Monday, December 30, 2019
The Manipulation of Language used in both Brave New World and Animal Farm to control the masses Free Essay Example, 1000 words
The Manipulation of Language in both Brave New World and Animal Farm In the novel â€Å"Brave New World†by Aldous Huxley and the novel â€Å"Animal Farm†by George Orwell, the writers discuss the important aspect of manipulation of language and distortion of the truth that is used by the powerful classes to manage and suppress the lower classes. The paper will draw attention to this theme used in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and Animal Farm by George Orwell. There is a strong element of projecting a world where the few in power manipulate language to control the masses by the use of technology, dishonesty through distortion of rhetoric and by class stratification. In both the novels, there is struggle for power and wealth, for survival and diktat through jousting. In doing so, there is chaos and disturbance which gives the reader an apocalyptic image of the world. For example, in Brave New World the society is made to conform to a certain culture and belief system. It is trained into believing that everyone is destined to be in the role that they have been placed into, by influence as the Director of Hatcheries in the novel puts it: "that is the secret of happiness and virtue - liking what youve got to do. We will write a custom essay sample on The Manipulation of Language used in both Brave New World and Animal Farm to control the masses or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now All conditioning aims at that: making people like their inescapable social destiny. †(Huxley, Ch. 1. 1946). The Director of Hatcheries uses his language to keep all the lower classes content with what they had and to explain to them that that was the only way that they could lead a life. Mustapha Mond believes that the future idealistic world will consist of conditioned and processed humans who will submit to the social conventionality. Hence, he governs a very surreal image of humans who are driven away from books and obliged to chase after science. Mond uses his knowledge of the Bible and language of Shakespeare to control a totalitarian state. He makes language a paradox for others, so much so that when John quotes the words from The Tempest, â€Å"brave new world†, there is more hostility involved in it than awe because Mustapha Mond creates the World State to look at things in such a manner. Likewise, the language of the pigs bec omes ridiculously elitist, controlling, incoherent and a meandering discourse when they speak. This technique highlights the usurpation of power as one of the dominant themes of the novel. The language controls the reality. The linguistic skills of the pigs overpower the undersized language of the rest of the animals. The novel opens with the narrative that quickly ascertains the dominance of language through the speech of old Major who â€Å"was so highly regarded on the farm that everyone was quite ready to lose an hour’s sleep in order to hear what he had to say†(Orwell, Ch. 1.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Affirmative Action Essay - 1503 Words
Affirmative Action is defined by Websters New World College Dictionary as a policy or program for correcting the effects of discrimination in the employment or education of members of certain groups. The phrase affirmative action was coined by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 when he issued Executive Order 10925, initiating the Presidents Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order 11246. This order required federal contractors to take affirmative action to increase the number of minorities that they employed. Thus affirmative action was born. However, when Kennedy and Johnson established affirmative action, they did not intend for it to have the perverted and distorted†¦show more content†¦The hiring of unqualified employees is harmful to the businesss production. When employees cannot perform their specific tasks, it often leads to error, which costs the company time and money. If the business is continually payi ng for worker error, its profits will decrease, producing a decrease in employee pay. Many times companies are forced to hire unqualified individuals because of quotas. Often when a businesss quota is not filled it is forced to conceive unnecessary jobs for minorities, which is also decreases a companys profit. Incapable employees are a detriment to worker unity as well. If an employee is not as qualified as his or her co-worker, it may create tension and frustration between them, in turn creating another complication.. The second reason it is imperative to abolish the practice of affirmative action is that it often initiates problems for the minorities it originally intended to help. This is apparent in the work place as well as in colleges and universities. The first problem affirmative action establishes for minorities is that it places a stigma on groups who benefit from affirmative action, especially those who actually earn their position because they are qualified for it. Consider an employer who hires a member of a minority group on the basis of merit alone. Many employees automatically assume that the individuals appointment resulted from affirmative action. Thus, any employee who does benefit from affirmativeShow MoreRelatedThe Affirmative Of Affirmative Action Essay1389 Words  | 6 Pages Many affirmative action efforts have been made since the end of the Civil War in order to remedy the results of hundreds of years