals are afraid of their mortality they feel closer to their cultural worldviews than ever before as a way of protecting themselves. This causes attitudes and beliefs to strengthen which in turn causes individuals to view any other belief as wrong and negative. This may cause extreme behaviour such as terrorist attacks, hate crimes and violence. As a result of all of these, individuals would feel closer to a president who knows exactly what they are doing, are devoted and sending out a strong message. Rationale (purpose) and aims of study: The aim of the study is to show that thoughts of death affect our lives and the decisions we make, including decisions about politics. The study will be testing to see how British participants will react towards their very own world leader prime minister Gordon Brown and another world leader, Dmitry Medvedev Russias president. Participants should prefer Gordon Brown rather than the other world leader when reminded of death as he is closer to their cultural worldview. Research questions: When mortality threat is salient will individuals have a stronger attitude towards their beliefs and their cultural worldview? Hypotheses: Individuals political orientation will be closer to their cultural worldview when mortality threat is salient. Method: How hypotheses addresses aims of study: The aim of the study is to show that thoughts of death affect our political decisions as well as general decisions and the hypotheses relates to this as it is suggesting that individuals will feel closer to the world leader which identifies with their cultural worldview the most. Operationalised variables: 1) Mortality salience is manipulated by the word searches, ones neutral; one has death related words and 2) asked to rate world leaders on a scale about whether they are good/satisfying world leaders. Design: The participants will be randomly assigned and the design used will be an independent sample design, as different participants will be used for the two different conditions. The independent variables are the manipulation of the mortality salience (control condition and experimental condition) and the two different world leaders. The dependent variable is the results from the rating scales of the two different world leaders. Participants: British university students, male and female. Around 50 participants will be used. Materials: Identification scale, two word searches, small maths calculations and profiles of the two world leaders including the rating scale. Procedure: First of all participants will be seated and the first thing they will fill out is their gender, age and an identification scale on how British and close to their culture they feel. Then they will do a word search, however, there will be two conditions in the experiment one will be the controlled condition where participants will receive a normal word search and will not involve mortality salience, whereas, the experimental condition will involve mortality salience. After the word searches participants will work out small maths calculations, then they will receive profiles of two world leaders one is Gordon Brown Englands prime minister and the other is Dmitry Medvedev Russias president. In order to eliminate the effect of order effects I will have some profiles with Gordon Brown presented first than Dmitry Medvedev and vice versa. Participants will have to rate the statements of the world leaders on a scale indicating how strongly they feel about each one. Ethical issues: The ethical issues in the experiment are confidentiality, informed consent, anonymity, mortality salience and the use of findings. These issues will be dealt with by gaining presumed consent, the right to withdraw from the experiment at any time and debriefing each participant at the end to make sure they are comfortable and satisfied with the information they provided. Mortality salience will be kept as minimal as possible via using a word search and a distracter task will be used afterwards to ensure that as little harm or no harm at all is caused to the participants. Analysis of results: The results will be analysed by a 2 by 2 mixed factor Anova. The IVs are mortality salience (experimental condition and controlled condition) and the world leaders (Gordon Brown and Dmitry Medvedev). Schedule for completion of project: Collect all data by December Analysis of data in the Christmas break Write up of results and report January/Febuary till March
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