Thursday, November 28, 2019
Dolls House Analysis Essays - Ibsen Family, The Four Greats
Doll's House Analysis To view a work of art separately from it's environment, ignoring the context, will often undermine important aspects of the work. However, embracing the context will allow one to appreciate the full scope and depth of the piece. In order to fully absorb and understand it, one must consider factors in the artist's life and surroundings, i.e. the context. Henrik Ibsen created A Doll's House between 1878 and 1880. Like any significant work of art the context not only influenced the play, but were essential parts of it. Norway, in the early 19th century, was united with Sweden, who maintained seniority in the relationship. Norway's crown was based in Sweden, and most Norwegians felt thier freedom was restricted. The linguistic difference that existed prohibited any cultural merging. A good example being the relationship between Denmark and Norway, the latter being a colony of Denmark's until 1814. During the Danish rule of Norway, there was a cultural synthesis involving literature. This influence was still prominant during Ibsen's time and throughout his work. During the early part of the 19th century a patriotic movement materialized, mainly sparked by a student named Henrik Wergeland. He studied and popularized neglected folklore and other forgotten art and renewed confidence and pride in the otherwise disappearing Norwegian artists. Wergeland and other patriots, including Ibsen had their opposition. The Party of Intelligence felt that Norway could only be redeemed by staying involved in the Euro- stream, while the patriots preached isolationism and felt that Norway could only find new strength from within itself. The Party considered the patriots crude and violent, while the patriots saw in the Party the future of the establishment they were currently trying to derail. Nasjonalromantikken, or national romaticism, became a widely popular idea, in part because of Wergeland's writings. This movement centered around a restored appreciation for Norway's non- material resources, including the painters, musicians and folklorists. Asbjornsen and Moe researched, rewrote, and published collections of Norwegian folktales and restoration was begun on the Trondheim Cathedral, a very important piece of national pride. There was much debate regarding language when new Norwegian dialects were created while the most commonly spoken language, Landsmaal, was not yet accepted as a written language. This caused many problems for the writers, as they spoke one language, but were forced to write in another. Aasmund Vinje, a schoolmaster and writer, created a written lanuage based on Landsmaal and helped advance towards a solution. Ibsen, like most writers, though, continued to work using the Dano - Norsk dialect, (Danish influenced Norwegian) called riksmaal, and spoke out against Landsmaal. A Euro- romantic movement around the middle of the century produced many Norwegian artists including Andreas Munch, Bjornstjerne Bjornson, and Vinje. Wergeland's sister, Fru Collett, published The Sheriff's Daughters in 1855 and it was considered the first Norwegian novel of any stature. Danish writers continued to exert their influence when Hans Christain Anderson and Ingemann became popular and many Norsk writers looked to them for ideas and techniques. During the 1870s, a Realist movement hit Norway and changed the writing of Ibsen, Bjornson, and the ?Father of the Norwegian Novel,' Kielland. During this time, prose drama and fiction dominated this Norsk, artistic rennaisance, while poetry had little or no place in it. Some saw poetry becoming popular around 1890, but this was more of a prose poetry, or prose that invoved the evocation of moods. Henrik Ibsen was born on March 28, 1828 in the small, southern town of Skien. When he was young, Henrik's father went bankrupt, which was considered very disgraceful at the time. This affected young Ibsen greatly and he used it to allegorize in The Wild Duck. Henrik attained an apprenticeship for a pharmacist, but despised the job and moved to Christiana, where he intended to attend school. Instead, he became the house poet and eventually stage manager at the Norske Theatre in Bergen. He then went back to Christiana where he directed at the Mollergate Theatre until 1862. During this time he married Susannah Thoreson and wrote The Vikings in Helgeland, which popularized him as a writer in Norway. In 1864 he applied for a poet's pension from the government but was refused. He became enraged at his homeland and left it, headed for Italy and Germany, though he still made known his love for his homeland. He continued to write and produced a number of plays and traveled to Egypt, among other countries. Ibsen was not pleased with the nationalism of the foreigners he traveled with. He offended many when he commented on this in
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Doctrine Of The Mean
In Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, he expresses his opinions on the basis of thought through eudaimonia and arete. Eudaimonia is the goal of human conduct, or telos in Greek. In English, Eudaimonia translates into happiness, but Aristotle uses it as a well being through prospering and flourishing. To achieve this â€Å"prospering and flourishing,†one needs satisfaction of a job well done. Arete is excellence in fulfilling a function, also known as an ergon. Aristotle finds arete, or a virtue in all objects, animate and inanimate. Aristotle explains his view of the â€Å"chief good†throughout the Doctrine of the Mean, through the comparing and contrasting of virtues and vices. Aristotle begins Nicomachean Ethics with an explanation of the â€Å"chief good.†This good is presented by him through thoughts and theories of the Doctrine of the Mean. He states that all men who are in search of the good and knowledge of â€Å"the good†have a profound influence on life. He then writes how a good man, sets goals for himself on a specific task. This experience in the function of the task gives self satisfaction. An example used by Aristotle is a sculptor who participates in the art of sculpting. The end result of his sculpting is a beautiful piece of artwork.... Free Essays on Doctrine Of The Mean Free Essays on Doctrine Of The Mean In Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, he expresses his opinions on the basis of thought through eudaimonia and arete. Eudaimonia is the goal of human conduct, or telos in Greek. In English, Eudaimonia translates into happiness, but Aristotle uses it as a well being through prospering and flourishing. To achieve this â€Å"prospering and flourishing,†one needs satisfaction of a job well done. Arete is excellence in fulfilling a function, also known as an ergon. Aristotle finds arete, or a virtue in all objects, animate and inanimate. Aristotle explains his view of the â€Å"chief good†throughout the Doctrine of the Mean, through the comparing and contrasting of virtues and vices. Aristotle begins Nicomachean Ethics with an explanation of the â€Å"chief good.†This good is presented by him through thoughts and theories of the Doctrine of the Mean. He states that all men who are in search of the good and knowledge of â€Å"the good†have a profound influence on life. He then writes how a good man, sets goals for himself on a specific task. This experience in the function of the task gives self satisfaction. An example used by Aristotle is a sculptor who participates in the art of sculpting. The end result of his sculpting is a beautiful piece of artwork....
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Mass Media and Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mass Media and Communication - Essay Example Media relations are common in public relations plays an important role in the campaigns. The public relations center their function to the media interaction and the relations. The material of the public relations will only be published by the media if the information contained commercial to the media. Segmentation of the public helps in tracking the process of the public relations. The tracking of segmentation public is much easier and informs the people on new forms of behavior. In UK Fuels Company, they have grouped their outlets according to the regions that help in ensuring close supervision. When the PR professional segment the public relations, they ensure that they satisfy the customers. When a small group is addressed, there is a greater concern for all the details that are affecting the targeted group. In Doncaster Company, the company has a group of experts who research on the market trends and ensure that the company attains the needs of the customers. The segmentation of the public ensures that the PR professionals gain a competitive advantage in the market when they have delivered to their customers at the right time. In Samworth Brothers Company, its growth is attributed to its segmentation. The segmentation has helped the company to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. Segmentation helps the PR professionals to get the value for their efforts in many ways. For instance, PR reaches the targeted group with fewer efforts and without much cost.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Cross-Cultural Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cross-Cultural Psychology - Essay Example With respect to evolutionary behaviour, this form of giving up one’s life has slowly evolved over the ages in India. In the ancient times, the phenomenon was prevalent among kings and queens as the queens would usually give up their lives when their husbands died in wars, rather than remain widows for the rest of their lives. Since then, the practice has evolved a great extent and has taken shape in an adverse manner, causing degradation to the entire Indian society. If one thinks of the custom as something that would have evolved over the ages and helped the situation get better, Sati is not the best explanation for growth and development within society at all. It is in fact something that has been hindering the same, and has not let women gain absolute freedom. Sociological factors have also helped to lead to this very custom of Sati. It is a custom that has evolved from the very thoughts of people living in olden day India; the country witnessed ideals arising from a very p atriarchal form of society where the men folk had the power to decide what was to happen and how it was to be carried out.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Joint Venture between the Government and Business in Africa Term Paper