of slavery, segregation and denial of opportunity for groups that face discrimination. Many African Americans such as President Barack Obama, Senator Cory Booker, the writer Toni Morrison, the literary scholar Henry Louis Gates, media star Oprah Winfrey, and rap star Jay-Z have achieved positions of power and influence in the wider society (Giddens, Duneier, AppelbaumRead MoreAffirmative Action1160 Words  | 5 PagesAffirmative Action Marlene S. Smith MGT/434 October 28, 2013 Thomas Affirmative Action Affirmative action is an action that was purposefully designed to provide full and equal opportunities for employment and education for women, minorities, and other individuals belonging to disadvantaged groups. This paper will assess the rudiments of Affirmative Action as it applies to public and private sector employers. The paper will also evaluate what employers are subject to affirmative actionRead MoreAffirmative Action1559 Words  | 7 PagesRESEARCH PAPER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION INTRODUCTION Affirmative Action is an employment legislation protection system that is intended to address the systemized discrimination faced by women and minorities. It achieves this by enforcing diversity through operational intrusions into recruitment, selection, and other personnel functions and practices in America. Originally, Affirmative Action arose because of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s desire to integrate society on educationalRead MoreAffirmative Action1571 Words  | 7 PagesName Professor Name Management 11th November 2011 Affirmative Action Thesis: Affirmative Action has helped many women and minorities in entering the job market. Although there has been a lot of hue and cry regarding the benefits of the affirmative action and the suitability of candidates selected thorough affirmative action; research has shown that affirmative action is beneficial and the candidates of affirmative action perform as well as those who are selected through theRead MoreAffirmative Actions1078 Words  | 5 PagesRunning Head: AFFERMATIVE ACTION Affirmative Actions Affirmative action is an action taken by an organization to select on the basis of race, gender, or ethnicity by giving due preferences to minorities like women and races being not adequately represented under the existing employment. To make the presentation of all these compositions almost equal in proportion to do away the injustice done in the past. The Supreme Company need to design an affirmative action program in the light ofRead MoreAffirmative Action1759 Words  | 8 PagesAffirmative Action Right? Affirmative action has been around for decades. Some believe it isn’t fair but others do. Those who believe and agree with affirmative action tend to say, â€Å"The principle of affirmative action is to promote societal equality through the preferential treatment of socioeconomically disadvantaged people†(Bidmead, Andrew pg 3). Others that disagree with it and find it unfair simply see it as another form of discrimination, giving one group extra advantages based upon nothingRead MoreAffirmative Action And Its Effects On Affirmative1263 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout America there are many different views on the effects of affirmative action. Many see it as a negative policy which gives an unnecessary advantage to minorities in America. In a 2009 Pew Poll, â€Å"58% of African Americans agree†and only â€Å"22% whites agree†that there should be â€Å"preferential treatment to improve the position of blacks and other minorities†(Public Backs Affirmative Action†). Today affirmative action and other racial injustices tend to be in the spotlight quite often, suchRead MoreAffirmative Action774 Words  | 4 PagesAffirmative action is a practice that is intended to promote opportunities for the â€Å"protected class†which includes minorities, woman, and people with disabilities or any disadvantaged group for that matter. With affirmative action in place people of this protected class are given an even playing field in terms of hiring, promotion, as well as compensation. Historically, affirmative action is only known to have protected African Americans and woman; however that is not the case. Affirmative actionRead MoreAffirmative Action : Gender Action Essay970 Words  | 4 PagesAffirmative Action (ADD PROPER INTRO) Affirmative action, in its broadest sense, are attempts to help create labor and educational opportunities for groups that have been disadvantaged in the past. (Miriam Webster). Evidence has shown that throughout history, many groups have been discriminated against, and because of past (discriminations?), they continue to experience obstacles in areas of hiring, promotion, renting, buying, gaining education, and everyday economic activities. Thus, affirmativeRead MoreAffirmative Action Is An Action Or Policy? Essay1774 Words  | 8 Pages Affirmative Action remains one of the more complicated and controversial topics dealt with in American society. Affirmative Action is an action or policy designed to protect specific groups who suffer from discrimination, and provide them with programs and special opportunities. These government or private programs were designed to set right historical injustices towards the members of these groups who have suffered things like employment and e ducational disadvantages from racial discrimination
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Gender Studies Mocking Jay Free Essays