Joint Venture between the Government and Business in Africa - Term Paper Example The company has engaged in many social and economic activities that have benefited the country and the citizens. This includes the construction of roads, hospitals and schools. This has helped in growth of the economy and improvement of the living standards as the per capita income has grown from $80 to $6000 per year. In its early years of its operations, after the discovery of the diamonds, De Beers operated, as a monopoly by regulating diamond supply, which meant the price of diamonds, remained high. After sometime, De Beers realized that they could not control the market anymore. The company was forced to stock enormous amounts of diamonds when the demand for the diamond was extremely low. The company also discovered that they could not control the discovery of diamonds in the entire world. For instance, Canada refused to join the cartel that De Beers had formed. The change of policy was also largely influenced by the unfavorable image created by blood diamonds. Rebels in the nei ghboring countries would force civilians to extract the diamonds and sell them off in order to get money to purchase weapons. The company’s change of focus changed from scheming the supplying the diamonds to a moderate policy of marketing and selling the diamonds already in their stores. This focus helped in creating demand rather than controlling the supply. The company still maintained a significant market control through selling the diamonds to traders who were willing to conform to the laws of the land and regulations set by De Beers. This helped to create an environment to conduct business in a more ethical manner. The construction of the Kimberly process in Gaberone ensured that all the sold diamonds were mined legally. This helped in diminishing the blood diamond issue, which was used to finance wars across Africa. This also helped to restore the reputation of the company, which had been eroded by the blood diamond issue. (JOE NOCERA, Diamonds) The success story of thi s joint venture between De Beers and the government of Botswana has worked because the Botswana government believes in democracy and encourages economic growth in the country. The government also saw the partnership as a way to improve the living standards of the citizens in the country. For this type of partnership to flourish, the government must have the will to improve for the benefit of the common citizens. The company had previously attempted to work in partnership with other countries and government but, it did not work due to corruption in those countries. Since Botswana attained its independence, she has always remained democratic and free state. Here, the leaders in the government are sincere and intelligent. This is the rationale as to why the joint venture has been of help to the Botswana citizens. We can therefore hardly compare Botswana leaders with other African leaders who only enhance their selfish interests. Many African leaders accept money from foreigners in orde r for foreigners to extract the country’s resources without benefiting the people of that country. WTO trade negotiations over farm subsidies The government of United States has for many years partnered with private businesses in the country. Among the common partners are the farming industries. They enjoy many subsidies from the government each year. The World Trade Organization (WTO) was established after the World War II. Its main role was to regulate and create an economic order where all
Friday, November 15, 2019
Various Cause Effects Of Video Games Psychology Essay
Various Cause Effects Of Video Games Psychology Essay The most successful aspect of video games is that they provide a huge amount of human interaction through imagery and audio, thus encouraging the player to think and act quickly(Wolf, 2001, p15). This aspect makes video games different from any other forms of non-interactive media like television or radio. Video games give clear instructions about actions to be performed to reach particular levels in the game and instils a level of confidence and spirit of victory in its players. They also serve academic purposes and can be utilised as a powerful medium for educating children and youth in a very interesting and powerful manner. For example, video games involving driving can be used as a medium to teach players the traffic rules and penalties imposed if the rules are violated. Puzzle based video games give valuable practice lessons of time management, helps to sharpen specific skills needed to succeed in the game, encourages critical analysis and thought and improves cognitive abiliti es (Wolf, 2001, p17; Seller, 2006, p20). Social Video games have a part in influencing the social behaviour of young players especially children. The interactive gaming gives a virtual environment involving the player and his opponent which is essentially the computer system. In addition to promoting a level of healthy competition among players, the penalties imposed help to give due respect to fellow participants and encourages sportsman spirit to a great extent. Games which involve military contents can help to inculcate patriotism in youngsters as they are made to believe that they are protecting their country from rival attacks. Though there has been criticisms regarding the effect of video games in sparking criminal behaviour among youth, Jenkins (n.d.) observes that the hostile factors contributing to these acts are coming from unsound minds and disrupted families rather than interactive media. In fact, James Gees work highlights the benefits of using video games as effective media for logical problem solving and continuous improvement, thus improving the qualitative skills (Gee, 2001). Psychological Apart from providing relaxation and enjoyment, video games boost the players confidence level and raises curiosity as in most games, each level is exciting and cannot be seen unless the players pass all the previous stages. In children, the level of psychological development obtained leads to sharpening of memory and logical skills, increased mental development and simulation, making them tougher to face the challenges of the real world. Vices Contrary to the popular belief that video game players are just youngsters, Entertainment Software Association(ESA) has shown that 49% of game players are in the age range of 18-49 while the demographic statistics give 52% male and 48% female players (ESA, 2009, p3). The revenue obtained by video game sales in US was $11M in 2008 with Wii console games at the top according to NPD statistics (ESA, 2009, p10). Though the video game industry has flourished and sales figures have been accelerating over the last few decades, a lot of negative publicity has affected the popularity of interactive games to a large extent. Though there are many pros, the bad effects are so obvious and derogatory that they outweigh the advantages to a large extent. Medical The increasing popularity of video games is making more and more youngsters spend considerable amount of time and money in front of the gaming console or computer which has harmful medical effects arising due to addiction (Gunter, 1998, p31). The addiction can lead to childhood obesity as children will find no time for outdoor games which are healthy and provides relaxation and exercise to brain, mind and body. The strain caused by continuous exposure to harmful radiation from television affects a significant number of youngsters by ending up having problems with their eyes. The adult players are even more in danger as the addiction causes a change in lifestyle which trigger a variety of fatal illnesses from high cholesterol to heart attacks in addition to causing spinal alignment problems due to wrong posture. Psychological Most of the video games depict violence and the motto is to kill and succeed. Young minds are particularly interested in games involving violent attacks, abusive language and homicide. Different researches have been conducted in psychological aspects due to violent video games. Anderson et al. (2007, p12-39, p40-60) has described about the different kinds of aggressive behaviour exhibited by children based on which an aggression model is created. The effects of violence can arise from thefts for buying video games to thrills obtained from imitation of the shootings and attacks on innocent subjects. Continuous exposure to violent media has a profound influence on the mental balance of the young player, giving a very wrong impression that killing is winning. Social Recent reports have shown that an average time spent by a child playing console, arcade or home video games is almost 11-13 hours/week (Gentile, 2004, p1; Olson et al.,2007, p1). It means that they get little time for social interactions, academic reading and outdoor games. Decrease in peer association hinders development of social etiquettes, family ties and character. The social and emotional commitments are disrupted by over indulgence in interactive media leading to a set of humans devoid of emotions, respect or self-esteem. The increasing amount of violence and destruction involved in most games and the lonely atmosphere provided acts as detrimental to good social conduct. Stromberg (n.d.) has shown that almost 50% of popular games depict either fantasy or human violence to the extent that they encourage players to become less caring and friendly. According to Gentile Anderson (2003, p131-152), the tendency of aggressive behaviour is affected by repeated game play which often r eward the players for violence. Critical Analysis Wirth et al. (2003) has given that the