John J January 20, 2012 Gender Studies Mockingjay â€Å"Katniss will pick whoever she thinks she can’t survive without†(Collins 329). In this passage Gale and Peeta are talking to each other while Katniss over hears them. They are in the middle of their mission on capturing president Snow. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender Studies: Mocking Jay or any similar topic only for you Order Now They think that Katniss is asleep, while Gale says Katniss will pick whoever she thinks she can’t survive without. Katniss conforms to gender stereotypes by being confusing, indecisive, flirty and playing two different people. Katniss shows affection for both Gale and Peeta and confuses both of them throughout the novel on which one she actually loves. Stereotypically, women are confusing people that males can’t understand. This is mostly the case for Peeta getting sent many mixed messages which I think can be common IRL (In real life). Katniss is indecisive and plays both Gale and Peeta. Although judging by this quote Gale is basically saying she will choose Peeta, because Katniss says she can’t live without Peeta. Katniss follows gender stereotypes. Also I find that katniss is not really trying to be manipulative she is just indecisive she can both seem similar, just Katniss has no bad pretentions. Although I think both are stereotypes. Katniss is unsure throughout most of the series until it comes it to question saving someone or killing someone. Katniss never really knows what to do until for example, saving Prim or killing Snow. She never knows whether to fall for Gale or fall for Peeta. She does not know what to do in District Thirteen and does not know what to do in the games or choosing teammates for the games. How to cite Gender Studies: Mocking Jay, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Beowulf and Sir Gawain free essay sample
When envisioning the ideal hero, a person might picture a selfless individual, one who shows bravery in the face of defeat and is willing to beat the overwhelming odds. Often times, a hero is an everyday person who with one selfless act proves them a strong individual. Heroes are not born a hero, it is in the times you least expect it that heroes are made. Heroism is not congenital, rather something that is demonstrated. Yet, the definition of a hero is constantly changing; as society evolves, here is a great deal of variation in the importance of the morals and values within the culture. We have studied multiple heroes this semester thus far, yet two classic poems, Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight include similar heroes who went above what they were called to do, and embraced the challenge that lay before them. Although our definition of a hero has changed, we dont necessarily have to fght a green monster, it is obvious why these two men were highly praised. The idea of a hero has been transformed through time, in the Old and Middle English periods, hen people received their information from the storytellers; heroes came as entertainment for the people to enjoy. During the Old English era, the people were overcome by the epic poem Beowulf, in which the Old English heroic ideals were displayed by the warrior Beowulf in his battles with various monsters that threatened citizens in several countries, noting that none of them were his own. The people of the Middle English period idolized the chivalrous figure of Sir Gawain in stories such as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Each story shows the type of ideal hero that the time period recognized. However, as time has passed from Old to the Middle English eras brought certain changes in the belief of what a true hero encompasses. Even through time, Beowulf and Sir Gawain stories have developed and grown. Their heroic adventures have captured an audience who enjoys seeing a normal human endure non human events, and in the end, becoming the hero that no one expected. Through their bravery and strength, Beowulf and the Green Knight represent the heroes who overcame insurmountable odds to win the loyalty of the people in their respective countries in fourteenth-century England. A quest is a Journey that a hero takes that is often dangerous and endures elements that no normal human can endure. We are first introduced to Beowulfs heroics when he hears of the trouble that his uncle is under. The inspirational Beowulf sets out for the land of Denmark with fourteen of his bravest men. Denmark is ruled by the great King Hrothgar; however for twelve winters Herot, the castle in which the king lived, had been cursed with a demon from deep down in the darkness. In the night it came through the hall of Herot and killed the warriors while they slept. The monsters name is Grendel, the onster of evil (3, 6) and he had left the weaker individuals and taken the lives of some of the strongest men. It was then that Beowulf was called to help, Heard in his home: of heroes then living/ He was stoutest and strongest, sturdy and noble. He the ocean (4, 8-12). Beowulf is preparing a group of finest individuals who will help him to conquer Grendel and help his uncle out. This quote shows how Beowulf is already displaying heroic characteristics such as strength and nobility. To be called to such an event is admiring in itself but what Beowulf goes on to do proves much ore difficult. Beowulf had an ultimate goal in his voyage to his uncle. He had to not only slay Grendel but restore happiness to a country that seemed to have lost all hope. When Grendel returned to the country in hopes of finding more warriors to slay, he instead came face to face with Beowulf, who bore no weapons because he did not want an