virtual environment created by video games is essential to establish a spatial presence. But the impression of world as given by games has very little relation with the original real circumstances or actions. The violence and plan of action depicted in these scenarios, if practised in actual circumstances give horrendous repercussions for both the doer and the society. Some researches show video game learning as better to classroom learning in terms of memory retention (Moreno Meyer, 2000, p724) but it does not in any way substitute the knowledge obtained from books, classrooms or other interactive learning techniques but just complements them. The reason for success of video games has been described as the level of active control involved (Greenfield, 1984, p102). Active control often enables the player to decide on the course of action to be taken to fight the circumstances which gives them an uneven control and pseudo confidence that may urge them to enact similarly in a real situation. Moreover, the points gained during shooting or killing tends to glorify the violence depicted in games. The addiction to video games often leads to fits of anger and rows between the children and parents. The first rehabilitation centre for teenagers addicted to video games has been set up in London following the urge of parents (Taylor, 2010, p9). Parents have expressed concerns on the influence on video games on the psychological and social behaviour of children (Gunter, 1998, p35). Most video games have parental control through which the type, intensity and mode of play can be controlled by parents. But recent research has shown that only one-fifth of the parents are exercising their control over purchase of video games, with 55% of stores educating them on ratings (Walsh et al. 2003). Lee et al. (2009, p562) have put forward that the technological aspect has an influence on violent psychological behaviour in a way that a game played using less sophisticated graphics and audio do less harm. But here also, time is the deciding factor as continuous exposure to the virtual world even in low resolution graphics can cause psychological imbalance and health problems. Even though clear correlation between violent shooting attacks by teenagers and interactive gaming has not been established in all cases, the increase in vocal abuse and insensitiveness towards crime itself are appalling. American Health Associations research has given results stating that time spend by teenagers belonging to lower socio-economic status playing games was almost five fold than those of their educated and rich counterparts (ScienceDaily, 2008). This shows that education, and not money is the judging factor for use of technology. Conclusion
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
ADHD in Females Essay -- Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
ADHD in Females Grace is a second grader. She sits quietly with her hand folded in front of her and watches tv. She sees Dumbo and thinks of the stuffed elephant on her bed. She remembers her brother winning it for her at a carnival, where she got to ride a pony and eat cotton candy. A few minutes pass, and Grace has no idea what is happening around her or on the cartoon. She is not worried, because there really isn't a time that her mind is not wandering. Grace is a well mannered little girl, but suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Like most girls with ADHD, she is not physically hyperactive like the common misconception of people with ADHD. She represents a quarter of the undiagnosed cases of ADHD in females (1). According to the site "What is ADHD..." to be diagnosed as ADHD, a person must fit at least six of the following hyperactive/ impulsive characteristic: often fidgets with hands or squirms in seat; often leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which remaining seated is expected; often runs about or climbs excessively in which it is inappropriate (in adolescents and adults, may be limited to subjective feelings of restlessness); often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly; is often "on the go" or often acts as if "driven by a motor" Ã ¡ often talks excessively; often blurts out answers before questions have been completed; Ã ¡ often has difficulty awaiting turn; often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g. butts into conversations or games) Hyperactivity and impulsiveness are not both needed to be ADHD. An ADHD individual without hyperactivity is interchangably referred to as ADD, which most ADHD females are. Between 3 and 5% of sc... ...Sources 1)What is ADHD?: A General Overview, An extensive and informative site about living with and diagnosing ADHD. 2) ADDvances in Research on Women with ADD, An interview with Sari Solden, M.S. . 3) Subtle Brain Circuit Abnormalities Confirmed In ADHD . 4) Health- Information center on various diseases. . 5)The Disability Named ADD A webstie sponsored by C.H.A.D.D. . 6) Feeling overwhelmed, disorganized, scattered? For women with ADD. . 7) Pet Scan of ADHD vs. non-ADHD brains .
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Skinny about the New Trend
Women come in different sizes. Ideally, there should be no ideal weight for men and women alike. A person’s proper weight should be determined, not by aesthetic standards, but by health standards. Thus, a person’s ideal body weight should be determined by his/her bone structure, height, and other relevant factors, and not by the way certain clothing would look on him/her.Unfortunately, there appears to be a current trend favoring skinny women over their more healthy counterparts, especially in the glamorous circles such as Hollywood and the high fashion industry. Thus, top international actresses and celebrities, such as Kate Bosworth, Keira Knightley, and Nicole Richie have been spotted sporting very thin figures.In the related world of high fashion, models could be seen strutting in the catwalks looking too thin for comfort. Indeed, it would be considered very unusual if a plus sized woman appears in a catwalk, unless she is promoting a line of maternity clothing or t hose made specifically for plus sized women.The current culture that favors thin women over their more fleshy counterparts could be explained by at least popular phenomena. The first one involves Barbie, a doll that has captured the fancy of young girls all over the world for many years. Barbie has given birth to a specific image of a perfect woman, which image is the standard being aspired for by women, young and old alike.The other cultural phenomenon promoting the overly thin figure is the skinny trend in Hollywood and the high fashion industry, which sends the message that only skinny women could look beautiful in fabulous dresses. Barbie is a doll that has captured the interest of both adults and children alike, and male and female alike.Indeed, Barbie could be considered a cultural phenomenon since its creation in the 1950s. Barbie is viewed as the epitome of the perfect woman, who has the beauty and curves that is the envy and dream of every girl or woman. Indeed, the picture of Barbie had a profound and lasting influence in the lives of young girls and women all over the world. However, much of this influence had been negative, following her perceived representation of the ideal feminine.Mattel, Incorporated is responsible for creating Barbie, whose full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts (Vaughan). On March 9, 1959, the doll was officially introduced in the market at a major toy fair in New York (Vaughan). This makes the doll five decades old (Vaughan).Barbie was originally conceptualized by her producers to be a doll that has no clear and identifiable personality (Vaughan). Initially, she was designed to be a toy that would allow little girls to project their own personalities (Vaughan).Barbie was a reaction to a popular doll at the time named Lilli (Wolf). Lilli was a German doll that was known for her large breasts and sexy clothing (Wolf). It sold a lot of numbers, which encouraged Mattel to create a counterpart that would appeal to little girls (Wo lf).Barbie’s creators, Ruth and Elliot Handler, intended to design an adult doll for little girls, which was supposed to be radically different from the popular dolls manufactured for young girls at the time, which all looked like babies (Wolf). Thus, Barbie was designed to be 11  ½ inches tall (Wolf). She also weighed 11 ounces (Wolf). Thus, in her debut, she wore a swimsuit, thereby sporting the image of a teenage model (Wolf). Barbie thus debuted as â€Å"the first doll in America with a adult body.†(Wolf).Initially, Barbie did not meet instant success (Wolf). Despite her entrance as the first of her kind in the American market, consumers appeared to be unprepared for Barbie’s arrival (Wolf). In particular, mothers had been primarily horrified at the sight of Barbie’s adult body (Wolf). Mothers were concerned that this new doll was exuding way too much sex appeal to be good for their little girls (Wolf). Hence, upon her entry to the American market, Barbie did not immediately become the cultural icon that she is today (Wolf).Later on, however, Barbie experienced certain changes in and developments in the consumer scene which allowed her to penetrate popular culture (Wolf). The first development involved the introduction of the television set to the market (Wolf). In 1950s, the television was introduced, which presented itself as a major medium that could reach the most number of people (Wolf).This major economic episode permitted Barbie to reach her target market of mothers, teenagers and girls (Wolf). Thus, little girls who saw the television ads asked their mothers to buy them the new beautiful doll (Wolf). This made Barbie a household name (Wolf).The second economical development was a result of the strong economy that emerged after the war (Wolf). At that time, middle-class suburban families began to get on their feet. This allowed teenagers to earn enough money to buy these Barbie dolls on their own, without asking for he lp from their parents (Wolf). This was good for the doll business, because sales of the Barbie dolls shot up (Wolf).