advantage over the monster. Beowulf was not a large human being and his strength was no greater than the other men who fought with him. His perseverance was what made Beowulf unique. After a gruesome battle, Beowulf was ble to tear the arm of Grendel off his body and forcing him out of the country, back to the marshes to die. What makes this battle so unique is two main points. Most people are heroes for their country and their people, Beowulf wasnt part of this country and besides his uncle had very little ties to Denmark. His ability to fght the monster when everyone around him had ultimately failed also makes this battle unique. Beowulf took the monster single handily for most of the fght yet we are given lines that prove that Beowulf never gave up. Unfortunately, Beowulfs days of fghting were not over. Grendels mother became so outraged when she heard of her sons death that she immediately took to Beowulf to kill him. In another heroic battle, one that Beowulf questioned if he would make it, Beowulf hit his lowest point. In the midst of the fght, Gazed on the sea-deeps, that the surging wave-currents/ Were mightily mingled, the mere-flood was gory:/Of the good one the gray-haired together held converse, The hoary of head, that they hoped not to see again/The atheling ever, that exulting in victory/ Hed return there to visit the distinguished folk-ruler: Then many concluded the mere-wolf had killed im. (24, 35-41). It was at this point, where the reader feels that there isnt a way the character can make it out alive after all. To the people, Beowulf was the last hope of survival in the kingdom. With any monster alive, no one was safe. Once again, Beowulf fought back and defeated the mother, even after they all believed that the blood they saw seeping up had to be Beowulf, he emerged victoriously. After that fight, Beowulf returned home to become king. A country that didnt need his help saw his abilities and awarded him with the highest honor. Beowulfs days offghting were ot over and after a number of years he found himself in the midst of turmoil. Through each battle though Beowulf succeeded and only gave us more reason to call him a hero. Beowulfs biggest downfall was letting the idea of being a hero get to his head. He was able to accomplish something that seems to anyone else, non human like characteristics. Beowulfs bravery and poise in time of battle proved himself not only a hero in his time period but one that has developed and continued through the ages. We dont read about monsters coming into castles today, but yet as we continue o read Beowulf, we are still inclined to consider him the hero. Another poem that embodies another type of hero is Sir Gawain in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight who unlike Beowulf was not called upon to country to help out but instead in a brief moment choose his life to save others. While enjoying a meal with King Arthur, a head off. Without thinking, Sir Gawain volunteered himself and took an axe to the knights head. With surprise, the knight bent down and picked up his head. As everyone was in awe, the knight informed Sir Gawain that in a years time he must come and find the knight to finish his quest. Like Beowulf, he followed the knights orders and went on with the quest in due time. When the time came for Sir Gawain to accompany the knight in his castle they agreed to exchange their days worth of earnings. On the first day, the Green Knight came home from a day of hunting to trade a deer for a kiss that Gawain had admitted and believed had come from the wife of the knight. On the second day, Gawain was awarded a wild boar head on a stick for two kisses from the knights wife. Finally, on the third day Gawain was given a fox pelt in exchange for three kisses and a green elt with magical powers; however, Gawain disobeyed the rules and did not inform the knight that he was given the belt that held the magical powers. Gawain reason behind keeping the belt was because he believed he would soon be beheaded by the knight. The day came that the knight and Sir Gawain were going to fght. Much to his surprise, the knight only nicked his neck, causing no serious issue. Sir Gawain believed that it was the belt that saved his life until the knight informed him that it was not the belt, but that this deal was arranged far in advance and that the belt roved to not assist at all. In shame, Sir Gawain returned home embarrassed that he had lied about the belt. He didnt want to return to his country knowing that he had let not only King Arthur down, but the men that looked up to him. What Sir Gawain wasnt expecting was that the country truly was pleased with his heroics. It didnt matter whether he beat the monster or not, Sir Gawain was a hero to them for going on the quest in the first place. In his honor, they wore the belts around with pride, to show to him that they appreciated all that he did for their country. A hero can be idely defined. It doesnt always take the killing of a beast to become a hero. Sometimes the mere fact that you stand up for a country proves heroic enough. Beowulf and Sir Gawain each respectively became heroes in the minds of others. Their stories is what generations have read and come to admire their bravely. Although both stories can be looked at as very different, in the bigger picture, they both represent the theme of heroics. Sometimes it is better to look at the bigger picture in the story. It isnt who you beat, but what you endure to get there, that is what being a hero truly becomes.
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