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Term Paper
Free Term Paper Free Term Paper Free Term Paper Free term paper has many advantages as well as disadvantages. From one side, free term paper gives you a chance to read a relevant sample on your topic before you start writing your own paper. From the other side, many students copy free term paper and submit it as their own. Copying results in plagiarism and F for the course. offers the following services: 1) free term paper samples; 2) free term paper writing tips; 3) custom term paper writing service. The benefits of custom written papers are many. Firstly, custom term paper is written from scratch. Secondly, custom term paper is never posted online. Thirdly, you can ask for as many revisions as you need! Do not hesitate to order professional term paper writing service at our site! Free Term Paper Sample Nuclear power has been used in desalting plants. As a precedent for such an idea there are combination steam-electric and water-conversion plants such as that operating on the island of Aruba in the West Indies. Here the by-product heat from a power plant is used to desalt the island's drinking water. The first nuclear-powered desalination plant was built by the United States at its military base at McMurdo Sound in the Antarctic. This is a small unit, producing 14,400 gallons of fresh water daily, and not economically competitive with conventionally fueled distillation plants. However, since it is very costly to import fuel to this distant base, the nuclear desalting plant was judged to be advisable. Experts feel that to compete with coal, oil, or gas, nuclear power must produce at least 50 megawatts of power and ten million gallons of fresh water a day. Russia seems to have a lead on the United States in the field of large nuclear desalination plants. In the city of Shevchenko on the and east shore of the Caspian Sea, there is a conventional power-plant-desalination combination supplying 1 1/2 million gallons of fresh water a day. The Russians have immediate plans for another desalination plant at Shevchenko, this one to be supplied with heat from a nuclear power plant. Our country is planning for such nuclear combination plants by the middle of the next decade. In March 1964, the Office of Science and Technology reported the findings of its study of large nuclear-powered desalination plants. Suggested as feasible by 1975 were installations producing from 1000 to 1500 megawatts of power and from 500 to 800 million gallons of water per day. Fresh water would be produced at a cost of less than $0.30 per 1000 gallons. Sites suggested for these giant dual-purpose nuclear-energy plants were Southern California, Arizona, the Gulf Coast, a nd the New York City area. The firm of Atomics International has proposed a combination nuclear power plant and desalination plant for erection in California. This sodium graphite reactor would produce 400,000 kilowatts of electricity and 50 million gallons of byproduct fresh water daily at a cost of only $0.26 per 1000 gallons. On a shorter-range basis, a joint committee of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the Atomic Energy Commission, and the Department of the Interior began investigation of smaller plants producing between 5 and 100 million gallons of fresh water a day and from 150 to 750 megawatts of electricity. These smaller plants are foreseen as early as 1970.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Australia and World War 2 essays
Australia and World War 2 essays Before World War Two, Australia had a strong relationship with Britain and a satisfactory relationship with America but during World War 2 both relationships changed considerably. Britain being a mother country to Australia, Australia had always looked toward Britain for knowledge and advice, so when Britain declared war upon Germany Australia was sure to follow. In Robert Menziess war speech, he proudly acknowledged that he believed that Britain was righteous and that they are supported by the unconquerable spirit of man himself and that the rights of independent people to live their own lives, honest dealing, peaceful settlement of differences and honouring of international obligations were all at stake. Australian troops were sent to Africa to train almost immediately, for 8 months Australian troops had not encountered any battles but Australia had done little to improve their situations for they believed in Britain and what she told them to do. Eventually Britain called upon Australia to defend and to drive back the opposing forces. Australias relationship with Britain was still strong. The first major change between Britain and Australias relationship took place in 1942. Japan with its intentions to expand and the majority of the worlds power occupied in the European war began its campaign, expanding south into the pacific Japan encountered the naval base of Singapore because the base of Singapore was under Britains control, Australia did not fear the Japanese and felt that it was sufficient enough not to recall its troops to defend Singapore, instead Singapore was supported by the remainder of the Australian troops. With the Australian supporting the British who were defending Singapore, Australians believed Singapore was invincible, so when Singapore fell to the Japanese; Australians awakened to a rude shock; Britain was not a strong as Australian believed to be. The realiza ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Formal Research-based Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Formal Research-based Proposal - Essay Example The National Cancer Institute provides updated information on the deathly costs of smoking: â€Å"People who smoke are up to six times more likely to suffer a heart attack than nonsmokers, and the risk increases with the number of cigarettes smoked. Smoking also causes most cases of chronic lung disease.†Clara Phyllis, an employee in the organization, testified to the harms of smoking: â€Å"I’ve been smoking since I was 14 years old. Now, I have lung cancer. I wish I quit earlier.†Cigarette smoking is connected to the productivity of employees and the performance of the organization because it impacts their welfare. Smokers are three times likely to be absent or late because of their smoking-related illnesses, John Hopkins, a human resource staff, reports. Hopkins underscores the need for addressing smoking at work because he notes that people spend more time working than at other places. He advocates for a centralized effort in addressing this health and firm problem. Since smoking occurs at the workplace, it is important that the company implement a comprehensive workplace-smoking program to benefit the employees and the organization. This paper proposes a wide-ranging workplace-smoking program for the company. Background The organization needs a program that will address the needs of educating smoking employees about the consequences of their smoking and helping them to quit this bad habit. Alley Dimple, another HR staff, has recently collected information about smokers at work. She says: â€Å"Around 5 out of 10 people are smoking several times a day. Many of them are constantly sick with colds and other smoking-related diseases. They are more absent, or late, or in need of medical insurance because of smoking.†Her report shows the urgency of addressing smoking because it affects the health of the employees, while reducing their respective performance. Dimple notes that people need to be educated in why they have to stop smok ing and how they can do it: â€Å"Smokers need guidance. They need to be directed on their way towards recovery. This addiction can be stopped, but it is not something they can or we can do overnight.†She emphasizes the importance of education at the workplace to this effort. Smokers can change their smoking behaviors through education and other organization forms of support. HR staff Hopkins agrees with Dimple that firms need to support smoking cessation programs: â€Å"Smokers are not fully aware of the impacts of their smoking on themselves on others. At the same time, they need help quitting their bad habit. Getting help, however, is not something they do voluntarily easily.†He underscores the role of companies as networks of support. Healey and Zimmerman assert in their book that workplace smoking cessation programs are â€Å"more cost effective than many other clinical prevention services†(321). Adult smokers quit more rapidly when their workplaces are supportive of their efforts (Healey and Zimmerman 321). Apparently, a workplace systems approach can be used to understand the impact of organizations on employees. See figure 1, The Smoker in the Workplace. It explains the environmental factors that impact smoking cessation. Figure 1: The Smoker in the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Employment and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Employment and Society - Essay Example All these factors have a profound influence on the organizational performance of a person; it also affects the psychological contract that a person makes with their employer based on mutual understanding and relationship in a negative manner. An impact on performance and mutual contract can create feelings of alienation and job insecurity as well. These feelings can further augment the stress. A huge responsibility lies on the shoulder of the individual to fight stress so they he/she is able to give the optimum level of efficiency, fulfill the psychological contract as well as fulfilling the family duties (Carole, 2003). There are a number of ways through which these feelings of stress can be curbed; it is the responsibility of the organization as well the individual; the organization can organize stress management seminars and conferences whereas the individual can use stress management techniques as a personal initiative. The duty of care needs to be fulfilled so that they are not called negligent from their responsibilities and become an active member of the corporate as well as the social society. Flexibility while working is of high importance as people from all walks of life need some elasticity towards their work life, timings and atmosphere. For example, for a single mother of two, work time flexibility would mean a peace of mind where she would be able to reach to her kids between normal work times; this will lead to better efficiency on her part as her worries will be less. Therefore, Flexibility is considered one of the biggest attributes that can attract labor towards one’s organization (Kathleen, 2010). Flexibility helps to achieve the goals of both the employee and the employer; flex hours would help the employee by tension free and work according to his/her timings producing quality work which is what the employer wants from the
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